Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Thoughts on Synchronization Primitives on Mike’s Weblog, featuring an implementation of Join-Calculus for Ruby.
Story of the Sex Pistols, flickred by Jon Hicks. “Found in a old ‘Smash Hits Yearbook’ from 1984, this strip tells the truth about the Sex Pistols! Without any swearing!”
Google Translator: The Universal Language, how google will translate the web.
It’s a great blog, featuring links about the most variate number of subjects, images, quotes, lyrics… it’s almost like a news site, but with useful content instead. — Andre Nathan
Annodex, Open standards for annotating and indexing networked media.
Dictatorship of the Minorities. While I mostly do disagree, I think he has a point with porting software to non-POSIX non-free operating systems (that is, Windows).
Release-critical bugs in Debian Sid, only 17 bugs to go!
My forehead no longer sweet with holy kisses worthy of your fiery lips.
I was floating in a peaceful sea rescued by a sinking ship.
— Mewithoutyou, January 1979
Patentfallen im Internet, Webseiten deutscher EU-Parlamentarier verletzen Trivialpatente. Ungluablich!
Snorlax on Wikipedia.
Is the Open Directory Project in Trouble? Harold Davis says it lacks volunteers.
Open Source: Hear on Public Radio. But where are the OGG streams?
Erich Gamma on Flexibility and Reuse on Artima.
Concurrency oriented programming in Erlang at the Lightweight Languages Workshop (LL2) held at MIT, 2002, commented at Wadler’s Blog.
You’re the Ruby
and I’m the lead
feeling heavy
am I dead
— Phil Roy, Melt
Ruby Weekly News, 23rd–29th May 2005. Guess who is the “Link of the Week”… :-) Thanks, Tim!
Short examples of complex use of state? on LtU. Turns into an interesting discussion on the efficiency of applicative languages.
Ontology is Overrated: Categories, Links, and Tags by Clay Shirky.
Kazakhstan’s Spaceship Junkyard, what happens to the booster stages of Russian rockets?
The Eighth Annual ICFP Programming Contest is coming up. As before, they’ll announce a problem and give you three days to solve it. Two weeks later, they’ll announce a change to the problem specification and give you one day to adapt your program to the new spec. Read life.
The rand() blog, is this the logical next step after Anarchaia? :-)
Franzosen sagen nein, der Schockwellenreiter kommentiert wunderbar.
Inside Google News, Joi Ito explains.
2005 Risks In Global Filmmaking Map. You better know before.
As you sit there in the shade
And reflect on the choices that I have made
Just remember what I’ve done
Has been done in the glare of a blinding sun
— Dan Bern, Suzanne
Sildenafil verursacht keine nichtarteriitische anteriore ischämische Optikusneuropathie. Gut zu wissen.
Higher-Order JavaScript, some notes on how Mark Jason Dominus’s brilliant book Higher-Order Perl’s ideas apply to JavaScript.
SBook5 is an extremely fast, AI-based personal information manager.
The Thunar project aims at developing a new file manager for the next major branch of Xfce.
18 Ways to Define a SETF Expander, Brian Mastenbrook knows them.
Smallthought, How far can you go, one small thought at a time? Avi Bryant’s new company.
So often these days eating Indian food
Passes for spirituality
I don’t meditate
I don’t pray
But I eat two samosas every day
— Dan Bern, Rolling Away
Sin City Comic-to-Screen Comparisons. I’m looking forward.
Zen Refactoring, a post on xp-list.
All this leads me to the conclusion that “Enterprise Software” is a polite way of saying shitty legacy systems and overly complex requirements. — Michael Koziarski
Why “Enterprise” Development is Hard, Koz speaks.
Workroom in a Box, decentral clusterable workstations for schools.
Abusing Amazon images by Nat Gertler. Nice hack!
The Unsolvable Math Problem, George Bernard Dantzig (RIP) did it.
Light-sabre duel puts two in hospital, two Star Wars fans are in a critical condition in hospital after duelling with lightsabres made by filling fluorescent light tubes with petrol. D’oh!
Coffeeshop Turns off Wi-Fi on Weekends, sad but true.
Why smart people defend bad ideas by Scott Berkun.
Beyond Relational Databases: There is more to data access than SQL by Margo Seltzer.
She’s shaking down it’s ever over and done
so kick me, give me
then I’ll know
— Elliot Smith, Cupid’s Trick
Games We’d Like to See, Part One, nice ideas.
ECMAScript for XML (E4X) Specification, E4X adds native XML datatypes to the ECMAScript language, extends the semantics of familiar ECMAScript operators for manipulating XML objects and adds a small set of new operators for common XML operations, such as searching and filtering.
New Web Developer Features in Deer Park Alpha 1, including new CSS3 stuff, SVG support and JS extensions.
Outlook vs Evolution vs Kontact: an e-mail client comparison, or thrice the same screenshots. I think we need a new groupware paradigm.
