Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
A happy new year to the entire readership of Anarchaia, onto another merry year of tumblelogging!
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and days of auld lang syne?
And here’s a hand, my trusty friend
And gie’s a hand o’ thine
We’ll tak’ a cup o’ kindness yet
For auld lang syne.
— Auld Lang Syne
euroPART ist ein Kunstprojekt im Rahmen von 25 PEACES, das zu Beginn von Österreichs Ratspräsidentschaft in der Europäischen Union stattfindet. Ziel des Projektes ist, die unterschiedlichen sozialen, historischen und politischen Entwicklungen in Europa zu reflektieren und dabei Vergangenheit und Zukunft der gelebten Realität miteinander zu verbinden. (a.k.a, alle regen sich drüber auf…)
Did you notice how shops have changed? by Paul Browne. In the end, it’s about satisfying the long tail.
11 years on, battles of apartheid still rage by Rory Carroll in Nieu Bethesda. “The primary school barely functions, jobs are scarce and alcoholism is rampant – the staple drink is a harvest wine that costs 22p a litre.”
Hunchentoot is a web server written in Common Lisp by Edi Weitz. Runs on LispWorks only, though.
Content Creation and Text processing: Work smart by barefootliam. He is very true about doing only semi-perfect scripts.
Von guten Mächten treu und still umgeben,
behütet und getröstet wunderbar, —
so will ich diese Tage mit euch leben
und mit euch gehen in ein neues Jahr;
— Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Von guten Mächten treu und still umgeben
Yet More DRM Stupidity, Ben Laurie on non-working copy “protection”.
The Best of Finding Lisp, 2005, Dave Roberts summarizes the year.
Building a Windows CLISP version, ship “native” .exes.
Koichi’s Brief Ruby Certification, I passed except for the trick question. Darn.
2\o-o/5, Lydia resümiert das Jahr.
Proceedings of the 22nd Chaos Communication Congress. I hope I get there next year.
K5 Predictions for 2006 by codebunny. “It is time to continue our end of the year tradition of predicting what bullshit will go down in the next 365 days.”
RFC 2322: Management of IP numbers by peg-dhcp, very nice one.
Behind the shadow of the wind
The wave is sharp and narrow
To find the needles eye then
To fire with poison arrows
— Meat Puppets, Poison Arrow
The Meat Puppets Live Repository, oh wow. *goes wget*
The most interesting pieces of pop music trivia that you know (that are 100% false). Fun.
The Perils of JavaSchools by Joel Spolsky.
Hey, you make me king for a day
Hey, and then you take it away
And there’s nothing I can say
— Dan Bern, Just About The Time
Guy Steele on Language Design, found on LtU. Makes me wonder why he doesn’t call Fortress by name.
Ruby is NOT a Religion, Gregory Brown says. Good you can be Atheist and Rubyist at the same time. ;-)
In and Out Filters for Hacked mod_ruby, this sounds doubly-evil.
Book review: Agile Web Development with Rails by Ugi Cei. He likes it, as all other reviews do. ;-)
The Best Links 2005 of kottke.org. No, I’m not going to compile such a list for Anarchaia.
Exploiting the Windows XP/2003 Picture and Fax Viewer Metafile Overflow Vulnerability by Nitesh Dhanjani. I’m really thankful for being on OS X.
And there are things these days
That can help you through a phase
Like food & health & fear
I prefer the beer
Not the way that I don’t love you
But the way that I hate myself
— Martha Wainwright, TV Show
Son of a Nut Cracker by Steve Goulet. Nice story.
How Women and Men Use the Internet, “Black women are more likely than are black men to be online”.
Flyersoziotope, Flyer, Flyer, Flyer.
Accelerator: simplified programming of graphics processing units for general-purpose uses via data-parallelism by Vivian Sewelson, Sidd Puri, Jose Oglesby and David Tarditi. “The operations are a subset of those found in languages like APL.”
My American dream
Fell apart at the seams.
You tell me what it means,
You tell me what it means.
— Bob Dylan, Heartland

Digging into Ruby Symbols by Steve Yegge, isn’t it crazy how people can go nuts about features other languages had for decades? (And metaprogramming with eval is lame.)
NOCspeech, lovely names for network hosts.
New WMF 0-day exploit, oh joy, oh glory.
Read Most of O’Reilly’s Hacks Books for Free Using Google, at least while you still can. Probably more interesting from a social than a technical perspective.

GNU Stow is a program for managing the installation of software packages, keeping them separatewhile making them appear to be installed in the same place.
Far away
In some lovely way I hear your call
Whatever happened to them all?
Whatever happened to us all?
— Martha Wainwright, Far Away
RFC 4042: UTF-9 and UTF-18: Efficient Transformation Formats of Unicode by M. Crispin.
The 50-30-20 Rule sounds like a good way to organize each day.
Short glasses more likely to lead to over-indulgence, cheers!
Losing weight with GNUplot, sounds like a plan.
Somewhat pointless fun: ASDF-Install dependencies, I like big graphs.
Überinformation ist der Smog des 21. Jahrhunderts. — Peter Glaser, Das Geheimnis–Reloaded (sehr guter Vortrag!)
Pugs, Implementing Perl 6… and other related technologies. Looks like they have a new blog.
Hashes with default procs as memoized functions, Mauricio documents a common Ruby idiom.
ant is not TeX. ant 0.7 was released on December 22nd.
Sexual Psychology
It’s easier than philosophy
It’s easier than chemistry
Where’s my chemisty?
— Martha Wainwright, Ball and Chain
Following the Rest of You by Patrick Logan. WS against REST against whatever else. Let’s go back to SYSV IPC.
The Design of the Connection Machine by Tamiko Thiel.
Symbols Are Not Immutable Strings, Jim Weirich explains. They aren’t Ruby strings at least…
Become a Try Ruby Narrator Straightaway, Try Ruby gets even better.
22C3 Conference Streaming Homepage, if you want to hear and see what they are doing.
Kong Bomb?, good to read that MacDara Conroy didn’t really like King Kong too much, either.
But you really need to listen to me
Because I’m telling you the truth
I mean this, I’m okay!
(Trust Me)
— My chemical romance, I’m not OK
Decorating type using CSS, imagine the possibilities.
“Programming language paradigms” are meaningless, Slava Pestov says.
Give Mac Explorer to the people, joke of the week at BBC.
I disagree with Paul Graham on Procrastination, Thomas A. Limoncelli says. And he proposes an alternative.
Popping a Pimple by Chris Pirillo. WJW.
A little anti-anti-hype by Steve Yegge. “Python folks never really did understand marketing.” *awaiting the flame-fest*
Logically Out of the Blue, Patrick Logan about The Reasoned Schemer.
Google Fort, “Content hosted on Google Base is exclusive, and not available to any other search engines!” Google Base is lame somehow anyway.
How to become an independent programmer in just 1068 days by Gus Mueller.
