Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Uni-Pee, an unisex urinal. Not sure one wants to use that. ;-)
How Evil Are You?, I am 40% Evil: “A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.”
WebCap, Web-based Capability List File Format and Model.
backuporama, how Norman Walsh backups.
Piping logs and stuff through HTTP, Mauricio Fernandez shows how easy it is.
Oh I belive in miracles
I believe in a better world for me and you
Oh Oh I believe in miracles
I believe in a better world for me and you
— Ramones, I Believe In Miracles
WebDAV’s Day, why doesn’t Mozilla include a WebDAV client?
The World’s Most Maintainable Programming Language: Part 4, by chromatic. It now turns impossible; how can you give the programmer full power when you still want it to be understood by novices?
Come on take my hand come on little stranger
The spirits are angry, stay away from danger
This is insanity, this could be the end
This is insanity, farewell my friend
— Ramones, Garden Of Serenity
Veni’s joke, written down by Joi Ito. Good one.
A Neat Proof Technique, proving folds sounds a lot like induction to me, no?
Der LinuxTag 2006 wird gemeinsam mit der Vereinigung Deutscher UNIX-Benutzer e.V. (GUUG) vom 3.–6. Mai in den Rhein-Main-Hallen in Wiesbaden veranstaltet. Programm jetzt online.
Tioga is an open-source program you can freely download and use for creating figures and plots using Ruby, PDF, and TeX.
Meeting Driven Development, hehe.

This is the TeX showcase, edited by Gerben Wierda. It contains examples of what you can do with TeX. Contains some very cool things.
Sheena is a punk rocker
Sheena is a punk rocker
Sheena is a punk rocker now
— Ramones, Sheena is a Punk Rocker
Transactional Memory with data invariants, draft sequel to the STM-Haskell paper.
A biscuit is a small baked bread or cake. The exact meaning varies markedly in different parts of the world, sometimes leading to confusion.
Screen Presentation Tools, a big list of “Tools for Creating Screen or Online Presentations”, by Michael Wiedmann.
The World’s Most Maintainable Programming Language: Part 3, by chromatic. I don’t really want to see that language anymore. “People who haven’t already studied programming or higher mathematics find decimal much easier to use. It’s obvious why; it uses almost 40% fewer primitives, lacking A - F!” No, that’s because they’re more used to it!
An electro-graf is a graffiti piece or throw-up that uses conductive spray-paint and magnet paint to embed movable LED display electronics. Another Graffiti Labs production.
Algorithmic urbanist, gasp. Must-see.
I was feeling sick, loosing my mind I heard about these treatments
By a good friend of mine he was always happy smile on his face
He said he had a great time at the place
— Ramones, Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment
Execution in the Kingdom of Nouns, by Steve Yegge. “Today we’re going to hear the story of Evil King Java and his quest for worldwide verb stamp-outage.” Just rocks.
Optimizing Lisp, Joel Reymont posts his experiences. “That’s at least 152Mb of memory allocated disposed of. Reminds me of Haskell! ”
Award for the Silliest User Interface: Windows Search, and what Google would do.
The principal object of management should be to secure maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with maximum prosperity for the employee. — Frederick W. Taylor, The Principles of Scientific Management
All Questions Answered, transcript of a Donald Knuth lecture at TUM München, 2001. “I’ve written more checks to people in Germany than in any other country in the world. I get letters from all over, but my German readers are the best nitpickers that I’ve ever had!”
Zweigleisiger Treuetest, wie hammergeil. WJW.
Interview with Audrey Tang on Perlcast. Must-listen-to.
The World’s Most Maintainable Programming Language, chromatic continues. (And I tend to disagree more: “complete consistence” only works for super-humans. Compare Ruby and Lisp.)
Roll Your Own Frappuccinos, sounds good.
Persistent URLs: really easy (thank you open-uri, SOAP4R, Ruby), Mauricio uses Google to create persistent URLs. Nifty.
What would you do with half our money?, Buy a pony? Donate it to charity? Take your friends out to dinner? Throw it on the floor and roll around in it?
Eclipse over Africa inspires, but some hide indoors, actually, “some others hid indoors in fear of damaging their eyesight.”
Trying to be tender
With somebody I remember
In a night that’s always brighter’n the day.
— Bob Dylan, Seven Days
Planet Haskell aggregates Haskell blogs. Whee.
monadLib, a monad library for Haskell. The library provides a number of building blocks (called monad transformers) that can be combined to quickly construct very complicated monads.
Bit Stream Benchmarks, Implementing Bit Stream Manipulating Programs in Many languages.
Rails 1.1 Releases, And The Crowd Goes Wild, David Demaree collected some links on the release.
REBOL 3.0 Roadmap, by Carl Sassenrath. “REBOL 3.0 is an entirely new REBOL that is being rebuilt from the ground up using many of the insights we have gained over the last eight years of REBOL usage.” Carl, the biggest mistake of REBOL was that it wasn’t free/open source. Don’t repeat that mistake again, please.
Nothing hypnotizes me
Or holds me in a spell
Everything runs by me
Just like water from a well
Everybody wants my attention
Ev’rybody’s got something to sell
‘Cept you, yeah you
— Bob Dylan, Nobody ‘Cept You
The Sad Story of PNG Gamma “Correction”, very sad indeed. :-/ (At least Apple seems to have fixed it in 10.4.)
Rugg is a hard drive and filesystem harness tool that allows you to test and benchmark drives and filesystems, by writing simple to complex scenarios that can mimic the behaviour of real-world applications. Uses a small DSL.
Tumbleblogs vs. RSS, Florian Munz vergleicht einige Methoden. (Da die Kommentare inzwischen leider schon geschlossen sind, hier meine Antwort: Anarchaia hat täglich mehr als 15 Einträge, daher wäre es schwierig(er), Feeds anzubieten, die auch noch den Inhalt der letzten Tage anbieten. Ausserdem wird tumblen dadurch für mich leichter, da ich alles sammeln und am Ende dann ästhetisch aufbereiten kann.)
The Hasty Pudding Cipher is a variable length block cipher. The block size may be any number of bits, even fractional bit values are permitted. The arbitrary block size means that anything can be encrypted without expansion.
More sneak previews of Volume 4, Knuth put up “Pre-Fascicle 0c: Boolean Evaluation”. Enjoy.
PPI Refactoring Editor, read what’s up with the Perl refactoring editor.
The LibXDiff library implements basic and yet complete functionalities to create file differences/patches to both binary and text files. The library uses memory files as file abstraction to achieve both performance and portability.
Fast Times at Phillips 66: The Hooker, by osm. “The station was a freak magnet. The police used our station to fuel up, so we got a lot of good stories from them too.”
Elegance in cipher design is a trap to be avoided. — Richard Schroeppel
Student tries to spend spring break at Wal-Mart, WJW.
A Marriage of Convenience: The Founding of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, by Stefanie Chiou, Craig Music, Kara Sprague and Rebekah Wahba. Highly interesting under the aspect that the non-AI things developed there were far more important.