I love him who is a free spirit and a free heart: thus his head is only the bowels of his heart, but his heart drives him to his downfall. — Nietzsche
iSudoku, is an implementation of the japanese game “Sudoku” or “Su Doku” for Mac OS X. While it looks very good and has a good feel (including keyboard control), it’s no fun to play because it doesnt allow invalid numbers to be entered, making brute-forcing far too easy (don’t kill your number keys, though).
I don’t think I ever actually used Copland at all… — Jamis Buck
Lighttpd Rails Script v2 that creates a lighttpd config on the fly. I wanted to do something like that some time ago, but got never around.
Rexx: Power Through Simplicity. Please, let it die! The R-language is Ruby, not Rexx!
BSDCan 2005 Photos, sound and video torrents are available too.
Safari Sucks Memory, Roger Weeks complains and uses FireFox. I do that too, but FireFox still needs more memory here. :-)
The Rails BetaBook is Ready, congratz to the authors. Bill Katz already reviewed it.
A Performance Comparison of Judy to Hash Tables. Interesting.
It’d be silly to use Lisp only for the sake of using Lisp, if it didn’t help him as much as some other technology could. — John Wiseman
Switcher from Lisp to Erlang. I wouldn’t do that in general, but if you need high concurrency, not using Erlang is hard.
Archiving LISP history is a IMO very important task.
PLT Needs You! I hope they can get what they need.
Seth’s Summer Intern Project sounds great.
Well if fame and fortune ain’t the bride
Don’t go along with suicide
If all the tears so quickly dried
When Elliot Smith died
— Dan Bern, Elliot Smith Died
AutoBlogger, integrates seamlessly into your journaling software, allowing a busy writer to do things that other internet nerds only dream about. Go out on dates. Take an extended vacation. Heck if I knew that!
Joi Ito thinks he becomes boring, not true.
Prix Ars Electronica 2005 Awards Announced.
Second draft of Anonymous Blogging Guide. This could get far more important than I’d like.
BitTorrent Search Launched, Joi Ito says.
Lawrence Lessig and John Hardwicke Fight Sexual Abuse and the American Boychoir School. Lawrence Lessig was repeatedly molested by the charismatic choir director, part of a horrific pattern of child abuse there. Now, as one of America’s most famous lawyers, he’s put his own past on trial to make sure such a thing never happens again.
How to Use Design Patterns, A Conversation with Erich Gamma, Part I.
The Sad, But Interesting Truth About Naked Lunch and William S. Burroughs by Egil Skallagrimson.
100,000th file uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. Yay.
No one has the answer
But one thing is true
You’ve gotta turn on evil
When it’s coming after you
You gotta face it down
And when it tries to hide
You gotta go in after it
And never be denied
— Neil Young, Let’s Roll
Friendly fire by ruderod. ” A tale of a modern day soldier, killed in action. A hero to some, a enemy soldier to others, some words about the death of Pat Tillman.”
Jim Weirich goes to OSCON 2005 and will talk about Dependency Injection. Too bad I can’t make it.
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love My Hand by hmm. Hmm…
Acceptance of Gays in Major American Religions by Icestryke on k5.
Camp Discordia der CCC zu Gast auf dem “Berlin 05 Festival”.
Complex Dynamic Lists: Your Order Please by Christian Heilmann on ALA.
Knapp am Darwin-Award vorbei, 40-jähriger Autoraser versteckt sich unter Schnee in eiskaltem Schmelzwasser. D’oh.
Balloon Bazooka, the ultimate water ballon launcher. Get wet!
wiesu erlebt eine 4+. “amerikaner/-innen tanzen sexueller als deutsche.”
Steve Jenson turns his back to MySQL. Good idea.
In the last days the feeds of Anarchaia and chris blogs were broken. I excuse for not being careful and have fixed everything to have valid XHTML 1.1, valid RSS 2.0 and valid Atom 0.3 again.
Off to Büsum, and yet again I’m offline and in holiday. “A full week without Anarchaia,” I hear you screaming. I know, I know. I will restore your insanity with the big big post that will follow after that period. It’s gonna smash you, believe me.
Sneaky Mustard! (yeah, sneaky), nice blog.
Getting Things Done on a Macintosh, ask MetaFilter.
Programmers Need To Learn Statistics Or I Will Kill Them All, Zed A. Shaw says. Sadly, he’s right.
The Moon on a Stick, kills me.
Well, I think in a way Bob Dylan was sort of the Dan Bern of the ‘60’s. — Dan Bern
OpenID, a distributed identity system, but one that’s actually distributed and doesn’t entirely crumble if one company turns evil or goes out of business.
And those that had money
Looked good but weren’t too happy
And those who didn’t have money
Didn’t look so good and weren’t too happy either
And in a city of three million
Two hundred and sixty nine thousand
Nine hundred eighty four
Everyone was lonely
— Dan Bern, Wasteland
I Suppose It Has to Be OK. A Mu dialog.
Excel-Lite: Hey coder! This spreadsheet’s for you! Sometimes I’d like if it existed.