Maybe she will understand
And not expect too much from one man
Maybe she can
Or maybe she can’t
— Brendan Benson, Alternative To Love
Crazy Ideas for the York Haskell Compiler. I first wanna have my “small, clean, simple, production strength Haskell compiler”, though. ;-)
lispmachines.net by Bill Bradford contains all kinds of links about and around Lisp.
Mathematicians solve old problem that may have new applications, finding a genus one helicoid.
A Night Elf gave me long trousers for X-Mas, Stefan Scholl plays WoW.
The Ghosts of Internet Time by Andy Oram. I feel sentimental.
Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose
Nothin’, that’s all that Bobby left me, yeah
But, feelin’ good was easy, Lord, when he sang the blues
Hey, feelin’ good was good enough for me, Mm-hmm
Good enough for me and my Bobby Mcgee
— Janis Joplin, Me And Bobby McGee
Who is snooping on my email?, Richard M. Smith wondered. An easy trick. I’d add sending the mail encrypted in various strenghts(!).
AI Memo 410: Viewing Control Structures as Patterns of Passing Messages by Carl Hewitt; the AI lab savy will see how this influenced Scheme.
Grand Challenge, Urban Edition, this is gonna get funny. Send robots that can’t cross a desert into a town.
Dealing with failure is easy: Work hard to improve. Success is also easy to handle: You’ve solved the wrong problem. Work hard to improve. — Alan Perlis
Must We Mean What We Say (In OWL)? by Jennifer Golbeck. The semantic web solves problems we don’t have. ;-)
Practical TeX 2005 booklet, contains transcripts of some nice talks.
Sapphire is a new scripting language reminding me of Smalltalk.
Notable idioms and concepts in Latin.
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover buy you tore him apart
Maybe next year I’ll give it to someone
I’ll give it to someone special.
— Wham!, Last Christmas
The truth about SuprNova.org shutdown, “For a year now, there have been many rumors why SuprNova.org was taken offline.”
DIY - Paper Bookmarks, an awesome idea by Fabio Sirna.
XML Mixed Mode: A New Lexical Syntax for XML Generation in Lisp by Brian Mastenbrook. Nice use of macros.
A Christmas Carol, Rich Bowen made his own audio book.
More about naming conventions, or what Mauricio Fernandez did during christmas. ;-)
How to drink vodka and stay sober, good to know.
Courtney Love Does The Math, Courtney Love’s speech to the Digital Hollywood online entertainment conference. (Which year?)
Dynamics of Digg by Alex Bosworth. IMO it became lame as soon as it was popular.
Yesterday’s just a memory,
Tomorrow is never what it’s supposed to be
And I need you, oh, yeah.
— Bob Dylan, Don’t Fall Apart on Me Tonight
Evolution whispers some secrets, Deborah Smith looks back on a momentous year in science.
Context Free is an environment for editing and rendering CFDG design grammars. Hours of fun.
Odilon Redon was a French painter and graphic artist, one of the outstanding figures of Symbolism.
NetBSD 3.0 is released, very cool. “Far reaching improvements to the network stack will not only provide better performance but also make NetBSD an excellent choice for a VPN gateway.”
Good and Bad Procastination by Paul Graham. Oh yeah.
Calculemus Igitur, I wished I understood a single glyph of this.
Ruby 1.8.4 has been released; mainly bugfixing, but good to have a stable release that doesn’t suck as much as 1.8.3.
Word, Microsoft, Clueless, Gary King lost whatever respect he had for Bill Buxton.
Hey, ein neues frohes Fest, keine Angst
Es wird vorüber gehen
Hey, ein neues frohes Fest, nur Mut
Wir werden es durchstehn
— Die Roten Rosen, Frohes Fest
Qwantz on Robots at lemonodor.
Claro is a simple library that strives to make it easy for people to develop Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) using C on as many platforms as humanly possible.
Have Your DOM and Script It Too, Shaun Inman writes the last one of 24ways. It has been fun, I hope they do it next year again.
Mount Fuji, 3776m, climb it once only.
A Block Costume, _why reinvents instance_eval.
Join The Team, sehr geiler T-Online Bewerbungsscreenshot.
Representing RDF by Patrick Logan. There is more than RDBMS outtathere.
Hold me, baby be near,
You told me that you’d be sincere.
Every day of the year’s like playin’ Russian roulette,
True love, true love, true love tends to forget.
— Bob Dylan, True Love Tends To Forget
You Are Beautiful, fun with cups and fences.
How to Download Google Video, I rather wonder how to easily circumvent the country restriction?
Merry Christmas!, chris blogs and Anarchaia may be updated slower and with less content over the holidays.
Born that man no more may die;
Born to raise the sons of earth;
Born to give them second birth.
— Hark! The herald angels sing
FRACTRAN is a programming language invented by John Conway.
2005 Asshole of the Year Awards by Psycho Dave. “It’s an honor just to be nominated…”
Notable Properties of Specific Numbers, nice list and great site.
The Open Bioinformatics Foundation is a non profit, volunteer run organization focused on supporting open source programming in bioinformatics.
Why Wait for Christmas? (Don’t!), try the Ruby 1.8.4 preview and report your bugs please!
XMLgawk is an experimental extension of the GNU Awk interpreter. It includes a small XML parsing library which is built upon the Expat XML parser. WJW.
Insights on teaching computer programming by Peter van Roy on LtU.
French Attempt to Legalize File Sharing, Thomas Crampton comments.
Edit-in-Place with Ajax, 24ways nears the end.
There is a bitter breed, Oh sweetheart
They will be watching you sometimes
With their bitter hearts
— Interpol, Length Of Love
In event of moon disaster, reading this actually gave me the creeps.
Approaching functional programming from a procedural mindset, Slava Pestov actually debunks Elliotte Rusty Harold’s post on the Ruby Array class.
Exceptional syntax by Nick Benton and Andrew Kennedy. A nice paper apropos of tail calls and exceptions, via LtU.
Daywood Academy is a M/W/F homeschooling webcomic. Be sure to start at the first post if you don’t get it.
Git 1.0.0 released, “The name “1.0.0” ought to mean a significant milestone, but actually it is not.”
Emacs mode for git by Alexandre Julliard. Gotta check that out.
X11R7.0 is an Open Source version of the X Window System that supports Linux and Solaris on Intel and other platforms.
Guide to Goa, Goa is like an oasis in India.
Jeder zweite Deutsche glaubt an Schöpfergott, armes Deutschland. Wann werden unsere Biobücher geändert?
Mutantenerdbeere, WJW.
Einstein Explains the Equivalence of Energy and Matter, listen to Albert Einstein explain his famous formula.
And so may, we make time
Try to find somebody else
This place is mine
— Interpol, C’mere
Xyle scope is an Innovative CSS Tool for Analysis, Debugging, and Fine-tuning. Is there something like that for Firefox?
Inside NetBSD’s CGD an interview with Roland Dowdeswell by Federico Biancuzzi. A Crypto-Graphic Disk surely sounds useful.