The World’s Most Maintainable Programming Language: Part 1, by chromatic. Bah, you just need to find good maintenance programmers.
A Haskell bookshelf at programming musings. I should count how much I read already.
Druid Street got a whole domain on its own, nice. (Early versions used to be on Backpack.)
The Religious Affiliation of Comic Book Characters, did you know Lex Luthor was Nietzschian atheist?
Rails 1.1: RJS, Active Record++, respond_to, integration tests, and 500 other things!, the biggest upgrade in Rails history has finally arrived.
Keep your classes subclassable!, good hint, Daniel.
Version X, MacDara Conroy completes the redesign. Very nice!
In Riemann, Hilbert or in Banach space
Let superscripts and subscripts go their ways.
Our asymptotes no longer out of phase,
We shall encounter, counting, face to face.
— Stanisław Lem, Love and Tensor Algebra
Oh Nice, Mongrel Gets Real Money, sponsorship sounds like a good open source development model to me. ;-)
High CPU Utilization in Dapper, by Jeremy Jones. Interesting bug: “The problem is in the 686 kernel and can be resolved (hopefully only temporarily) by reverting to a 386 kernel.”
Thanks, guys!, “Anarchaia is in sailing terms, my starboard and my port.”
Celebrating One Year of Anarchaia, the time has come, and today experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin’ is a whole year old!
For he’s a jolly good fellow,
For he’s a jolly good fellow,
For he’s a jolly good fellow,
Which nobody can deny.
— For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow
Unhappy Birthday, did you know Happy Birthday is copyrighted and the copyright is currently owned and actively enforced by Time Warner?
Rails for Designers, this is for designers who are going to be working with Rails and is intended to give them a good starting point to jump into work with a Rails developer.
The Misp Chronicles XI: Closure Currying, William Taysom continues his series on a tiny Lisp. Must-read, let alone because of his excourse on maths.
Self-referential aptitude test, by Jim Propp. I love it.
To start from my personal view, for moral reasons I am an atheist–for moral reasons. I am of the opinion that you would recognize a creator by his creation, and the world appears to me to be put together in such a painful way that I prefer to believe that it was not created by anyone than to think that somebody created this intentionally. — Stanisław Lem, An Interview with Stanisław Lem
Stanisław Lem died in Kraków on March 27, 2006 at the age of 84. This is sad, he was one of my favourite authors.
Prime Numbers Get Hitched, “In their search for patterns, mathematicians have uncovered unlikely connections between prime numbers and quantum physics. Will the subatomic world help reveal the illusive nature of the primes?” Not sure why the connection is considered unlikely…
Kanzlerin Merkel als Opfer von Videoüberwachung, verbietet sie doch endlich! (Subjekt nach belieben auswählen.)
Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours, a Haskell Tutorial by Jonathan Tang. Hot! Must-read for me.
Understanding XForms: The Model, by Kurt Cagle. “There’s a brief period of shock, a momentary glazing of eyes, then inevitable the utterance, “but it’s so … complicated!””
Can’t you hear that wind howl?
You better come on in my kitchen, babe,
it is goin’ to be rainin’ outdoors.
— Robert Johnson, Come on in my kitchen
Everyone is Here in the Future, says why the lucky stiff. Epileptics beware!
The Axiom Of Choice is a source of subjective and objective information about progressive rock music and related genres. Features MP3 snippets, too.
Shaking up tech publishing, or how to make lots of money by selling PDFs.
Comet: Low Latency Data for the Browser, “In essence, they do not poll the server occasionally. Instead the server has an open line of communication with which it can push data to the client.” Didn’t Netscape try that back in 1998?
It’s a great time to start a business, DHH tells Caterina Fake.
Nontransitive dice – how to win every time, nifty.
Chaosradio ist eine dreistündige Live-Radioshow des Chaos Computer Clubs zu wechselnden Themen rund um Technologie und Gesellschaft. Hat eine neue Webseite erhalten.

foldr.com, ‘nuff said.
I wish i could fly up in a helicopter
I’d shine a blinding light on your escape
Better to show you
That i’ll sink pretty deep, pretty deep, pretty deep
I’ll sink pretty deep, pretty deep, pretty deep
— Tanya Donelly, Pretty Deep
New data transmission record - 60 DVDs per second, now if we could store it that quick…
Scripting flamewar, Gosling comments in an amazingly diplomatic way. (Stopping to talk shit in first place is easier, though.)
Try out Google’s new interface, not convinced.
The Top 15 Skylines in the World v3.0, pretty.
Glück, das Pornoheft für Mädchen. PNSFW.
Her rosy cheeks her ruby lips
Like arrows pierced my breast
And the name she bore was Flora,
the lily of the west.
— Bob Dylan, Lily Of The West
The Zen Slap, in whatever form, shakes together pre-existing knowledge in the recipient’s head, so they see what they (in principle) already know but didn’t see. The right slap can bring two thoughts together that had been sitting next to each other, but unconnected, for a long time… or a set of thoughts needing only one more to make a complete set.
Panda painted onto single hair, what to do if you are bored.
Italy On Rails, the first ever Ruby on Rails conference within Europe to be held in Rome, Italy in the Fall of 2006.
Hyperwords allows you to interact with all the words on the web, giving you greater freedom of movement and greatly increased efficiency. A Firefox extension.
Upgrading to Ubuntu Dapper is a one-liner. Gotta love Debian.
Bumbles is Brandon Jones’ nicely made tumblelog.
Tonic is an open source less is more, RESTful Web application development and Web site management PHP script designed to do things “the right way”, where resources are king and the framework gets out of the way and leaves the developer to get on with it.
eBay of the day: Megaphone Helmets, WJW. Wanna have!
Beautiful code, test-first, by Jamis Buck on SvN.
Graphing Directories with Flash and CL, hmm, I once wrote code to make postscript that looks like that…
Don’t hold on
go get strong
well don’t you know
there is no modern romance
— Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Modern Romance
Copying the sunlight, wo kommste du here meine Sonnelicht?
Refactoring Without Tests, by Adrian Sutton. How to be careful.
Niagara vs ftp.heanet.ie Showdown, by Colm MacCárthaigh. Most comprehensive Niagara T2000 benchmark I found so far.
It makes me shudder to realize that only about 1% of Rails programmers actually understand programming. — Hampton, ruby-talk:185724
Quine’s Paradox, by John Cowan. Tells why logic is useless for daily life.
The Church should be moving away from Windows in preparation for the late arrival of Windows Vista, but it will work out for the atheists too.
Where (if anywhere) are the Boundaries of the Open Source Concept?, by Andy Updegrove.
Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program. It is able to forge or decode packets of a wide number of protocols, send them on the wire, capture them, match requests and replies, and much more. Written in Python.
Paul A. Flaherty died at age 42. He was the inventor of Altavista. Oh, the old times…
An Exercise in Metaprogramming with Ruby, by Hal Fulton.
Light-Transmitting Concrete, very cool.
It’s a bad time to start a company, Caterina Fake says.
The Most Important Algorithms, I somehow feel there is something missing… where is Boyer-Moore or Quicksort?