PIA07941: Mars Odyssey from Two Distances in One Image. The camera’s successful imaging of Odyssey and of the European Space Agency’s Mars Express in April 2005 produced the first pictures of any spacecraft orbiting a foreign planet taken by another spacecraft orbiting that planet. Cool.
Wahlalternative verbreitet 10.000 E-Mail-Adressen, was war eigentlich nocmal der Unterschied zwischen Bcc: und Cc:? :-)
Google Portal, a nice idea if they keep it lightweight.
“Toilette mit Hirn” geht in Produktion, das war auch dringend nötig.
Went out drinking late last night, I had a blast,
Well now the morning light has come and kicked my ass!
— The Offspring, The Worst Hangover Ever
Phreaking Phones with a Voice Recorder by David Battino. 2600 Hz via the iPod? Clever.
A Simpler Ajax Path by Matthew Eernisse. Be careful with that stuff.
OpenBSD 3.7: The Wizard of OS, an interview with the developers.
Stories and Books and You and I, why the lucky stiff about writing books.
Definitional Interpreters for Higher-Order Programming Languages by John C. Reynolds.
Every living thing could use a little mercy now
Only the hand of grace can end the race
Towards another mushroom cloud
People in power, well
They’ll do anything to keep their crown
I love life, and life itself could use some mercy now
— Mary Gauthier, Mercy Now
Build a Wireless Gateway with Perl.
FractaSketch, graphic design inspired by fractal geometry.
War at the Movie Theater, Jim Weirich on cinema as an event.
Joi Ito has a public To-Do List again.
“Also, da mir grade voll langweilig isch,” Andi schnitzelt ab.
Flocks of unmanned aircraft form Bluetooth Linux clusters, Gumstix are cool.
Defeat Laptop Locks With Toilet Paper Tubes, wow!
Richard’s beard, shaved in 15 seconds! “It does itch a lot though and it gets in the way when drinking things like hot chocolate.”
Gosling on Harmony “It seems now clear to me that James Gosling, as previously demostrated, does not have a clue when it comes to Open Source and his latest remarks confirm this.”
Fundamentals are Important, Jonathan Gennick is right. The book looks good, too.
I’m digging a hole
In my back yard
I hit rock and sprung water
I dove in
And ended up in Beijing
Stole me a bike
Joined up with the monks
Because silence
Is worth more these days
Oh Than AOL Time Warner
Or Martha Stewart stocks
— Melissa Ferrick, Beijing
Ballmer: Google might dissapear in the next five years! Myself: Ballmer might dissapear in the next five years!
GraphPath is a little-language for analysing graph-structured data, especially RDF. The syntax of GraphPath is reminiscent of Xpath.
Softwire, a run-time x86 assembler, written in C++.
BitTorrent Goes Trackerless, and can now use Kademlia.
Kademlia: A Peer-to-peer Information System Based on the XOR Metric, by Petar Maymounkov and David Mazières.
TCP does not adequately validate segments before updating timestamp value, US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#637934. I wonder what TCP/IP looked like if they had all these attacks in mind…
Anacron for MacOS 10.4 (Tiger). Uses the new
Kuba startet Linux-Migration Die Volkswirtschaft will Microsoft komplett den Rücken kehren und hat bereits 1.500 Rechner auf Open Source umgestellt.
Consumer Camera Time-Lapse Movies on O’Reilly Digital Media.
Unicode Secrets by Uche Ogbuji. “Do not use any XML tools that do not have solid Unicode support at the core.” Just be careful.
My overall bias is that technology, science, engineering, and company organization are all secondary to the people and human concerns in the endeavor. Companies, ideas, processes, and approaches ultimately fail when humanity is forgotten, ignored, or placed second. — Richard P. Gabriel, Patterns Of Software
Im Still Here, or: Vader Unser (via zeitwissen).
ka-Map open source “Google map” style application, Tyler Mitchell discovered it., it’s based on MapServer.
Insteon is real and could replace X10. Interesting.
Anti-Anti Piracy Seal, a nifty idea. I love it.
Sudoku Fun, a Dashboard Sudoku.
Google’s famed chef leaving, good and free meals are the best. :-)
If you decide to go with the waiter, don’t ask if he thinks a wine is good. Instead, ask if he has tasted the wine. If he says yes, ask what he thought of it. If he says it was “smooth” or “fruity,” he knows nothing. Period. — Vino & Veritas
How to order food in a restaurant, and how others do it.
Gripping photos of an abandoned, rusting amusement park. Scary.
The man is one in a million, I agree.
powerdraw, a deviation by Diamonster. That picture was done in MS Paint in over 500 hours of work!
The Art of Computer Programming Reading Group, to cover the three available volumes of Knuth’s The Art of Computer Programming in a year. Sounds great!
Is Greasemonkey a License for Websites to do their Worst? No, IMO: 1) if the site doesn’t want to be used, they can do that already, 2) enough IE users exist, for reasons whatsoever.