JSON and the Dynamic Script Tag: Easy, XML-less Web Services for JavaScript by Jason Levitt. A clever alternative to XMLHttpRequest.
If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies. — Albert Einstein
The Cafe Question by Nitesh Dhanjani is a good question.
A Timely Start, Jean-Louis Leroy compares the performance of scripts in perl and ksh with suprising results.
He whistles and he runs so hold him fast
Breathe the burn, you want to let it last
He might succumb to what you haven’t seen
He has a keen eye for what you used to be
— Interpol, A Time To Be So Small
Try Ruby is Done, Makes HTML Now, nifty addition, _why.
Why conservatives hate MP3 players by Clive Thompson. Of course, one can overdo.
The Hidden Ruby Community by James Britt. “[…], but the reality is that there are good numbers of people actively interested in Ruby, but unaware or indifferent to certain public forums and currents.”
Poly/ML is a full implementation of Standard ML available as open-source. With a cute parrot as mascot.
Guido at Google, matz somehow would have been more cool, no? ;)
Killology is the study of humans killing humans.
mobile blogging—unfortunate signs, I’m sure someone will like that.
Swooshy Curly Quotes Without Images, nice one on 24ways.
Microsoft to pay search users? Google too? Crazy, Sid Steward says. Yeah.
FACE: Faruk’s Animated CSS Enhancements are the
of Web 2.0. :-P
Don’t send no more candles
No matter what you do
Then Willie stopped singing
And the prairie wind blew
The green kept rolling on
For miles and miles
Fields of fuel rolling on for miles
— Neil Young, No Wonder
Come with me on a journey, Jon Hicks has some “best of 2005” lists.
Rubydium progress by Alexander Kellett.
Flying across the Sun, the National Solar Observatory shot a pic of Santa! Awesome.
M-x align-regexp
.I used to live alone before I knew you
And I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch
But love is not a victory march
It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah
— Jeff Buckley, Hallelujah
Analyzing the stdlib using Mauricio’s lexical complexity estimator.
Larry Wall on Perl 6, an interview on Linux Format.
Google 2005 Year-End Zeitgeist, what happened to good old googling for pr0n?
Videos about Nitro and Og.
The O’Reilly Ruby Group Weblog is now online. Lot’s of regulars there.
Computer forensics tools maker hacked, pwned!
TurboGears Book Deal by Jeremy Jones. How cute they get a book too. ;-)
Is Web 2.0 just like one big Unix box?, Paul Browne has a nice analogy, but it doesn’t fit completely.
GoFilter, a collection of Go links on MetaFilter.
Announcing the Ajax Studio of the Pragmatic Programmers.
Thinking Outside the Grid by Molly E. Holzschlag on A List Apart. Yes, yes, yes!
Bury me out on the prairie
Where the buffalo used to roam
You won’t have to shed a tear for me
‘Cause then I won’t be far from home
— Neil Young, Far From Home
Naughty or Nice? CSS Background Images on 24ways. A bit nitpicky, IMO.
A dot for every second in the day, a clock. Very cool.
Rate the best space image of 2005 on space.com. I really like the “Intricate Crab Nebula Poses for Hubble Close-Up”.
Dabble Clip #2: Column Menus, how Dabble compares to Excel’s new pivot tables (which are the only reason to use a spreadsheet for me), very nice.
Most of the complexity in the software is social, rather than technical. — Paul Graham, Reddit rewritten in Python
Can I Get a Ho, John Wiseman is at cool parties.
What’s the single best piece of advice you could give to a new developer? Dan Zambonini asks, and get’s some useful responses.
del.icio.us withdrawl by Timothy M. O’Brien. Lession learned: Backup your data, especially if it’s kept on remote servers. And use a proper database.
EmPy is a powerful and robust templating system for Python. Somehow has a cute syntax.
Undisciplined? Please Stop Writing Software, Obie Fernandez says.
Ruby for Rails: Ruby techniques for Rails developers is David A. Black’s book to appear in April 2006.
Drop the DOCTYPE, Tim Bray says. Hell, yeah, let’s kill DTDs.
The Probabilistic Age on The Long Tail. Somehow I can perfectly (no pun intented) live with that.
You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Treatened by shadows at night, and exposed in the light.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
— Pink Floyd, Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Google Introduces Google Middle Earth, Google Mapping Program Towers Above The Rest, nifty, nifty. :-)
Microsoft will end support for Internet Explorer for Mac on December 31st, 2005, and will provide no further security or performance updates. And there was much rejoicing.
Computing a Glimpse of Randomness by Cristian S. Calude, Michael J. Dinneen, and Chi-Kou Shu. “[…] In particular, every Omega number is strongly noncomputable. The aim of this paper is to describe a procedure, that combines Java programming and mathematical proofs, to compute the exact values of the first 64 bits of a Chaitin Omega.”
The Higgs boson is a hypothetical massive scalar elementary particle predicted to exist by the Standard Model of particle physics.
How complex is your Ruby? Time for some lexical variability analysis, Mauricio Fernandez applies markov-chains to your Ruby code! (And gives hints how to increase complexity ;-))
The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, that project made a big leap since the last time I looked at it.
A linux driver for the Broadcom 43xx wireless chip, a.k.a Airport Extreme! Sounds great. More info.
Tables with style on 24ways. Pretty nice.
Roomba Serial Interface API, you wouldn’t think they still used serial ports in 2005.
It’s a long road behind me
It’s a long road ahead
If you follow every dream, you might get lost
If you follow every dream, you might get lost
— Neil Young, The Painter
Making Holiday Mailings More Efficient by Chris Josephes. Bah, stick them all into Bcc:, done!
AI Memo 2002-008: Keeping Secrets in Hardware: the Microsoft XBox Case Study by Andrew “bunnie” Huang.
17 Mistakes Microsoft Made in the Xbox Security System by Michael Steil. To be presented at the 22c3, good read. Legacy will break your neck.
Oh man, fuck Christmas. There you go.
The departure of the hyper-enthusiasts by Bruce Eckel. “Where did the hyper-enthusiasts go? To Ruby, apparently.” I liked the article until, “Ruby is to Perl what C++ was to C.”
The Atom Syndication Format, published as RFC 4287. Remember that number, guys.
I want you to set me on your tabletop
I want you to look at me and never stop
I will let you change my station
I give instant gratification
— Dan Bern, I Want To Be Your TV
All Systems Go: The Newly Emerging Infrastructure to Support Free Books by bcrowell.
Gesellschaft für Informatik: An deutschen Schulen fehlen Informatiklehrer, bingo.
Can we still say that nobody owns the Internet?, Andy Oram wonders, and tells sad things.
“Computer” glasses, Timothy M. O’Brien needs them.
Kursprognose-Umfrage, Ist es möglich, von blossem Auge zwischen tatsächlichen Aktienkursverläufen und computergenerierten Kursverläufen zu unterscheiden?
Betas of the Year 2005, as decided by various guys (including me :-)) at The Museum of Modern Betas.