Hunting Squirrel: The Other White Meat, by t1ber. Thanks, but no thanks.
FpgaC compiles a subset of the C language to net lists which can be imported into an FPGA vendors tool chains.
Photographs that lie, “photoshopping” in 1989.
I can’t see the end of me
my whole expanse I cannot see
I formulate infinity
and store it deep inside of me
— Meat Puppets, Oh Me
Moore’s Law is Crap, Steve Yegge says. “To me, mainstream languages have failed because they’re still fundamentally serial, fundamentally early von Neumann, fundamentally single-box languages.” Required reading.
Resort Hotels of the Stratospheric Future!, ya got a nice view up there.
6 is a really special number. Read why.
What I Learned About Project Development, by Arkaein. “Don’t create interesting but ultimately irrelevant side projects that lead your team astray from the true goals of the project.” Big fun, though.
Yay, disappointment, sorry Dan, but I knew it wasn’t gonna work. :P
CPAN vs. RAA: costs, actually, the RAA is worth nothing, it’s just links!
The csup Project, a rewrite of CVSup in C. Will make you save compiling a Modula-3 compiler.
Well I’m frozen like a soldier
Don’t know where it stays all over the place
Time froze like an ocean
Don’t know the taste of a never ending ache
— Yeah Yeah Yeahs, No No No
Trivial Pursuit: Drunk Edition, I use to ask most questions the morning after, though…
The female Sacculina larva finds a crab and walks on it until it finds a joint. It then molts, injecting its soft body into the crab while its shell falls off. The Sacculina grows in the crab, emerging as a sac, known as an externa, on the underside of the crab’s rear thorax, where the crab’s eggs would be incubated. WJW.
Concrete Island on BLDG BLOG. Would you like to live there?
What’s Wrong with ORM, slides by Dave Cross. Some issues already are addressed by ActiveRecord and co.
Apple’s High-Water Mark?, by Adrien Lamothe. Big focus on the Cell processor.
Pushin in the pin
well I know I know
we’re gonna go back in
we’re gonna go go go!
— Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Pin
Ruby Classes as Directories, Methods as Files, yet another cute but useless FuseFS hack. ;-)
A Bit on Francis Hwang’s Team Fiction: Ten-Sided, or what planets are good for.
You Play World of Warcraft? You’re Hired!, no thanks, I rather be unemployed.
Ruby and Ruby on Rails Book Roundup, by Rob Sanheim. Only features English books, but there are lots of them.
Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection contains all kinds of cool puzzles for Unix, Windows and OS X. (Including Sudoku and Bridges, my recent favourite.)
Nifty Corners Cube, by Alessandro Fulciniti. A javascript to make round corners.
Factor CSS, this tool takes a CSS stylesheet on input and produces an almost equivalent stylesheet on output, but with rulesets split, combined, and reordered to “factor out” common declarations. Written in Haskell.
My Top Ten Tips on how to become a Rock Star Programmer, it will make you the Britney Spears of Java. Be sceptic.
Fedex T-shirt, want have!
The lights of the city, they only look good when I’m speeding
I wanna leave em all behind me because this time I’m gone
Gone, going for it all this time, gone.
In the far off distance
As my taillights fade.
— Pearl Jam, Gone
Accounting with IMAP. Cool, Aria.
“Dear Japanese People…”, NSFW. But I can’t resist.
Estimating how many people are subscribed to my RSS feeds, Mauricio wrote some log analyzing scripts.
Marcel’s Linux App of the Month: kdissert, “Thomas Nagy’s kdissert is an application referred to as a mind mapping tool. Its purpose is to help you create complex documents such as a thesis, or a dissertation, or a presentation.” Looks very useful, but I don’t want to install KDE…
Vista Slips, “Fortunately, there is a workaround. Don’t write Win32 binaries. Code in Java, Python, Ruby, Squeak or other interpreted language, and trust the runtime to be signed by the time vista ships.”
All Square, a surprising, far-reaching overhaul for theories about quadratic expressions. By Ivars Peterson.

EclipseFP aims to extend the Eclipse IDE to support development in functional programming languages.
Pink thighs
— Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Yeah! New York
RSS Feeds for FTP Servers, by Mark Woodman. Good idea.
Lafcadio is an object-relational mapping layer for Ruby and MySQL. Now supports PostgreSQL too.
Yet another € redesign, found by Mauricio Fernandez.
Mindfulness is the practice whereby a person is intentionally aware of his or her thoughts and actions in the present moment, non-judgmentally.
I have seen the future – and it’s goth, why not, I’d like it.
Atom as a Case Study, by Tim Bray. “The fact of the matter is that for reasons that nobody seems to understand, working on syndication standards flips the asshole bit, even in the most reasonable people, leading to seriously nasty behavior.”
Putting the Fun in Functional, applying game mechanics to functional software. ETech2006 talk of Amy Jo Kim.
favcol, the background of this page is flickr’s favourite colour. Nifty.
Liquid bread and rubber ice
Make a promise, grow teeth, go to bed
Wake up when you’re dead
— Meat Puppets, Station
CCC: Kabinett verspielt beim Entwurf zum Urheberrecht die Weichenstellung für die Zukunft und kriminalisiert die Schulhöfe, interessiert die meisten Schüler allerdings nicht.
Solar Pyramids Being Built in India, the solar pyramid works by drawing in air, heating it with solar energy and moving it through turbines to generate electricty.
The countdown problem, by Graham Hutton. “We systematically develop a functional program that solves the countdown problem, a numbers game in which the aim is to construct arithmetic expressions satisfying certain constraints. Starting from a formal specification of the problem, we present a simple but inefficient program that solves the problem, and prove that this program is correct.”
Porn euros being passed off as real, I love it.
Cooperative Bug Isolation is the thesis of Ben Liblit, which won the ACM 2005 Doctoral Dissertation Award.
RIAA Says Future DRM Might “Threaten Critical Infrastructure and Potentially Endanger Lives”, oh how I’d like to tell them to go fuck themselves.
Zeitnutzung für Fortgeschrittene, also bügeln tu ich ja sowieso nicht. ;-)
Essential Language Support for Generic Programming, by Jeremy Siek and Andrew Lumsdaine. “Our design shares much in common with the type classes of Haskell, though our primary influence is from best practices in the C++ community.”
There’s a seed on the wind
There’s a rose in the seed
On the petals of the rose
Is the smell of sweet ammonia
— Meat Puppets, Sweet Ammonia
Category Theory Screws You Up!, “I’ve been showing unpleasant symptoms. These include insomnia, lack of concentration and grumpiness.” Be careful.
6,581,061, 6,343,302, and 6,205,469, Paul Graham on the patents for continuation-based web applications.
“Experts”, oh well. “Experts”.
Idea: Pre-pixelated clothes for Reality TV shows, oh I want one!
Mighty Mouse: hardware easter egg or optical illusion?, WJW.
Google Finance has appeared. Nice interface, but I don’t have any comparison.
OpenSPARC T1 Release 1.0 March 21, 2006, finally the real source is available.