OpenCOBOL, for the lost souls that need it.
What’s up with Enoch Root? I still didn’t manage to fully read Cryptonomicon…
STIX Fonts Project Nears Completion, maybe I can use them in a pre-alpha raft? :-)
Tonight I watch through my window
And I can’t see no lights
Tonight I watch through my window
And I can’t see no rights
— Manu Chao, Mr. Bobby
The Thousand Faces Of Pikachu taken with a Casio wrist camera.
Schlechte Zeiten für Gates. Brasiliens Regierung startet internationale Initiative für die Verbreitung sogenannter Open-source-Programme.
Brazilian Parlament Releases New Website Using Plone. And, from the look, you don’t see it’s a Plone site. Good job.
Mount Everest Blog of the Deutsche Welle.
Creative Commons Expands Internationally & Restructures Its Key Management Team. They are now incorporated in the UK as a nonprofit organization.
“Sklavin Leia-Hundekostüm”, oh my!
We bombed the hospital by mistake, too bad, war is hell
And then we bombed the embassy we thought was something else
We might get to see World War Three by Thanksgiving Day
But as long as the turkey’s golden brown it s all gonna be OK
— Dan Bern, Tape
The Best Desktop Search Engine, Preston Gralla thinks it’s “Windows Desktop Search”. I don’t. :-)
RedHanded Art Liberation Front, Exhibits A-D, featuring the bear that stole the WEBrick code.
The foxes are back! _why released Chapter Six of his Poignant Guide to Ruby. Also, the third chapter will be released in “The Best Software Writing I: Selected and Introduced by Joel Spolsky”. Yay!
Backpack Accepts YAML Payload in it’s webservice API. And they use POST properly…!
The baby from the cover of Nirvana’s Nevermind. He’s now 14 years old.
50 Fun Things To Do With Your iPod.
The Elements of Meaningful XHTML by Tantek, presented at SXSW Interactive.
Open Formats for Services: Hymns, nice microformat.
When Tags Turn Bad, *insert evil laughter*
Charging For Online Newspapers, Brian McConnell describes a solution.
Keyword Selector Tool, Not sure what search terms to bid on? Enter a term related to your site and we will show you… Useful thing.
One of my early managers once shared with me the following piece of advice: if you don’t get your hand slapped at least twice a year, you aren’t pushing the boundaries hard enough. — Sam Ruby, Disclaim This!
Grassroots computing languages hit the big time. IMO, PHP ain’t a programming language.
“Is something wrong?”, she said.
Of course there is.
“You’re still alive.”, she said.
Oh, and do I deserve to be?
Is that the question?
And if so, if so, who answers? Who answers!
— Pearl Jam, Alive
Haskell Tutorial for C Programmers.
Mac Mini FireWire Hard Drive Performance, a quick firewire disk can be 75% faster…
Free Software Foundation and OpenOffice.org team up to escape Java trap, good news.
Engadget & Joystiq’s live coverage of Sony’s PlayStation 3 launch. Hmm.
The Theory of Concatenative Combinators and Joy. Must read.
Everybody said don’t run off like that
Leave something behind for the birds
I said man, whatever, I ain’t nailed down
The wind is bound to take it anyway
— Dan Bern, Learning To Drive
Amazon.com, Ebooks and “Chump Change” on k5.
Monadic i/o and UNIX shell programming. Comparing monads with pipes.
Technorati tracked ten million blogs. Wow.
Hopscotching Arrays with Flip-Flops, oh I love the flip-flop operator!
Making Wrong Code Look Wrong. How could I miss that?
ni9e, a blog about graffiti.
Syntax Hacks, create your own language!
An Introduction to Forth using StackFlow, a graphical metaphor.
Life Hacks and Random Thoughts, Part 1 by Justin French.
Tips for improving your handwriting by Dyas A. Lawson.
So I handed him my bottle, and he drank down my last swallow
Then he bummed a cigarette and asked me for a light
And the night got deathly quiet, and his face lost all expression
Said, if you’re gonna play the game, boy, you gotta learn to play it right
— Don Schlitz, The Gambler
Closures, Objects, and Poor Men. Gotta love that koan.
Mülltrennung bei der Deutschen Bahn von Pylon. Aufschlussreich.
Lemonodor’s first comic done for the 24 Hour Comics Day. Excellent work!
Welcome to Bayosphere …of, by and for the Bay Area.
A great ball of smoke and flame three miles across it was, like a great oil fire billowing and churning, now black smoke, now orange flame. Soon the orange died out and only churning smoke, but this was enveloped in a wonderful purple glow. — Richard Feynman on the atomic bomb
‘This is how science is done’, personal letters by Richard Feynman.
From Flash to DHTML flickr converts. Hallelujah!
Giving Up On Books by Steve Leveen. He’s right, but it feels depressing.
Hmmmm. A content writer. I need one of those for my blog :) — Justin Perkins on The Ideal Web Team
IE7 Has Tabs, suddenly they are great… I wonder what features of today they’ll add in 4 years, maybe greasemonkey?