The Least Surprised #9: Dispatching Those Methods of Love and Death. Great, _why!
I wish I had a dollar for everyone that died within that year,
Got ‘em hot by the collar, plenty an old maid shed a tear,
Now within my heart, it sure put on a squeeze.
Oh, that Legionnaire’s disease.
— Bob Dylan, Legionnaire’s Disease
Power PHP Testing by Chris Shiflett. Sleep with the devil!
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) Commentary, subtitled “The Beast Explained”.
Folk, Media & Web 2.0 Studies…, around 1930 there was something like an explosion, triggered by new media technologies and practices.
iJot is a very well done AJAX outliner. All I ask for is export. (And don’t crash Firefox, but that may have been by accident.)
Avoiding CSS Hacks for Internet Explorer on 24ways. Good to know this one.
Chickenfoot for Firefox: Rewrite the Web, take Greasemonkey, Watir and Selenium, shake and mix. Nice.
G-Men Called on W-Hats for WMVD, or how to exploit a MMORPG.
So I have a blog, gratulations, Sir Tim!
An email message about squeezing code into the tiny space of a satellite, by Joseph M. Newcomer. Great story.
No one will ever manipulate
Make me promise to do or die
No one can make me hesitate
What can I lose if they try
— David Gilmour, Love On The Air
The xiv0 Virtual Combinator Processor, Tom Lord’s latest piece of code.
Version Control in Online Software Repositories by Watkins, E. R. and Nicole, D. A.
Ruby for Windows in Under 1K, making WSH talk to tryruby.
PDF of first issue of bOING bOING from 1989, feeling retro today.
A time to dream to himself.
He waves goodbye to his self.
I’ll see you on the other side.
Another man moved by slight of hand.
— Pearl Jam, Sleight Of Hand
Self: The Movie;, a movie by Sun, 1995. Heck, the UI is so awesome, must-see.
Countering Trusting Trust through Diverse Double-Compiling, not bad, not bad.
Asterisk as a baby monitor? by Jeremy Jones.
A sox /dev/dsp | nc
would have been enough :-)
The Tagging Hall of Shame: Amazon, Jennifer Golbeck says.
They say that they believe because pretending to believe is necessary to get the benefits of religion. — Scott Adams, God’s Debris
God’s Debris is available as an ebook for free. Read this! Now. It’s totally awesome.
immer zweimal mehr wie du, Lydia bloggt einen genialen Dialog.
XST: Embedded Scope Transformation, Ron Jeffries codes on.
The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web, a practical guide to web typography.
The Highs and Lows of Web Design in 2005 by Stephen Bryant. AJAX, Rails… everything mentioned.
Lisp Books, Bill Clementson published his Lisp-related Delicious Library.
IFS Designer animates!, very nice too look at.
Lisp Movies, Episode 1: HTTP Client and Server, more screencasts for you. Good one.
Please don’t take what I’m saying amiss
Or misunderstand at a time such as this
Because if such close friends should ever fall out
What would there be left worth fighting about
— David Gilmour, Cruise
Jingle Bells, Exciting things are happening around Google Talk today. […] Jabber has published the experimental draft Jingle specs, which extend XMPP for use in voice over IP (VoIP), video, and other peer-to-peer multimedia sessions.
Holocaustleugner und Tierrechtsfetischisten, Lars Strojny schnitzelt ab (sorry, den konnte ich mir nicht verkneifen).
Aktion Artenschutz, Das Projekt Bedrohte Wörter bittet um Mithilfe. Wir sammeln vom Aussterben bedrohte Wörter, um sie in einer Roten Liste der aussterbenden Wörter zu veröffentlichen und sie so vor dem Vergessen zu bewahren.
Random thoughts on the cost of software by Dan Zambonini. Luckily, most assertions aren’t that way.
Logic Programming with Perl and Prolog by Robert Pratte. Two evils at once? ;-)
Version 3.0 (alpha) of the Metasploit Framework Now Available, Nitesh Dhanjani writes: “The Metasploit team has just released version 3.0 (warning: alpha) of their framework. This release is a complete rewrite of the 2.0 version, and it is written in ruby!”
Organizing Files by Karl Vogel. I really should write about my method, which is similar but easier.
Well it’s four in the morning by the sound of the birds,
I’m starin’ at your picture, I’m hearin’ your words.
Baby, they ring in my head like a bell.
— Bob Dylan, Under Your Spell
Franz is a Tough Customer, or how you learn to love the open-source Lisps. :-P (Alternative solution: Become fucking successful and buy Franz.)
The Haskell Programmer’s Guide to the IO Monad — Don’t Panic by Stefan Klinger on LtU. Good read.
The Collatz conjecture is an unresolved conjecture in mathematics. Consider the following operation on an arbitrary positive integer: If the number is even, divide it by two. If the number is odd, triple it and add one.
Lightsaber combat on Wikipedia.
On June 17th, every year, the family goes through a private ritual: we photograph ourselves to stop a fleeting moment, the arrow of time passing by. Rocks.
Synfig is an open-source film-quality 2d vector animation program.
Icons: It’s still orange, Internet Explorer and Mozilla now use the same feed icon.
Putting RSS to Work: Immediate Action Feeds by Mark Woodman. Essential for the Web 2.0.
You ask what is the quality of life?
Seeking to justify the part you play
And hide, fearing it incomplete, to try
To make it any more or less than short and sweet
— David Gilmour, Short And Sweet
The MetaC language extends C in a 100% backward compatible way with reflective features and techniques for refactoring, reconfiguring and modifying arbitrary C source code. A whole rope factory! :-) Shite license, unfortunately.
If news is not in English, did it happen?, Thomas Crampton asks. Yes, but less people know about it. Easy.
Two Things That Bother Me About Google’s New Firefox Extension by Nitesh Dhanjani. All your data is at Google already anyway, they just can’t find it. }:-)
A blog quine and deferred type checks in Ruby, Mauricio Fernandez screencasts impressive things.
ASDF-INSTALLable Library Status by John Wiseman. I wonder how that would look like in Ruby, but there is only one (serious) implementation…
Outside the rain fell dark and slow
While I pondered on this dangerous but
I took a heavenly ride through one silence
I knew the moment had arrived
For killing the past and coming back to life
— Pink Floyd, Coming Back to Life
GENERATION KKK: Passing the Torch, a ZUMA Press Exhibition.
Dependency injection with AspectJ and Spring, Advanced techniques for aspect-oriented developers by Adrian Colyer.
Hacking the jProject, you wont believe this WTF.
NatWest removes clocks from its branches, “to deter customers from complaining about how long they have to queue, according to staff at the bank.” WJW.
ElementTree in the Python standard library? by Jeremy Jones. Good idea, then bazaar-ng will run out-of-the-box.
Al Kaida X-mas, very funny.
This river here runs through the town
This river here is quite reknowned
Everyone wears American shoes
To dance away their American blues
— Dan Bern, I Keep Looking
Disaster Tourism by Thomas Crampton. “Turns out that disasters nowadays do not seem to turn away tourists for long.”