Public Geo Data, State-collected Geographic Data is public property. Sign the petition!
Make me forget
You promised me
Time will heal us all
And love will save
— The Cure, The Promise
The REST Elevator Pitch, by Koranteng Ofosu-Amaah. Also features a nice Top-10 list of the hardest problems in SE.
APL character sets and the Web, the real problem is that the APLers themselves don’t use the appropriate Unicode. (That said, ASCII syntaxes like J or K or Q are better anyway, IMHO.)
St Patrick’s Day Update on CROMA: An Arc-like Lisp, by Bill Clementson. Still vaporware, though.
Bunker Archaeology, by the way, what do modern bunkers look like?
Bky is a minimalistic, distributed Version Control System / Source Code Management tool that uses rsync as a backend to store revisions as complete trees, optimizing the size by storing unchanged files as hard links.
svk is a decentralized version control system. It uses the Subversion filesystem but provides additional, powerful features. (Or: How to make SVN bearable. ;)
The RTex Plugin for Rails provides an easy way to generate PDF files from Rails templates. Yay for LaTeX views.
Welcome to The Gemcutter’s Workshop, LinuxJournal now features a bi-weekly Ruby column.
The stars are black – the night is gone
The world is still – the space is stopped
The time is out – the day is dropped
The house is dark – the room is scarred
— The Cure, Labyrinth
Ruby Hacking Guide Translation Project Started, and even better news on Aoki-san: “I heard he is writing a new one, a Haskell book…”
SmalltalkParty2006 takes place on Saturday 8th April in London. And there is an APL talk.
Open Source Xara Xtreme, This is the latest Xara LX source code. The tar archive contains everything you should need to build Xara LX on Linux and Mac.
Pogo Sticker is an evil game.
The Haunted Palace, by Edgar Allan Poe.
Why XForms Matter, Revisited, by Kurt Cagle. And why does it need to be that fucking complicated?
But it’s written in the starlight
And every line on your palm
We’re fools to make war
On our brothers in arms
— Dire Straits, Brothers In Arms
A geometry of bombs, inscribed into the planet, on BLDG BLOG.
Software development is program transformation, Ralph Johnson says. “Since almost all work on software is converting version N to version N+1, almost all work on software is program transformation.”
Digest::BubbleBabble takes a message digest (generated by either of the MD5 or SHA-1 message digest algorithms) and creates a fingerprint of that digest in “bubble babble” format. Bubble babble is a method of representing a message digest as a string of “real” words, to make the fingerprint easier to remember.
How the XP-on-Mac prize was wonHow the XP-on-Mac prize was won , in case you care.
Tribler seems to be a social P2P system based on BitTorrent.
Have you seen the old girl
Who walks the streets of London
Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags?
She’s no time for talking,
She just keeps right on walking
Carrying her home in two carrier bags.
— Ralph McTell, Streets of London
The Frontier Kernel Project now has a wiki. It’s still the only outliner I want to use.
Pentabarf, the open source conference planning software. Uses Rails. (And I didn’t know it already was used at 21C3…)
The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, “Phasing out the human race by voluntarily ceasing to breed will allow Earth’s biosphere to return to good health. Crowded conditions and resource shortages will improve as we become less dense.”
Man Hits His Own Car Then Sues Himself, WJW.
Intervals, Interval arithmetic in Ruby. Besides making obvious a possible loss of precision during floating point calculations, interval arithmetic provides not-so-conventional methods for a variety of computational applications. Nifty.
The 30-year-old California inmate may be the scariest looking criminal TSG has ever seen. Milam, who wears “Aryan” and “Honor” tattoos above his eyebrows and a swastika tat on his neck, was charged yesterday in a methamphetamine case…
Idle Hands, “I spent several hours making an enormous taco mural out of Post-It notes.” Love it!
Ruby Cheatsheet v.1, has potential.
Prefuse supports a rich set of features for data modeling, visualization, and interaction. It provides optimized data structures for tables, graphs, and trees, a host of layout and visual encoding techniques, and support for animation, dynamic queries, integrated search, and database connectivity.
I will come for you at nighttime
I will raise you from your sleep
I will kiss you in four places
As I go running along your street
— Hunters & Collectors, Throw Your Arms Around Me
The Hall of Stupid High-Tech Products, mainly computer-related.
Knowledge is Freedom: How to Abort without a Doctor or Nurse involved, by circletimessquare. Don’t try this at home, kids. And kudos to you if you can read that without getting sick.
Dokumentation über das Spicken, lernt was bei YouTube.
The speech accent archive uniformly presents a large set of speech samples from a variety of language backgrounds. Native and non-native speakers of English read the same paragraph and are carefully transcribed. The archive is used by people who wish to compare and analyze the accents of different English speakers.
Keep It Simple, by Patrick Logan. How can people go nuts about a webservice to access a hash?
LASST MICH ARZT, ICH BIN DURCH!!!!!111!1111!!11111111, David macht Kunst.
I knew a girl
Her name was truth
She was a horrible liar.
— Ben Harper, Diamonds On The Inside
The smallest C program to print the biggest prime number, by Fabrice Bellard. Very cool.
Shuffle is a tool for manipulating source fragments. Can be used for literate programming.
Rails plus 37signals in Wired and BusinessWeek, DHH apparently is the “hottest hacker on earth”. LMAO.
Math For Programmers, by Steve Yegge on his new blog. I still have to meet a good programmer that’s bad at math…
What is so special about this photo?, very cute.
Datenschutz ist (k)ein Thema an der Schule, schlimm schlimm.
An Interesting Sequence, can you find the next number? Of course, it’s easy. But have a look how to express that mathematically!
Ruby Hacking Guide now has some parts translated into English.
Oil paintings of x-rated picnics.
Behind the walls of medication I’m free.
Every falling leaf in a compact mirror
hits a target that we can’t see.
— Silver Jews, The Wild Kindness
Zen is Boring, “Let’s face it. Zen is boring. You couldn’t find a duller, more tedious practice than Zazen.” This is so fantastically insightful.
Programmers go bananas, okay, outlining “Functional Programming with Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed Wire” for ordinary people, this is a must read. Excellent.
Moderation Strategy Pattern Language, lots of nice patterns.
Every nerve in my body is so vacant and numb
I can’t even remember what it was I came here to get away from
Don’t even hear a murmur of a prayer
It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there.
— Bob Dylan, Not Dark Yet
20.000 Benutzer auf jabber.ccc.de, Kudos an die Admins!
Story of the guy next door, by Omaze. “He has a very defining appearance, though, in that he’s burned from the waist up.” Scary and sad.
HungryNil is an Objective-C like nil for Ruby.
Spain reels as young drinkers organise inter-city contest, hooray for decentralisation! And where is the German equivalent?
The Transmuter Programming Language, “or Trans for short, is a new prototype-based dynamic programming language […]. Trans is a biologically inspired language, providing a framework for experimenting with naturally evolving systems of objects over the net, and for exploring new ideas about recombinant software, code morphing, and evolutionary programming in general.” A bit too big, IMO.