Blo.gs sold to an unnamed individual.
Why they’re called “scrollbars”.
http://simpleydone.com, I just love this simplistic design!
Hipster PDA on the juice. Think big.
How seven designers lay out their blogs.
Columns & Grids on Mezzoblue.
Dead Pixels Test, I found this extremely useful.
The Universe may Be as large as they say But it wouldn’t be missed If it didn’t exist. — Piet Hein
Ruby on Rails Article in Infoweek.ch, there isn’t much about RoR in german magazines for now.
VuXML, Vulnerabilities and Exposures Markup Language.
Keeping FreeBSD Up-To-Date: A Security Odyssey, a very good overview.
BSDCan Thursday night Registration by Dru Lavigne. Also see BSDCan Day 1, BSDCan Day 2 and The Sunday after BSDCan.
Factor’s generational garbage collector explained by Slava Pestov.
Univac 1100 LISP Fuzzy Source, good old days.
Through the city at nearly the speed of light, that must be a really cool simulation.
The worst foods to eat over a keyboard.
Flipping Out Over Nothin’, one of the craziest daily WTFs I ever saw.
Aaron Swartz server had a head-crash, and he had no backup. Such thing usually only happens once in life.
Blogpoly, Monopoly in the blogosphere ecosystem, via boingboing.
Candy, Candy
Can’t understand why
Candy, Candy
White sugar, blows my mind
— The Addictions, Candy
PowerBook X-Ray via boingboing.
Flying snakes are a small group of species of tree snakes that live in South and Southeast Asia.
New fuel cell opens way for artificial hearts, A Japanese research team has developed a fuel cell that runs on blood without using toxic substances, opening the way for use in artificial hearts and other organs. Scary.
…too much years of Cobol background (a finite language: if it is not in the keyword list, you must do it yourself…) — Alain Feler on ruby-talk
A Design Timeline, watch a web site design progress from start to finish, with each tweak and change being shown as it progresses.
You’re beautiful beyond words
You’re beautiful to me
You can make me cry
Never say goodbye.
— Bob Dylan, Never Say Goodbye
Implicitly Heterogeneous Multi-stage Programming on LtU.
An Annotated Manifesto for Growth.
Link-Fu is a linkblog, a bit like Anarchaia, but low traffic and without the crazyness.
Crack user caught on camera in London bus.
I love you more than ever, more than time and more than love,
I love you more than money and more than the stars above,
Love you more than madness, more than waves upon the sea,
Love you more than life itself, you mean that much to me.
— Bob Dylan, Wedding Song
Mac GNU Privacy Guard, GPG for OS X.
Successful Web Development Methodologies by Martin Bauer.
Do You Know The Ruby Calibre Project?, daigo asks.
Wie man eine Shisha präpariert in einfachen bebilderten Schritten.
Do not undewestimate the power of da mow mow!
libpr0n.com, the Mozilla porn rendering library.
Parallel Programming with Matrix Distributed Processing, a short tutorial (via LtU).
CocoViewX is an freeware Imagebrowser & Viewer for Mac OS X.

Pair J2EE with PHP to implement a common Web application infrastructure, hey, why not add Perl and have three evils at once?
The Other Shoe Drops, Senior Editorial Staff of LinuxWorld Magazine Announce Resignations.
Market fare is major rodent find, funny things happen.
Thought Thieves is about people stealing and profiting from your creation or innovation. Think about it: how would you feel if you saw your hard work being passed off as the property of someone else? What would you do? — Thought Thieves
I would say, ”hey thank you! Did You Say “Intellectual Property”? It’s a Seductive Mirage.
For your convenince and for Google, each page on Anarchaia now contains links to the monthly archives on the bottom. Happy reading.
What COBOL is like, by Ovid.
Language-based security for mobile code, with applications to smart cards by Xavier Leroy.
Why eBay Sucks, Bruce A. Epstein tries to explain.
Let’s “O’Reilly” those guys at “Slashdot.” The Fat Man finds out about verbing.
Games by Karsten Theis, Mutabor sounds cool.
funnyfox.org, advertising Firefox.
Introduction to Reverse Engineering Win32 Applications using Minesweeper as an example.
Peace and love is here to stay and now
I can wake up and face the day
Happy happy happy all the time
Shock treatment, I’m doing fine
— Ramones, Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment
diskchecker.pl, a tool to check if your disks write the cache correctly on fsync().
Teenager’s iPod goes boom, ouch! I guess it was the battery.
Hyper-Threading Considered Harmful. Apparently you can exploit other programs running at the same time on the same CPU. The future is wild.
India eyes own open-source license, I’d favor they reuse existing ones…
Bremens Wirtschaftssenator übergießt Mann mit Sekt—und tritt zurück. Erinnert mich an “Warum essen sie keinen Kuchen?”…
Inside YAPC::NA 2005. chromatic interviews Richard Dice on how to organzie cons and other stuff.