Polymorphic Regular Tree Types and Patterns by Jérôme Vouillon. “We propose a type system based on regular tree grammars, where algebraic datatypes are interpreted in a structural way.”
Book Review: Beyond the C++ Standard Library, reviewed by Peter H. Salus. Probably a must-have if you do serious C++ (which I happily don’t :P).
On the zeroth day, God created C. — zem
Off the grid….., Chris Josephes has a nice VOIP horror story.
The Bumblelog is over, too bad :(
180° news is a collaborative news site. We monitor incoming news from around the globe and our readers determine which stories are truly important. This is achieved through story voting.
Djinn, a theorem prover in Haskell, for Haskell. Very cool.
O’Reilly Emerging Telephony site. “We’ll be covering the latest happenings in telecommunications, from VoIP and Internet Telephony to new mobile applications and devices to the policy and regulatory issues that impact these important technologies.”
Rubyless Ruby on RedHanded, or tryruby over the shell. Nice hack.
Coils up and round me
Teasing your poetry
Switch me on
Turn me up
Oh child of venus
You’re just made for love
— Goldfrapp, Ooh La La
Rails 1.0 is released!, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, erm, you know. “Rails 1.1 is already pretty far along in development and will see some of the biggest upgrades of any Rails release.”
Rails presentations, I didn’t yet see those slides.
Yindo technology seamlessly blends the Internet and desktop into a single, powerful light-weight application and media platform.
CSS for bar graphs can be done in a very beautiful way.
Aquarium is yet another half-way finished Web application framework written in Python; just because they seem to want to have more of them than Ruby does have templating engines.
Forget The Debugger on The Wiki.
I don’t want this anger that’s burning in me
It’s something from which it’s so hard to be free
But none of the tears that we cry in sorrow or rage
Can make any difference, or turn back the page
— David Gilmour, Murder
SaveTookie.org, and you still can help.
Thousands Rally as Tookie Dies, The scene at San Quentin as California executes its controversial inmate.
Williams frustrated at life’s end, Crips gang co-founder put to death for 4 murders, CNN writes.
To pretend the death penalty is going to end crime in the United States is to fool people, to promote public ignorance. — Rudolph W. Giuliani
Bob Lost, John Wiseman explains what he does at work. Like most people, using technology to fix social problems. :-)
Nessus 3.0.0 released!, but not Free anymore.
The hammer that I once brung down now hovers over me.
Cast a shadow across, onto me.
— Pearl Jam, Dead Man
Transitional vs. Strict Markup on 24ways. Rather easy… try to do strict for new things and transitional else.
Zimtsterne Version 1.0, Lydia backt. Amüsant und köstlich (zumindest die Beschreibung).
Glückwunsch! Der Siebenpunkt-Marienkäfer ist Insekt des Jahres 2006. Sehr schön, Coccinella septempunctata.
Top N Papers 2005, a list at LtU. Always good to see what happened this year. Nice stuff you really should have a look into.
Why Lisp Still Hasn’t Won, chromatic analyzes. (And I actually didn’t see why they wrote a site as simple as that in Lisp at all…)
IceShotGlasses, do it yourself. Cheers!
The has to be one of the saddest and most ironic things I have ever seen by Griffin Caprio.
Refactoring “support” for Ruby?, not the worst idea.
Usable Ruby folding for Vim, second update, Mauricio keeps hacking.
I’m dreaming of a white christmas,
with every christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright,
and may all your christmases be white.
— Die Roten Rosen, White Christmas
Bill Gates will Werbeeinnahmen mit Web-Nutzern teilen, ich suche noch das Götz-Zitat…
Will more moblog help?, Joi Ito tries to find the time to blog.
Introduction to Scriptaculous Effects on 24ways. Eye candy is tasty.
Kakuro are the mathematical equivalent of crosswords. Also known as Cross Sums or Kakro in Japan they have recently come to the UK featuring in The Guardian newspaper.
Their stone faces froze, their blood pressures rose They frowned and stared, they hissed and glared– But just at the pint of danger, something odd began to change there As they stared, as they stared, as they stared– — Dan Bern, Geneva Romance
Inverse Panorama, flat faces by Steve on the Highly Def Blog.
VTD-XML is a non-validating, “non-extractive” XML processing software API implementing Virtual Token Descriptor. Java and C.
Getting Things Done, Wikipedia now has a good overview.
Der Papst ist ein Depp. Das können Sie ruhig schreiben. — Monika Spring, ex-CVP Kommunikationschefin
Minara is a programmable graphics program editor. Think of it as “Emacs for graphics”, an environment for working with vector graphics that can be customised and extended from the ground up.
Die Zukunft in der Blogosphäre – Ruinieren oder beleben Blogger den politischen Journalismus? Folien vom Schockwellenreiter, sehr schön.
The Web 2.0 validator (beta version ~2.7183). How Web 2.0 are you?
I just can’t be happy, love
Unless you’re happy too
It’s bad out there
High water everywhere
— Bob Dylan, High Water
Weekend Beat/ “It’s not really sex”: Nothing stops teens from selling their saliva. By Akihito Usui.
72 bands, the solution to the big picture.
Extreme Macro Photography on a budget using a Pringles can.
Massive explosions hit fuel depot, a fire is continuing to blaze at a fuel depot in Hertfordshire after a series of large explosions sent black smoke drifting across south-east England. How big?
An Introduction to Linear Algebra for Pre-Calculus Students by Tamara Anthony Carter, Richard A. Tapia, and Anne Papakonstantinou.
Generic views by Stefan Holdermans on LtU.
This year we’ll give presents
Not only to the Christians
We’ll give ‘em to the Muslims, to the Hindus and the Jews
I’ve pretty much decided that this is what we’re gonna do
But I’d like to get some feedback
Hear what you guys think too
— Dan Bern, Dan Bern’s Christmas Song
The Attribute Selector for Fun and (no ad) Profit on 24ways. Oh if we just had complete CSS3 support…
Assassinations Foretold in Moby Dick!, you need just to search to find.
Fitnesse and Ruby—a basic tutorial by Cory Foy.
Auto-Selecting Navigation on 24ways. Nothing special, but a very nifty trick.
Das ganz persönliche Weihnachtsgeschenk, darauf hat die Welt gewartet: Geschenke mit DNA.
Sproutliner is a free web service that helps you manage your projects and ideas (think of it as a supercharged structured to-do list). Add RESTful export and you have a kick-ass app.
HOW TO: Make a ring out of a soda bottle, I just tried it. My fingers are a bit too thin, though.
Can you grow cress in a keyboard? by Johannes Hjorth. WJW.
French Government Lobbied to Ban Free Software, illegal it’s more fun anyway.
Plötzlich steigen Wolken auf—dick und rabenschwarz.
Nichts ist jetzt mehr übrig von der sternenklaren Nacht.