Debian considers GNU FDL conditionally free, “The Debian project has decided that documents distributed under the GNU Free Documentation License (FDL) are considered free with regards to the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) if they don’t contain any unmodifiable parts.” Good decision.
The Libre Graphics Meeting will be a melting pot, with free software graphics developers and artists meeting each other, exchanging ideas and tips, and planning the future of free graphics.
Diesel is an advanced object-oriented programming language.
The snow falls down so beautiful and stupid
Fore the black silhouette of Abraham Lincoln trees
The sky is low like a Japanese table.
And the horse’s legs look like four brown shotguns
— Silver Jews, Time Will Break The World
What is Hecl, and why I’m writing it, by David N. Welton. “Have you ever wondered what it’s like to create your own programming language?”
Gee, I feel so safe, luckily, I’m not Edward Allen.
Are there any words that rhyme with orange?, a FAQ at AskOxford.com.
Danny Hillis Has A Company…, why doesn’t John Batelle mention his relationship to the Connection Machine?
Robot Co-op Hardware, an overview by Eric Hodel.
Montezuma Begins, so John Wiseman learns Ruby to port Ferret to Lisp. That tells a lot about Java, in which Lucene is written in…
CCCeBIT 2006 — Agent im Auftrag der GFUCK, Bei der CCCeBIT-Aktion am vergangenen Dienstag auf der Messe CeBIT in Hannover haben Mitglieder des CCC als Agenten der “Gesellschaft für unsinnige Copyright-Klagen” (GFUCK) Besucher über ihr kriminelles Handeln informiert. Fantastisch!
Kipling is an iteration management tool modeled after a physical story board and XP process and draws heavily from the concepts presented in User Stories Applied by Mike Cohn.
Why Do Intellectuals Oppose Capitalism?, by Robert Nozick. Good question.
Creating DSLs with Ruby, by Jim Freeze for Ruby Code & Style.
Send in the clouds. Bring down the rain.
Shut all the blinds, turn out the lights:
I feel insane when you get in my bed.
— Silver Jews, Send In The Clouds
Retrenchment 101: a User’s Guide, by mt. All these bricks on your head, ouch.
Boullée Balloon, WJW. Features a nice idea, too.
Startup Names, by Paul Graham. “In a world where all the obvious names are taken, finding a good name is a test of imagination.”
Y Rumors, Y Combinator news and rumors. Didn’t know Pixoh was one of them too…
Partial Continuations and Factor, by Chris Double. “I’m not sure how useful delimited continuations are in Factor but it gives something to play with to see how they work.”
StroQ is a clone of the Gameboy game Polarium. Highly addicting.
XP on an imac, up and booting, gratulations.
Celebrating the release of GNOME 2.14!, the new Deskbar looks cool.
On Messages and Files, and the Rest of the Future of Data, by Patrick Logan. “I have come to the conclusion there are three simple patterns we should lean on for making documents and messages persistent.”
R-Rails Gets R-Recognized, Rails and the Rails book receive Jolt awards.
Shell Corner: Safely Sharing Screen Sessions with sudo, by Rod Knowlton. “How can users share screens without learning commands and without screen being setuid root?” Ahh, Unix…
From the Carbon Dioxide Riding Academy
to the children’s crusade marching through the downtown.
Well I think I’d die see, if you just said hi to me.
When something breaks it makes a beautiful sound.
— Silver Jews, Blue Arrangements
IronSudoku has free Sudoku puzzles and a friendly community.
The Next Web?, by Simon St. Laurent. “Since the Web first appeared, developers have talked about what’s wrong with it.”
OOP Concept explained: Polymorphism, by balsamic vinigga. Using a very, umm, depicting example: “Let’s say for example you want to fuck a hole. You fuck all holes the same. You don’t care if that hole happens to be a mouth, an ass, or a pussy, you’re gonna fuck it the same way regardless. However, the mouth, pussy, or ass may respond differently to the fucking.”
Universal Algebra and Diagrammatic Reasoning, by John Baez. Lectures at Geometry of Computation 2006. (Don’t be scared, have a look at the diagrams…)
Priest’s Grotto, amazing story: “In the spring of 1944, a group of 38 Ukrainian Jews emerged weak and jaundiced from a cave they’d used for nearly a year to escape the horrors of the Holocaust.”
SWIM-ing with Google, by Greg McCarroll. Search what I mean!

A sysadmin tip that could save you hours…, by 0_o. It sounds obvious, except it isn’t.
Sara, Sara,
Whatever made you want to change your mind?
Sara, Sara,
So easy to look at, so hard to define.
— Bob Dylan, Sara
Typesafe =! Correct, chromatic says: “It just means that not all errors in a program are type errors.” Duh.
A slow-paced introduction to the Io language, “But the damages are extensive, particularly for Algol-derivative programmers: you will end up messed up!”
Two formative experiences, by Brian Marick. “GNU Emacs was something I did on my own time, not as part of my Professional Responsibilities, so no one really noticed that Stallman pushed harder for good code than those people who were paid to push hard for good code.”
A Turing Machine In Conway’s Game Life (PDF) by Paul Rendell. Very cool.
Secure Voice over IP: Zfone, the Zfone public beta is available today for Mac OS X and Linux. Source is available.
Tales from the Public Domain: Bound By Law?, Comics on Copyright.
The ext3cow file system is a time-shifting file system implemented with copy-on-write (COW) and based on the very popular ext2/ext3 file system.

Five reasons why you should never use PostgreSQL – ever, by W. Jason Gilmore. “In an effort to dispel some of the FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) surrounding this impressive product, instead, I’ll put forth several of the most commonplace reasons companies have for not investigating PostgreSQL further.”
GNU ‘idutils’ is a collection of programs to generate and query an ID database, for really fast searching of identifiers (but not only) scattered in various source files.
Making music out of menace, a Colombian musician has fashioned guitars out of rifles to help spread a message of peace. Music made with real guns would be cool, too. ;-)
I laid a divorcee in New York City
I had to put up some kind of a fight
The lady she all dressed me up in roses
She blew my nose and then she blew my mind
— The Rolling Stones, Country Honk
Bombs, guns, knives, kites…, Flying a kite in Pakistan is a dangerous pastime. Be careful!
An argument against standards, by Jon Udell. “[W]hy can’t the standard description and the standard implementation be the same thing?”
pREST: A REST-based Protocol for Pervasive Systems, “Our approach is based on the REST architectural style and emphasizes abstraction of data and services as resources, interoperation via self describing data and service orchestration with loosely typed components.”
Programming: 50, 100 years from now, discussion on LtU.
Wx-y goodness, Dan Sugalski likes WxWindows and ports WxMozilla to Perl. Hmm.
More statistics on user clicks and browser settings, by Dan Zambonini. Very valuable data for web designers and developers.
I asked the painter why the roads are colored black.
He said, “Steve, it’s because people leave
and no highway will bring them back.”
So if you don’t want me I promise not to linger,
But before I go I gotta ask you dear about the tan line on your ring finger.