If not for you,
Winter would have no spring,
Couldn’t hear the robin sing,
I just wouldn’t have a clue,
Anyway it wouldn’t ring true,
If not for you.
— Bob Dylan, If Not For You
Firefox was downloaded more than 50 million times. Good work and kudos to the developers!
Beer, python and stuff. How to use Python with dtrace. Should be possible for Ruby too…
“Drop-dead simple” to 0wn? Anton Chuvakin asks.
“We thought Dad had been kidnapped by space aliens!”, Dan Sugalski’s children told him. Kills me.
Professor Dr. Franz Bader replies to a comment I made almost half a year ago. Thanks a lot, Dr. Bader!
Dive Into Greasemonkey, Teaching an old web new tricks.
Free Online Graph Paper / Grid Paper PDFs… Hell, I can remember writing a Delphi program (that must have been a looong time ago…) to create isometric paper. Nowadays I’d use Postscript, or those free PDFs.
Funny photo on Craig’s List mirrored by boingboing.
media.loath.org, “an attempt to keep track of some of what goes into my head.”
Below me the crowd
Slowing gathers around
Cops cars with news cameras too
I just can’t get out of this pain I’m in
And I don’t know what else to do
— Todd Snider, Sunshine
gnoosic finds music you like.
GTDTiddlyWiki — all your tasks are belong to you, a wiki for GTD that is soley written in JavaScript. Very nice, except for the truly annoying animations.
Whole Earth Catalog on Wikipedia.
Google Web Accelerator: We have currently reached our maximum capacity of users, and lots of web applications are still broken…
Gerd Hansen fordert: Open Access gehört ins Urheberrecht. Prima!
Das ist der Herr Bush. Sieht eigentlich ganz nett aus. Isser aber nicht…
One love, one heart
Let’s get together and feel alright
— Bob Marley, All In One
Self-reproducing box robot. Amazing.
Seven Criteria for Evaluating Open-Source Content Management Systems by Abhijeet Chavan.
DokuWiki is a standards compliant, simple to use Wiki, mainly aimed at creating documentation of any kind. PHP, but plain text storage.
Debian in 3.1 Watts running on a Peplink Manga Plus.
Judy is a C library that provides a state-of-the-art core technology that implements a sparse dynamic array.
XForms Patterns: Dynamic URLs and Google Maps.
Do you think that, if you were granted omnipotence and omniscience and millions of years in which to perfect your world, you could produce nothing better than the Ku Klux Klan or the fascists? — Bertrand Russell, Why I Am No Christian
Cellphedia is the 1st Ubiquitous Social Encyclopedia. Nifty idea.
Demystifying geospatial, the basics by Tyler Mitchell.
Errors and AJAX. New concusions on our favourite buzzword.
Sisyphus, In His Own Words, by Friedrich Dionysus.
The Least Surprised #1: The Metadependant. Excellent, _why!
Introducing Rise, an implementation of the well-known Lucene search engine library in Ruby.
Deconstructing Maui X-Stream on DrunkenBlog.
Der Schockwellenreiter wird heute 52. Harzigen Glühstrumpf, wie er wohl selber sagen würde!
The cat’s mustaches — Dashboard security, François Joseph de Kermadec.
A new and interesting language design context, Tom Lord on
, it’s architecture and how to (ab)use it.
Never had no destination, could not get across.
You became my inspiration, oh but what a cost.
— Tom Waits, Grapefruit Moon
arsmathematica.net, The math blog.
Conglomerate aims to be an XML editor that everyone can use. In particular, our primary goal is to create the ultimate editor for DocBook and similar formats.
Telecom Recipes: Cell Phone Theremins. Too bad I forgot my Theremins at home! Fun with acoustical feedback.
Freedom is not Free by Kevin Shockey.
Saunders Mac Lane, Mathematician, 1909-2005. Pioneer of Algebra’s Category Theory.
FDPE05, functional and declarative programming in education.
And I, I don’t mind the pain
Don’t mind the driving rain
I know I will sustain
‘Cause I believe in you.
— Bob Dylan, I Belive In You
Cellang, a cellular automata simulation system.
A Quick Peek at Longhorn, screenshots of Windows Longhord. I don’t ever want to use that…
Compiling Join-Patterns by Luc Maranget and Fabrice Le Fessant.
svk 1.0 is released, or how to make Subversion distributed.
Cage Fighter, Tame Tiger Mail. Can’t stand Mail.app’s new look? This app is simple and sweet. Just choose how you want Mail.app’s new (hideous) interface to look. No thanks, I don’t even use Mail.app.
Debian-Administration.org, System Administration Tips and Resources. Cool.
The Motorized Couch, an East Campus MIT project. Check out the other projects too!
The Computer for the 21st Century by Mark Weiser.
Research on N-Grams in Information Retrieval.
Pferdesattel, Affensattel und Hundesattel, der Schockwellenreiter über Mathe. Nett!
Most people would rather die than think.