Die Familie ist im Garten, das Feuer längst im Dachstuhl,
Alarm in der ganzen Nachbarschaft.
— Die Roten Rosen, Weihnachten bei den Brandts
Turn AirPort Off, let’s hope that doesn’t really work.
What is 99% uptime anyway? by Ian Holsman. It’s good to see this in relation to a year.
3-2-1-meins: Ein Excel-Sicherheitsloch zu versteigern. Super Idee.
Samorost 2, the sequel of the probably best Flash point-and-click game ever. Awesome.
Web Design and Development Trends for 2006 by Andy Budd. I love speculation.
Riesenmuschi mit zwei beinharten Beinen auf dem Learning GNU Emacs Cover gefunden. SFW.
Unwed Numbers, The mathematics of Sudoku, a puzzle that boasts “No math required!” By Brian Hayes.
Small Services Statement 1.0 by Dan Moniz. This will work, I’m sure.
I’m looking for a girl, I think you know the kind,
the kind that makes you come six times by the end of your sleigh ride.
We’d make each other hot, we’d hold each other tight
and if my christmas wish comes true, we’d do it every night.
— Die Roten Rosen, Jingle Bells
Reddit and Lisp psychosis, good analysis by Dave Roberts.
So, um. Brian Mastenbrook claims that he would use Factor over Ruby if he was to rewrite Reddit. What makes him think that his Lisp knowledge is useless in Ruby? And Factor doesn’t have cons anymore, remember.
The Ruby Array API, Jim Weirich compares opinions. IMO, it doesn’t matter whether it’s 78 methods or 25, as long as they do what you need every day (too bad, Common Lisp }:-)).
The Tetris Story by Vadim Gerasimov, the inventor of Tetris.
Firicat, an online collaborative Wolof dictionary. Firicat is different from other Wolof dictionaries because it’s not built by ‘experts’; instead it’s created by the everyday users of the Wolof language (yes, including you).
rsstroom reader – toilet paper printer! Anarchaia will be full of weird shit after use.
The Viamatic foXpose plugin is a tiny little extension that lets you view all your tabs inside a browser window. Wohoo, but slooow.
Ach, was haben wir geweint… Die miesesten Witze auf Spiegel Online. (Sie haben ihre eigene Comic-Abteilung vergessen }}:-), die gelisteten sind nicht soo schlecht.)

Gebt den Juden Schleswig-Holstein! Von Henryk M. Broder. Wieso nicht Elass-Lothringen?
Metaphor, Complexity and Postmodern Programming, Nat Price on the Livschitz interview. Read it.
‘Cos we will never listen to your rules (no)
We will never do what others do (no)
Know what we want and we get it from you
Do what we like and we like what we do
— Andrew W. K., Party Hard
Gott empfiehlt Firefox 1.5, wenn das kein Grund ist. :-P “Der “V838 Monocerotis” mit seinem prächtigen Schweif soll Ähnlichkeit mit dem Firefox-Logo haben.”
The future of HTML, Part 1: WHATWG, The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group’s approach to improving HTML. By Edd Dumbill.
Wikipedia:WikiPress/Download, wer hat noch paar Gig Traffic frei? :-)
Transforming XML & the REXML Pull Parser, Ruby and XML mix it up. By James Britt for Dr. Dobb’s Journal.
Hey Feynman, everything about Richard P. Feynman.
Kevin allein zuhaus, Lydia und Veränderung von essbaren Produkten.
Open Source and IT Certifications by Dru Lavigne. “As our first year draws to a close, I’d like to take a light-hearted and slightly tongue in cheek look at what it is like to be involved in such a massive undertaking.”
Putting the World into “World Wide Web” on 24ways. Putting I18n and L10n into the W3.
My life makes perfect sense
Lust and food and violence
Sex and money are my major kicks
Get me in a fight I like dirty tricks
— Dire Straits, Heavy Fuel
Second Ruby on Rails Studio, annouced by PragDave.
Does rivalry rewire the rapping web? Social networks of rappers differ from all other human networks. (Also they get smaller all the time because the members shoot themselves all the time :-P)).
Testing Files and Test Modules in Perl by Phil Crow.
I, for one, welcome our new robo-rabbi terminator overlords, Jamie Zawiniski says: “Judaism is so awesome – it’s the only religion composed entirely of loopholes!” Read the comments.
Aufruf zum Anruf: Vorratsdatenspeicherung verhindern – jetzt! , sagt der CCC.
Podcast style issue, Thomas Crampton wonders how to quote in podcasts.

Handling Atom Text and Content Constructs by Uche Ogbuji. I wonder who really implemented that correctly.
Catching Up with the Atom Publishing Protocol by Joe Gregorio. Gonna get interesting.
Fried grasshoppers, I wonder what they taste like.
An additional emblem – the red crystal alongside the red cross and red crescent at the ICRC. Now a Ruby can help the needy.
Keep on keeping on
Keep on keeping on
So long, so long
Bye bye
— John Lennon, Old Dirt Road
John Lennon was shot this day, 25 years ago.
Intellectual rights to magic methods, esp. the patents section is funny.
RubyForge now supports Subversion! The really good version control systems can be used over rsync, by the way. :-)
decodeunicode.org, Unicode 4.0.1 encodes more than 50.000 characters on the Basic Multilingual Plane. Please help in decoding those characters! Great project.
Synchronization and Concurrency in Object-Oriented Languages (SCOOL), the slides of the OOPSLA 2005 Workshop are available.
Test Driven Development articles on Object Mentor. Check out The Craftsman series.
Fusion in less space by Catherine Hope and Graham Hutton on LtU. Very nice, read it.
I Don’t Even Wear a Bow-tie, criticism about John Wiseman’s “criticism”.
Centered Tabs with CSS on 24ways. Not exactly new, but useful.
Ruby Book Sales Surpass Python, ta-ta!
Imagine there’s no countries,
It isn’t hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace…
— John Lennon, Imagine
Why Ajax Sucks (Most of the Time) “by” “Jakob Nielsen”. Also tells when it’s okay to use AJAX (you’ll love it).
Sober is scheduled to Attack on January 2006, gonna be fun.
Phony E-Mail Tricks eBay, Phishing scam at first fools auction site, but not a customer. Somehow lovely.
SUBMARINE HISTORY, An Illustrated Survey of Key Events in Submarine History.
Anneliese Michel war laut Wikipedia, “eine deutsche Katholikin, die nach einem jahrelangen, schweren Leiden, dessen Ursachen bis heute umstritten sind, verstarb. In den letzten Monaten ihres Lebens beteten zwei katholische Priester im Auftrag des Würzburger Bischofs einen Exorzismus für sie.” Es schmerzt das Datum von 1976 lesen zu müssen.
Yet another way to wrap methods in Ruby by Mauricio Fernandez (and actually inspired by me).
Detour is a very nice photoblog.
LINQ: Microsoft goes functional, Phil Wadler on LINQ and how it will compare to Links.
Runt is an implementation of select temporal patterns by Martin Fowler in the super-fantastic Ruby language.