— Silver Jews, Random Rules
An illegal prime is a prime number which contains information forbidden by law to possess or distribute.
Call graphs to analyze code dependencies, or just because, very cool, Mauricio.
Cellular automaton puzzle, use your own cellular automaton (read: brain) to solve that. ;-)
Pi Day is a day to celebrate our favorite number, 3.14159…. The marvelous mysteries of this number could be probed forever, but we will limit ourselves to some carols you can sing on our numbers own special day, perhaps even at Pi o’clock that afternoon.
Aller guten Konjunktive sind drei, von Andres Löh. Der Konjunktiv III ist gedacht als eine Extension der deutschen Sprache aus ästhetischen Gründen.
L is both a language and an operating environment, like Smalltalk. It is capability-secure and distributed, like E. The language is a derivative of lambda calculus, hence it is small, block-structured, dynamically-typed, and functional. Contains some very nifty ideas…
Abstract Method in Ruby, Jim Weirich shows how to implement them in a TDD way. He’s a genius.
Und sowas soll mein Volk sein?
Die sind mir einfach zu blöd,
bevor die merken was los ist,
ist es meistens leider zu spät.
— Funny Van Dannen, Mein Volk
Video from SXSW Up, see Joi Ito interview various people from SXSW.
Transcript of a talk by Richard Stallman about GPLv3, February 25th 2006 at FOSDEM.
Adaptively typed columns, oh, I want that!
Zeldman.com Reloaded, how can anyone stick that long to manual HTML?
Ich h abe zu früh auf “Submit” gedrückt? Nette Idee, Lydia.
I watched you suffer a dull aching pain
Now you’ve decided to show me the same
No sweeping exit or offstage lines
Could make me feel bitter or treat you unkind
Wild horses couldn’t drag me away
Wild, wild horses couldn’t drag me away
— The Rolling Stones, Wild Horses
Crazy Russian cyborgs climb shit…, it looks like Prince of Persia in real life… wow.
Java ORM: lessons learned, by mirleid. “I have been using ORM in the scope of my professional activities for the better part of three years. I can’t say that it has been a smooth ride, and I think other people might benefit from an account of my experiences.”
suni.endlessrain.org is a rather tumbly log.
Coalgebras and Automata, blogging in Literate Haskell is one thing I’d like to do too. I just love it.
Demo CD website of the TU Dresden Research Operating System (TUD:OS), for more than a decade, our group researches and develops microkernel-based operating systems with the focus on real-time and security. This Demo CD is an effort to show off some of our most interesting experiments and results to you.
NPD-BLOG, Recherche, Dokumentation, Aufklärung—die Politik der rechtsextremen NPD.
FakeGayNews.com, because real gay and lesbian news is too damn depressing. WJW.
Domain Specific Languages and Haskell, slides by Ingmar Brouns.
Nabaztag is a phonetic spelling of the Armenian word for ‘rabbit’, which is basically what it is: a small, white, animatronic rabbit with a passing resemblance to an albino Pikachu. And you can script it with Ruby!
Google Mars, nice one.
Gosling Didn’t Get The Memo, I didn’t want to post on the Gosling quote, but this summary (and reply) is too to go unnoticed.
Idiot wind, blowing through the flowers on your tomb,
Blowing through the curtains in your room.
Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth,
You’re an idiot, babe.
It’s a wonder that you still know how to breathe.
— Bob Dylan, Idiot Wind
Arithmetic with Continued Fractions, a talk by Mark Dominus. “Continued fractions are a representation of the real numbers that are in many ways more mathematically natural than the usual decimal or binary representations.”
My favorite NP-complete problem, by Mark Dominus. “The official computer science jargon name for it is exact cover by 3-sets, or just X3C.”
Why do servers ship with slow CDROM readers?, a reasonable answer.
Interviewing Ruby Programmers, by Steve Yegge. “I will assert: all the best programmers are proficient with at least three to five programming languages, and the Really Best ones pretty much hate all languages, but they hate some less than others.” Must read.
Seaside-Hosting is a free hosting service for non-commercial Seaside applications. In contrast to a standard file hosting or a virtual server hosting this service provides a simple to use interface to set up and run your Seaside applications.
Hiring: The Lake Wobegon Strategy, by Peter Norvig. But does it scale?
Leadership in World of Warcraft, by Joi Ito. “People pay a $15/month fee to play WoW. In the real world, most people get paid to work.”
I mecht so gern mein linken Fuß do hinstöi’n, wo’n der Bob Dylan scho g’hobt hot. Aber bloß den linken, den rechten brauch’ i zum Arschtreten. — Hans Söllner
Is a Java macro language enough?, by Sam Griffith. Why isn’t Dylan mentioned? But he’s certainly right about the nature of Java.
Second Generation Tag Clouds, by Joe Lamantia. Would be interesting to use a liquid browser, too.
mandolux.com has excellent wallpapers in all various resolutions.
Integration Testing in Rails 1.1, by Jamis Buck.
Dynamic Programming, the following is an example of global sequence alignment using Needleman/Wunsch techniques. Code this in your favourite language.
Haskell vs. OCaml–which do you prefer?, Christopher Roach asks. Definitely Haskell for me.
A history of Zero, back then, when nothing was new.
Paul Graham blogs at infogami.com.
Standards and specs: Not by UNIX alone, a maze of twisty little standards, all alike. By Peter Seebach.
A tale of two PMCs, you now can use Perl6 in your Perl5 projects.
Do you hear the people sing?
Say, do you hear the distant drums?
It is the future that they bring—
When tomorrow comes…
— Les Misérables
does proper word-wise movement
for studlyCapsIdentifiers, and works outside of c-mode
, too.From the Orthley Set, _why just rocks.
ETech: Wrap up, by Robert Kaye.
Implementing the darcs patch formalism …and verifying it, David Roundry’s FOSDEM 2006 talk.
Started the darcs backend for dvc, that’s a great step towards a single version control interface for Emacs.
Using Capistrano with Perl (or PHP), well, if you have too…
Künstler sind nicht überflüssig
Aber Bäcker sind viel wichtiger
Sie backen das Brot schön knusprig
Und sie stehen schon ganz früh auf.
Ohne sie wär das Frühstück eine Katastrophe
Wir müßten die Marmelade mit dem Löffel essen
Und die Wurst pur.
— Funny van Dannen, Künstler sind nicht überflüssig
Hate website fine a first, a Human Rights ruling says Internet servers are as liable as their clients for hate material. Aaaargh.
Thoms Fassung von Framstags freundlichem Folterfragebogen, Dieser Brief eignet sich gleichermaßen im Einsatz gegen unverlangt zugesendete Werbung per Briefpost und per Email.
liquid 2D scatter space is one of the many visual interactive spaces (ispaces) of the “iworld” visualzation modules. Awesome interface!
How to discover asteroid impacts with Google Earth. The story of the discovery of two impact craters, by Emilio González.
The Five Buck Idea, everything you need to know about startups. Required reading.
All night till I blow away
All night till I blow away
I feel alright, I feel alright
— The Stooges, 1970
Milosevic found dead in his cell, Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic has died in the detention centre at The Hague tribunal.
