Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
rsstroom reader – toilet paper printer! Anarchaia will be full of weird shit after use.
The Viamatic foXpose plugin is a tiny little extension that lets you view all your tabs inside a browser window. Wohoo, but slooow.
Ach, was haben wir geweint… Die miesesten Witze auf Spiegel Online. (Sie haben ihre eigene Comic-Abteilung vergessen }}:-), die gelisteten sind nicht soo schlecht.)

Gebt den Juden Schleswig-Holstein! Von Henryk M. Broder. Wieso nicht Elass-Lothringen?
Metaphor, Complexity and Postmodern Programming, Nat Price on the Livschitz interview. Read it.
‘Cos we will never listen to your rules (no)
We will never do what others do (no)
Know what we want and we get it from you
Do what we like and we like what we do
— Andrew W. K., Party Hard
Gott empfiehlt Firefox 1.5, wenn das kein Grund ist. :-P “Der “V838 Monocerotis” mit seinem prächtigen Schweif soll Ähnlichkeit mit dem Firefox-Logo haben.”
The future of HTML, Part 1: WHATWG, The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group’s approach to improving HTML. By Edd Dumbill.
Wikipedia:WikiPress/Download, wer hat noch paar Gig Traffic frei? :-)
Transforming XML & the REXML Pull Parser, Ruby and XML mix it up. By James Britt for Dr. Dobb’s Journal.
Hey Feynman, everything about Richard P. Feynman.
Kevin allein zuhaus, Lydia und Veränderung von essbaren Produkten.
Open Source and IT Certifications by Dru Lavigne. “As our first year draws to a close, I’d like to take a light-hearted and slightly tongue in cheek look at what it is like to be involved in such a massive undertaking.”
Putting the World into “World Wide Web” on 24ways. Putting I18n and L10n into the W3.
My life makes perfect sense
Lust and food and violence
Sex and money are my major kicks
Get me in a fight I like dirty tricks
— Dire Straits, Heavy Fuel
Second Ruby on Rails Studio, annouced by PragDave.
Does rivalry rewire the rapping web? Social networks of rappers differ from all other human networks. (Also they get smaller all the time because the members shoot themselves all the time :-P)).
Testing Files and Test Modules in Perl by Phil Crow.
I, for one, welcome our new robo-rabbi terminator overlords, Jamie Zawiniski says: “Judaism is so awesome – it’s the only religion composed entirely of loopholes!” Read the comments.