In fact, they do. — Bertrand Russell
Why Dependent Types Matter by Thorsten Altenkirch, Conor McBride and James McKinna (via LtU).
Fandom shows that file sharing can create “gained fans” not “lost customers”. Good point.
Extreme Democracy published. It sounds readworthy.
The Ruby Track at OSCON 2005. Let’s hope they post slides for the poor people that can’t attend…
Cleaned in a Gross Way; yeah, I liked to that directly yesterday. I’ll do it again, just for the title. :-)
Making the fire alarm look just like a light switch isn’t an example of daring and innovative design, it’s just dangerous. — Phil Ringnalda, I wonder why buttons look like that
I’m sorry, I can’t kiss it and make it better. Read that. Read it again. Understand it. Do it, ffs!
The Alloy Analyzer is a tool developed by the Software Design Group for analyzing models written in Alloy, a simple structural modeling language based on first-order logic.

Bienvenida a Tijuana
Bienvenida mi amor
De noche a la mañana
Bienvenido a Tijuana…
— Manu Chao, Bienvenida a Tijuana
APL Overview, a powerpoint presentation on APL.
ruby-lang.org 2005 redesign blog, it looks very professional now!
Statifier creates from dynamically linked executables and all it’s libraries one file. This file can be copied and run on another machine without need to drag all it’s libraries.
How to Cool your PC with Dry Ice, a complete guide by on working with Dry Ice so you can reach sub zero temperatures with your CPU and graphics card. If you’ve got nothing better to do…
HyperStat Online Textbook, an online statistics textbook.
Statistics Every Writer Should Know by Robert Niles.
Results from the 2004 Desktop Linux Market survey.
No one ever thought this one would survive
Helpless child, gonna walk a drum beat behind
Lock you in a dream, never let you go
Never let you laugh or smile, not you.
— Ramones, Poison Heart
Deobfuscating International Obfuscated Ruby Contest entries by Florian Groß.
DeepaMehta, maintain your head, and share it. GPL, but Java.
The Dynabook Revisited, A Conversation with Alan Kay.
MacDevCenter.com: Build a Dashboard Widget by Andrew Anderson.
Digital Rights Management Primer, “Before I tell you the punchline is ‘software DRM doesn’t work’…”, nice start. :-)
Darth Vader lawn sprinkler, gotta go buy one!
Flickr is down, no pictures today.
O minha maconha
minha torcida
minha querida
minha galera
— Manu Chao, Minha Galera
URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST. I remember Google constantly resetting the Euruko 2004 wiki.
Go Blogger: Blogger Mobile, blog via SMS and MMS.
Morse code trumps SMS in head-to-head speed texting combat. I always knew that. Can’t morse, though.
Apache Harmony Announce, a free J2SE 5. Or how to reinvent the wheel for the ten-thousandst time. But this time really (and maybe they’ll reuse some Classpath stuff). We’ll see if it gains enough monumentum.
Buffer Overflow, make one on your own!
A History of the GUI by Jeremy Reimer.
“Das Internet ist ein Misthaufen mit Perlen” und Weizenbaum wie immer überkritisch (das muss nicht schlecht sein).
Imagine a flock of ducks in the sky. Listen.
Now remove the ducks. Listen.
What is the sound of no duck quacking?
What should nil respond_to?
— John Carter
Evolutionary Database Design by Fowler and Sadalage.
Edible iPod Shuffles. Tasty!
A Simple and Efficient Implementation for Small Databases by Birell, Jones and Wobber.
But the general idea of nil silently consuming all messages turns duck typing into duck hunting. — James Britt
Understanding Zeroconf and Multicast DNS from 2002.
A Short Guide to mDNS on Ubuntu Linux, aka the DNS part of Bonjour.
Bonjour for Windows, the thing formerly known as Rendezvous.
She talks to birds, she talks to angels,
she talks to trees, she talks to bees.
She don’t talk to me.
Talks to the rainbows and to the seas,
she talks to trees.
She don’t talk to me.
Don’t talk to me.
— Ramones, She Talks To Rainbows
Breaking down the barriers to mapping.
subtext: Uncovering the simplicity of programming, way to simple for me, personally. But the idea is interesting.
Massive Data Aggregation with Perl, RDF, SQL, everything.
Xen Disk I/O benchmarking: NetBSD dom0 vs Linux dom0.
Tales of Rescuing Old Hardware, NetBSD on old laptops.
OpenBSD Song 3.7: “Wizard of OS”.
git for beginners. Tony Luck explains how to use Linus’ VCS.
I say hey, who’s goin’ my way
On that great Alaska Highway
— Dan Bern, Alaska Highway
iEatBrainz uses MusicBrainz to fix your mp3 and aac tags in iTunes after they’ve been ripped using acoustic matchings.
Creative Commons and BzzAgent.
Java Rockets Closer to VB-like Ease with JSR 273 at Artima. Sounds scary.
Farbe bekennen gegen Rechts, sagt der CCC. Lesen!