I relive the situation
still see in in my mind
you got my imagination
working overtime
— Dire Straits, You And Your Friend
Wanted: Wiki-like platform for editing PHP pages online, Sid Steward. Your intruders will like it too.
PHPSecurity.org Launches, the site for the book by Chris Shiflett. And they advertize it as being very short, now is that a good thing?
Why isn’t Python doing any better WRT web development?, Jeremy Jones asks. The real answer is “because it sucks”, of course. :-P
Some Useful XEmacs Customizations by Tom Benton. That’s one of the .emacs files I disagree most, but then I use GNU Emacs…
FileEngine Brings a New Business Model to Linux by Emmett Dulaney. I had the idea of a file server appliance with snapshots (also see Plan9) before.
Don’t be eval() on 24ways. “As a general rule, if you’re using eval() there’s probably something wrong with your design.” In general yes, but with JS it sometimes can be the best solution.
Ob Buzz, Avi Bryant links to several reviews of Dabble.
Something I’ve found
Yea, That want to turn around
You got to walk the walk, the walk, the walk
To make any ground
— Foo Fighters, The Last Song
The Patent Anaconda by myrtleglove. Featuring the “one-” and the “zero-click” patent.
The Right Message, Wrong Subject by Robert Cooper. “Too often in the Linux community there is a gut level response that is anti-anything-outside-our-ideal.” But why can’t we just be different?
What’s the matter with Kansas? Arizona doesn’t seem to have the problem… By John Adams. It’s evolution, baby!
Another Reason Why Nessus3 won’t be Released Under the GPL? By Nitesh Dhanjani. Not convincing to me.
OpenSPARC, Sun will release the “source code” of the UltraSPARC T1 processor. Awesome. Let this get common practise, quickly.
Xen 3 is released.
The Key To Understanding by PragDave, this does not always work.
Practical Microformats with hCard on 24ways.
Memory, ecstasy, tyranny, hypocrisy
Betrayed by a kiss on a cool night of bliss
In the valley of the missing link
And you have no time to think.
— Bob Dylan
WITNESS Gala, Joi Ito attended and liked it.
Envisioning a New Language: A Conversation With Sun Microsystems’ Victoria Livschitz. Buzzword alarm.
Yet Another Perl Advent Calendar, they got an unofficial one now.
On Lisp, the Reddit guys about their language switch.
Triumph of Victory, “Sgt. Alan Magee fell 20,000 feet with no parachute and lived. And he made a full recovery.”
Three different ways to allocate people, shown by Thomas A. Limoncelli.
IP Conflict In Norfolk Airport, lovely. I hope the planes don’t run Windows too.
Mann telefoniert mit Hund, traue keiner Statistik…
Videntity.org: Your virtual identity. The last web registration form you’ll ever fill out. Could be promising.
I don’t know how it happened
It all took place so quick
But all I can do is hand it to you
And your latest trick
— Dire Straits, Your Latest Trick
Multiseat X Under X11R6.9/7.0 by Chris Tyler. Sounds like a good school configuration.
code4lib 2006 is loosely structured camp/conference for library technologists to commune, gather/create/share ideas and software, be inspired, and forge collaborations.
Airline Security a Waste of Cash by Bruce Schneier. Very true. There is no “half-secure”.
Porno for Bibles, a nice atheist way to get at scriptures.
Dean on Textpattern 2006, an interview with Dean Allen.
sort_by{rand}’s bias makes BigDecimal cry, Mauricio Fernandez uses the Mathematic Hammer and slays sort_by{rand}. No-one gets hurt.
The sacred and profane
The pleasure and the pain
Somewhere your fingerprints remain concrete
And it’s your face I’m looking for — on every street
— Dire Straits, On Every Street
Canvascape—“3D Walker”, Doom in JavaScript is just crazy.
Night of the living python, you won’t believe it: Reddit has been rewritten in Python. LMAO.
Das Eisverkäufer-am-Strand-Problem illustriert mögliche Strategien zweier Anbieter bei der Suche nach dem optimalen Standort in einer Marktwirtschaft mit Wettbewerb. Kannte ich noch nicht.
The way I feel about Lisp is the way I feel about socialism. Neat ideals and I really wish they worked on humans! — Why The Lucky Stiff, Two Things
18 Tricks to Teach Your Body, among them useful ones.
Magnetic Liquid Weirdness, ferrofluids are cool.
Snakes and Rubies conference recap by Adrian Holovaty. Features lots of links to other recaps.
The Iteration List is a nice way to find a date everyone has time.
Doodle is a web-based meeting scheduler. It is used to find suitable dates for appointments with other people. No registration is necessary.
Tag formats: Can’t we all just get along?, no of course, because we are living in an anarchic folksonomy…
Different applications will need different kinds events: those generated by, say, a cruise missile will be rather different than those of a vending machine (unless it’s designed for particularly tough neighborhoods). — John Vlissides, Type Laundering
WikiMatrix, compare a lot of Wikis.
Sicherheitsrisiko Rauchverbot, meine Güte, endlich einer der durchblickt: “Durch das Verbot verschiebt sich das Problem nur vom Schulhof auf die Straße”.
Why People Aren’t Using Haskell, Dejan Jelovic tries to explain. Therefore, if you want to be special, learn Haskell. :-)
Antigravitation, WJW. Nifty.
The Ruby Advent Calendar is more a blog, but still better than nothing.
Sometimes you communicate all you need to say
Without saying anything, I guess we were that way
— Dan Bern, All We Did
Frustration with Unified Identities by Robert Cooper. We really need an open, decentral and flexible identity management.
thepinkflyer.com, “Why is this flyer pink?”. This is the most awesome social hack I ever saw. Look at all of them!
The Cyclotron Comes to the ‘Hood by Xeni Jardin. “Albert Swank Jr., a 55-year-old civil engineer in Anchorage, Alaska, is a man with a mission. He wants to install a nuclear particle accelerator in his home.”
Emacs-w3m, a simple Emacs interface to w3m.
Ulf’s Home-Page of Programming Language Design, a hell of a lot of stuff.
Developer Notes for prototype.js by Sergio Pereira. I wish I found that site sooner.
(Mit) Windows Umgehen, der Bildblog versucht zu erklären, wie man Windows auf einem iBook lernt… ganz toll, Bild!
Sex with humans is boring by an expert of elf-sex. PNSFW.
Plain text to XML, again, this solution “cheats” by using a custom SAX parser. But with SGML, it would be possible in general(!).
The birds are in their pockets
The shoes are in their sense
The brazen, blazin’ butterflies
Are stunning in their silence
— Dan Bern, Changes
GetToZ.com, a link game. Start at Site A and link through to Site Z.
When murder hits the blogosphere, Personal sites suddenly very public in aftermath of Pennsylvania killing. Of course, every blog has to be taken with a grain of salt.
Monopoly Money for self-printing. (Will the printers actually print it? :-P)
Boxes can be used for holding special gifts, or they can be the gift! Try your hand at any of these unique box templates!