Five Steps to Font Freedom, proposed at Be A Design Group.
Quake 3 running at 10240x3072(!) resolution at 15-30 FPS. WJW.
Locations of New York where Bob Dylan has been, on wists.com. Where’s the Chelsea hotel?
Microsoft responds to the iPod by releasing a Newton clone, you gotta love that headline.
First Class Copy & Paste, Jonathan Edwards has published a draft of his latest OOPSLA submission.
An Open Letter To The Medical Staff Of UC Davis Medical Center, by Steve Yegge. “This is really no big deal…”
Yea, deep in the night I’m lost in love
Yea, deep in the night I’m lost in love
Thousand lights look at you
Thousand lights look at you
— The Stooges, Down On The Street
It’s ALIVE!!!, Phil Tomson got his Ruby-VHDL language running.
Nazi Milk, 1979, by General Idea.
puts <<X*2+"X"
puts <<X*2+"X"
Better one: lambda {|x| puts x,x}.call %q
lambda {|x| puts x,x}.call %q
Don’t Let the Art Fade Away in All the Computer Science, by Kurt Cagle. With a great excourse in map-making.
7dots is a password management tool. Exactly that kind of app you certainly don’t want on the net.
LabyCube is a labyrinth generator that creates foldable labyrinths. The generated labyrinths can be printed, cut out, and folded. Nifty.
Glazenhuis.com is a site about building a house made of glass. I love the style.
Writely so, Jen Mazzon says: “Well, as of Monday, I’m happy to say that I, and the rest of the Writely team, are now part of Google.” Why didn’t Yahoo buy it? ;-)
Hyperfun!, if you read the description of that game and smile, you’re a geek.
Discuss This Book…, the Pragmatic Programmers now have a book forum.
[der speck, der weg musste], Lydia über den Eurovision-Song-Contest-Vorentscheid: “Thomas Anders–steif wie das Mikro, an dem er sich festhielt”.
I feel fine to be dancin’, baby
I feel fine, I’m a shakin’ leaf
I feel fine to be dancin’, baby
Cause it’s love, yeah I do believe
— The Stooges, Loose
Virtualization with FreeBSD Jails, by Dan Langille. I guess I prefer Xen, but if you use FreeBSD only…
The Floyd-Warshall algorithm is an algorithm for solving the all-pairs shortest path problem on weighted, directed graphs in cubic time.
The Island of New Ephemera, “This is an amazing idea. A tourist brochure—for a fake destination—is printed on glossy paper, then distributed in the New York subway system.” Good one.
Why Data Mining Won’t Stop Terror, commentary by Bruce Schneier. “Many believe data mining is the crystal ball that will enable us to uncover future terrorist plots.” Hah.
The floods is threat’ning
My very life today
Gimme, gimme shelter
Or I’m gonna fade away
— The Rolling Stones, Gimme Shelter
Lisp is for Entrepreneurs – Part 2 (Amazon), by Bill Clementson. ELisp in Amazon, wow.
Thrive: from the bottom up, this page gives a light-headed introduction into the Thrive virtual machine. No Vlerq-specific knowledge is assumed. The whole point of this is to go from nothing to understanding more of Vlerq.
Z machine exceeds two billion degrees Kelvin, hotter than the interiors of stars. Come on baby light my fire!
Eventful is a site to find events that you care about, share your discoveries with friends, family, and contacts, and receive alerts about events that haven’t even been announced yet.
Neurotransmitters, this year’s ETech talk by Sam Ruby. (And the lovely slides finally use JS, whee.)
An Introduction to awk, it was my first unixish programming language.
Blum Blum Shub is a pseudorandom number generator proposed in 1986 by Lenore Blum, Manuel Blum and Michael Shub.
You got my heart you got my soul
You got the silver you got the gold
You got the diamonds from the mine
Well that’s all right, it’ll buy some time
— The Rolling Stones, You Got The Silver
The Emerging Art of Agile Publishing, by Michael Fitzgerald. Good ideas.
What is Web 2.0?, Robert Kaye figured it and says: “Web 2.0 is the writable web and the Web 1.0 was the read-only web.”
SXSW 2006 starts tomorrow! I wished I could download the showcases again, but where to store them…
Adult Baby fetish guy working at SmartFilter?, who needs filtering, anyway? But kinda bizarre. ;-)
Opiate of the Masses, by spaceghoti. “Here I’m going to come out in a complete reversal of previous submissions and point out how religion can have very positive benefits.”
OscarsX, an XML database for the Academy Awards.
Language bindings for Vlerq. “Wow, an hour or so of work, and all of Vlerq’s views and operators could become available in Ruby”. Gimme!
The Rule of Least Power, at the W3C. “The “Rule of Least Power” suggests choosing the least powerful language suitable for a given purpose.” Not sure I agree.
Conformal Projections, the angle between any two lines on the sphere must be the same between their projected counterparts on the map; in particular, each parallel must cross every meridian at right angles.
Well the train come in the station
And I looked her in the eye
Whoa, I felt so sad so lonesome
That I could not help but cry
— The Rolling Stones, Love In Vain
Your Ruby Gotcha of the Day, the classic “Is it a local variable or a method?”-issue.
Entrepreneurial Proverbs, yeah, great ones. “Losing sucks”.
Release: uformats 1.2, by Paul Battley. “It started off as an hReview 0.2 parser, but the dependence of hReview on some other microformats led it to grow several more features. hReview 0.3 added even more microformats, so it handles those, too.”
It’s official, Windows XP boots on a Macbook Pro!
Exclusive Screenshots: Google Calendar, by Michael Arrington. “It was only a matter of time before someone broke down and leaked these—as far as I know these screen shots are the first on the public web.”
Sudoku Solvers, written in Haskell. Enjoy.
AJAX-S is a lightweight slideshow based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript, a bit like S5.
Chasing moving targets, Paul Battley on the fun of microformats.
Ich weiß nicht, warum ich dich liebe,
mein Typ bist du eigentlich nicht
Und ich mag eher lustige Menschen,
du bist viel zu traurig für mich
— Funny Van Dannen, Zu traurig
Unicode in Japan, guide to a technical and psychological struggle. Read this before you flame about Ruby’s unicode support.
Blind Games, “I define a ‘blind’ game to be one where there is some state in the game that a player can choose not to reveal. Instead the player claims what that state is.” Fun.
R6RS Status Report, metareports are nice, but “We intend to deliver a draft R6RS to the Steering Committee by September 1, 2006.”
ACL2 in DrScheme, sounds very nifty.
Abstract Mathematics, Group Theory, and You, by Coryoth. “In fact there is a great deal that we simply do not know, and do not understand; and a lot of it is much simpler, and much closer to home than you might think.”
fuck brainpool, erinnert sich noch jemand an Anke Late Night?
Mirrors: Design Principles for Meta-level Facilities of Object-Oriented Programming Languages (PDF), by Gilad Bracha and David Ungar.