Es geht beim Hacken um weit mehr als um Lötkolben und gcc, es geht auch um den Traum von einer besseren und freien Gesellschaft. Der Horizont der Hackerin und des Hackers geht weit über den Bildschirmrand hinaus. — CCC Unvereinbarkeitserklärung
Chinese Watermelon Art and Sculpture. Tasty!
N.B.: From May 4th to May 8th I’m in Munich therefore unlikely to blog here or read my mail. 5 days without Anarchaia for you! Could you even go sane? ;-)
Bioconductor is an open source and open development software project for the analysis and comprehension of genomic data.
Carl Rosenberger has some nice ideas on embedded query languages (his use of Java aside) on his blog. But how to optimize them?
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be without a home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?
— Bob Dylan, Like a Rolling Stone
Backpack, personal information management, to do lists, organizer. Kinda “access everywhere” semistructured Wiki.
The gpl-violations.org project tries to raise public awareness about past and present infringing use(r)s of GPL licensed software.
A Call to Arms, Long anticipated, the arrival of radically restructured database architectures is now finally at hand.
Seems it never rains in southern California
Seems I’ve often heard that kind of talk before
It never rains in California, but girl, don’t they warn ya?
It pours, man, it pours
— Albert Hammond, It Never Rains In Southern California
Geobloggers: Mixing Google Maps and Flickr, 170 photos geotagged and counting. Very cool idea, geo-foo is really getting modern. Could be the “Thing of 2005”.
TinaTina — Lieber nackt als blöd! Warum denn nicht nackt und blod? ;-)
Data Mining with R, PDF available too.
R on Aqua screenshot. Looks very useful.
The Whole world will be different soon
The whole world will be relieved
The Whole world will be different soon
The whole world will be relieved
— Pearl Jam, Brain of J
Earthlink R&D shows that IPv6 can be easy, I want IPv6 for everyone by default real soon now!
First Holland Open Software Conference, Kevin Shockey has to say more.
Push Button Paradise relaunched.
Not without my daughter, a blog about getting a daughter.
Moss Graffiti, “This simple yet effective concoction is an old favourite of gardeners trying to encourage moss growth and provides an excellent alternative to spray paint.” Wow.
Exotic Bottled Water, an idea at halfbakery.
Ex seipsa nascens, ex reparabilis ales,
Quae exoriens moritur, quae moriens oritur.
— Vita mihi mors est
Everyday Tips at MonkeyFilter.
One caution before we go any further: Ruby has spoiled many programmers. — Mike Clark
Ruby Learning Test #1: Are You There, World? how Mike Clark learned Ruby, using unit tests. Nifty idea. Also see part two
Tanz den Algorithmus, Arbeiten bei Google.
The Time Traveler Convention, I’d have loved to go there again, but I’m busy in 2037 right now, fixing Unix software.
Manual page for launchd(8), System wide and per-user daemon/agent manager. Vague, but sounds interesting.
Haskore, a Haskell music language is presented on The Monad.Reader.
PEI (Pigeon Enabled Internet) is faster than ADSL.
Dear Microsoft Word, an open letter at craigslist. Four-letter words ahead.
Joi Ito’s photoset of gathering Takenoko (Bamboo Shoots) from his backyard for dinner.
Space Elevator Research at LiftPort Group.
My Pet Fat looks rather disgusting. Ick.
Jean-Claude Wippler’s blog, “a website? a trash can? no, a blog.”. Killed me.
The Role of the Study of Programming Languages in the Education of a Programmer.
“Wow. You’re putting your firmware under the BSD licence??“—Sure. We can always make money by selling the chip, you know. — Lin Rongrong opens PA168. I love the additude.
What will you look like in 40 years? And what do you need to smoke to render all text of a website as graphics?
Winnow Utility Fans, Inc. is the world leader in innovative utilitarian fan designs for every need, every occasion, and every person. Crazy.
ZPL, a portable, high-performance parallel programming language for science and engineering computations. It even has a comic book!
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like
— Queen, Bicycle Race
IE7 Transparent PNG Implementation. Bit too late, MS…
dotquote.org, a forth blog.
Comparing Factor to Other Languages by Daniel Ehrenberg.
I hear the ancient footsteps like the motion of the sea
Sometimes I turn, there’s someone there, other times it’s only me.
I am hanging in the balance of the reality of man
Like every sparrow falling, like every grain of sand.
— Bob Dylan, Every Grain of Sand
Sparklines: Intense, Simple, Word-Sized Graphics, an excerpt of Tufte’s Beautiful Evidence.
Backpack Preview #3: Web 1.0 calling Web 2.0. Somehow very much looks like an idea had before… let’s see how it will turn out.
Beauty is evil
Immaculate evil, don’t you think?
But I’m mopping up stains from a blood transfusion,
Stumbling in the neon groves.
— Adam Green, He’s The Brat
Juho Snellman has a damn nice SBCL shirt. :-) I for one wear a John McCarthy shirt right now.