Linear Programming, Frequently Asked Questions of sci.op-research.
Blog before you Think! is Saurier Duval’s nice blog about the web.
How I Did It: RubyStuff.com, James Britt explains how to scrape screens.
Looking for Podcast Equipment for Recording in the Field by Daniel H. Steinberg. A war podcast would be cool, somehow. :-P
And now the heart is filled with gold
As if it was a purse.
But, oh, what kind of love is this
Which goes from bad to worse?
— Bob Dylan, Tears Of Rage
CSS Layout Starting Points on 24ways. These certainly help a lot.
Wenn man nicht weiß, wohin man will, wiesu und Google und Shakespeare.
The Boomerang Nebula, the coolest place in the Universe? “Even the -270C background glow from the Big Bang is warmer than this nebula.” Truly chilly.
Inside the mind of a Mac newbie by Giles Turnbull. Nice story.
Unintentionally sexual comic book covers, Part 1. WJW.
Ruby As An Acceptable LISP, John Wiseman picks up a post by Eric Kidd. Lovely how they speak of Ruby being a Lisp.
Finding weird numbers also is the current Ruby Quiz. (And the reason Anarchaia is rather sparse currently.)
Functional Imperative Rosetta Stone on the Wiki. Now, this is an interesting comparision of C++ and Haskell.
I got pregnant once, did I ever tell you
Couldn’t believe my belly got so distended
I decided to keep it, out came a horse
Still not sure just what God intended
— Dan Bern, Abortion
Happy Birthday, Doppler! Sounds, Sights, and Software of the Doppler Effect by Peter Kirn. A bit late, I know.
The Museum of Modern Betas, awesome.
Swedish Campground or how Apple got the unusual symbol used for the menu command key.
Press Plagiarist of the Year Award, Nominations 2005, vote now!
But the joke was on me
There was nobody even there to call my bluff
I’m going back to New York City
I do believe I’ve had enough
— Bob Dylan, Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues
Hijacking Podcasts by Chris Josephes. This is unfortunate, but can’t really be helped against.
Dabble DB, Patrick Logan judges right, even if he didn’t try it. “I think it will be easier to dabble than it is to jot.”
Lisp Books online, collected by Bill Bradford.
Rediscovering the State of the Art, John Wiseman compares the atmosphere with Lisp and Ruby.
Torrent is a framework for designing workflows. A workflow is essentially a set of tasks which flow based on the dependencies between them.
First quantum byte created, this is cool and not-cool. }:-)
Dead Resurrect Free Downloads by Josh Grossberg. “The site will restore fan-made recordings; however, the more pristine soundboard recordings will remain off-limits for now.”
So if you see me wearing a swastika tonight
Don’t be angry don’t start a fight
Raise your voices up above
Oooh! Swastika love
— Dan Bern, My Little Swastika
Durchgestrichenes Hakenkreuz strafbar, ohne Worte.
Ist denn schon Weihnachten oder was?, der Schockwellenreiter hat eine Gitarre bekommen.
An Explanation of Ems on 24ways. I remembered them differently from TeX…
Macedonia: Wireless Nation by Thomas Crampton. “The entire country of Macedonia will be covered by Wifi, according to an announcement by Strix Systems.”
On Beyond Java—the Web by Tim Bray. “Bruce claims that the “continuation” facility, commonly found in dynamic languages, snaps neatly onto the problem of making the Web look like a linear dialogue.”
The Chandler 0.6 release provides a basic usable calendar to support individuals and small workgroups. FYA.
What’s New in ModSecurity by Ivan Ristic. Looks rather powerful.
Magical Thinking, PragDave makes me laugh.
Hobo No. 373: Amanda C.C. Strobelight, _why found a cute riot girrrrl.
Message in the Sky by S. Hsu, A. Zee. “We argue that the cosmic microwave background (CMB) provides a stupendous opportunity for the Creator of our universe (assuming one exists) to have sent a message to its occupants, using known physics.” I bet sheit says, “Shut the fuck up.”
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.
— Bob Dylan, Forever Young
Investigating parked domain monetization, Joi Ito clarifies. He’s right IMO.
24 ways to impress your friends, an web advent calendar. Yay.
Stirring Sound of Stress, why we sometimes wake up a minute before the alarm rings.
Es gibt vielerlei Lärme. Aber es gibt nur eine Stille. — Kurt Tucholsky, “Zwei Lärme”
New Orleans’s New Connection, City-Owned WiFi System To Be Announced Today. Now, how can I flood our town to get free WiFi? }}:-)
Gib AIDS keine Chance, und nicht nur am 1. Dezember.
Happy birthday, Woody Allen, you’re one of the best ever, gratulations from me too.
Binge drinking ‘triples risk of dementia’, I totally forgot about that.
X-ray Woman, scroll down to make the clothing vanish. NSFW.
Sicherheit in Mobilen Ad hoc Netzwerken (PDF) by Frank Kargl.
The Ruby For Positioning Device project is a set of Ruby programs that allows reading GPS-related information from GPS receivers (GPSr) and saving them in a more appropriate and open format (GPX).
The day they found a cure for aids
Everybody took one little pill and was okay
The people who had plotted to get rid of all the gays
Admitted their guilt and then everything was fine
Everybody else said ‘i didn’t know’
The day they found a cure
— Dan Bern, Cure For Aids
The “3DM” XML 3-way Merging and Differencing Tool by Tancred Lindholm.
“Your music is valuable…” by Robert Daeley. Of course, I backup my DRM-free music…
The “parked domain monetization” business, Joi Ito explains.
The future of security is driven by the hacker. — Gene Hodges, McAfee president
The Twenty Most Critical Internet Security Vulnerabilities can be found at SANS.org.
bobdc.blog, Bob DuCharme has a new weblog.
Attention Networks vs. Social Networks on apophenia. “The world is not an undirected graph and very little about social life online is actually undirected.”
Nobody Really Cares about the Creative Class by Bob Hutchison.
Some Lispers are Retro, John Wiseman presents three retro-lisping projects. I love the idea.
Was Ivan the Terrible Really “Terrible”? by MarshallPoe.
Lock-Free Data Structures using STMs in Haskell by Anthony Discolo, Tim Harris, Simon Marlow, Simon Peyton Jones, and Satnam Singh.
No Xmas for Sony protest badge, very good idea.
wiesu macht Wiener Würstchen aus Tofu. Igitt.
Dojo Done Quick, AJAX toolkit tutorial.
What if there were a Hotspot VM that ran Ruby instead of Java, without any loss of performance, and a version of Eclipse written in and for this new platform? Avi philosophizes.
I had a man, who was long and tall,
Moved his body like a cannon ball.
Fare thee well, my honey, fare thee well.
— Bob Dylan, Dink’s Song
Firefox 1.5, I just updated it and it works very well.
The Trouble with Observer by John Vlissides. How to rewrite a MVC view with the Visitor pattern.