Gib es zu, du warst im Nana Mouskuri Konzert
Ich hab’ dich gesehen mein Freund
Gib es zu du warst im Nana Mouskuri Konzert
Ich war auch da und du hast geweint
— Funny van Dannen, Nana Mouskuri
Dynamic languages day, programming musings features links to slides and videos and descriptions of talks. “No Java, C++, Pascal or C here!” Gotta love it.
The International Museum of Women features “Imagining Ourselves, a global generation of women”. For today’s world woman day.
Minus 30F “anti-griddle” insta-freezes anything you put on it, nifty.
rm my Mac!, and his only, please. ;-) Or do the Mac OS X Security Challenge.
Das Open Source Jahrbuch 2006 ist jetzt als PDF und Totholzausgabe verfügbar. Jährliches Must-read.
die frühlingsdiät, mein Mitleid, Lydia.
New rSpec on the way, and it will create syntactic diabetes. (announce).
Vogelgrippe-Gebiete im Süden Deutschlands, zu sehen auf den GoYellow Maps.
Was I hurt too bad
Can I show you daylight
How could I be sad
When I know that you might.
— Neil Young, Look Out For My Love
delicious-el is an Emacs client for the del.icio.us social bookmark server. Features include posting, searching posts (by tag and regexp), offline/batched posting, tab completion for tags, offline storage of posts (good for backing up your account), w3m export, and HTML feed fetching.
Dramatist is a LaTeX package to typeset dramas, both in verse and in prose.
endo is an aggregator that you can use to stay up to date on your favorite news sites and weblogs. By the makers of the popular posting tool ecto. Different, and therefore interesting.
Buying an island on Second Life, and we used to joke about virtual real estate…
Printing a blog post, by Joi Ito, and the trouble of licensing comments.
In Defence of The Afflicted, by paddypatel. “The recent proposals for increased child protection in the UK have stirred up a storm of rhetoric and debate.”
Sie alle sind da und sie schaffen es auch,
sich die Zeit irgendwie zu vertreiben.
Sie alle sind da, nur Du nicht,
die ich bitten würde zu bleiben.
— Funny van Dannen, Nur du nicht
The Least Surprised #11: Internet, Accept Your Fanboinine Leanings, no digg!
Getting Started with Ajax, by Aaron Gustafson. “A List Apart is pleased to present the following excerpt from Chapter 27 of Web Design in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition.”
Flywheels, Kinetic Energy, and Friction, by Nick Usborne on A List Apart. “Whatever the purpose of the sites you work on, their success depends on visitors doing something.”
hs-plugins is a library for loading code written in Haskell into an application at runtime, in the form of plugins. It also provides a mechanism for (re-)compiling Haskell source at runtime. Thirdly, a combination of runtime compilation and dynamic loading provides a set of eval functions- a form of runtime metaprogramming.
OSDC.il recap, I wonder how the Pugs development will scale if they continue to distribute commit bits like that.
rst.el: ReStructuredText Support for Emacs, nice, but I’d prefer Markdown.
Telling the Difference Between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, so obvious I wonder why I didn’t discover that sooner.
Software Development’s Evolution towards Product Design, the diagrams alone are reason to read this.
Elmer’s Bar-B-Q, by terryfunk. “Startled to consciousness, I awaken retching my guts out, I see my dad. He is holding a bowl for me to vomit in.”
OpenOffice Industrial Icon Theme, the icons are useful in other ways, too.
BarCamp is an ad-hoc un-conference born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. I wish there was one in Germany, fantastic idea.
The Neon Museum’s mission is to collect, preserve, study and exhibit neon signs and associated artifacts to inspire educational and cultural enrichment for diverse members of our international community. Cool.
You are like a hurricane
There’s calm in your eye.
And I’m gettin’ blown away
To somewhere safer where the feeling stays.
I want to love you but I’m getting blown away.
— Neil Young, Like A Hurricane
Oscars 2006, Anke Gröner hat sich’s angetan und bloggt.
SINGULAR is a Computer Algebra System for polynomial computations with special emphasis on the needs of commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and singularity theory.
, which lets you display the edit history of
the current file using colors. Unfortunately, not too many VC
backends support it.Out with the old (name that is), SwitchTower now is called Capistrano (wtf can remember that?), read why.
Ajax Scaffolding for Rails (ooh shiny), you want it too, admit it.
Tableau is a simple, open-source photo gallery with a neutral interface. Built with Ruby on Rails, some of the features include drag-drop sorting, lightbox style image viewing and album groupings. Released under the MIT License.
Pixoh is a Web 2.0-ish image manipulation tool.
das leben und so, einfach lesen.
When it’s good
It’s so good
When it’s gone
It’s gone
— Ben Harper, When It’s Good
Cheapest rsync replacement (yep, with Ruby), written by Mauricio Fernandez. I just chomp my logs on the server. ;-)
“Befreite Dokumente” für alle im Internet abrufbar, Der Bielefelder FoeBud e.V. hat gemeinsam mit dem Chaos Computer Club ein Internetportal eingerichtet, in dem Bürgerinnen und Bürger Akten einstellen und anderen zugänglich machen können, die sie zuvor über das neue Informationsfreiheitsgesetz (IFG) angefordert haben.
From Boiling to Frozen, I love that water effect.
SLIMPL: A Perl interface to SLIME, Write a Perl module to talk to Swank, the SLIME backend, with the eventual intention of writing a Vim interface to SLIMPL, allowing Vimmers everywhere to use SLIME.
This LiveJournal is a Pipe Bomb, you better run.
Open Web Design is a community of designers and site owners sharing free web design templates as well as web design information. Helping to make the internet a prettier place!
Origami artists use a little elbow crease, the winning entries from the fourth annual juried Student Origami Competition are on view at the Wiesner Student Art Gallery on the second floor of the Stratton Student Center, through March 15. And on the net.
Did you find what you were after?
The pain and the laughter brought you to your knees
But if the sun sets you free, sets you free
You’ll be free indeed, Indeed
— Ben Harper, She’s Only Happy In The Sun
I Gave My Cat an Enema, features nice drawings.
Unexplored corners of Ruby’s syntax, Mauricio Fernandez found some nice pieces of code.
chris2, I do hereby proclaim my love to you,
for you are the creator of anarchaia,
and that makes you as sweet as the morning dew
— Gregory Brown
How to be an expert, by Katie Sierra. “Whatever you’re better at becomes more fun, more satisfying, a richer experience, and it leads to more flow.”
Bollinger Bands is a technical analysis tool invented by John Bollinger in the 1980s. They evolved from the concept of trading bands, and can be used to measure the relative highness or lowness of price.
Now if I was strong
And you were male
You’d be dead
And I would be in jail
Being with you
Makes me tired as hell
And it’s so high so low
— Ben Harper, So High So Low
Pastey Paste, why doesn’t Hanna just get an easier URL?
Canada on Rails got a make over and announces location. Beware of mugshots. ;-)
60 Feet to High Speed: man builds own reception tower, that’s nuts and that’s why it’s mention here.
More Gardens-in-a-Petri, plain awesome… mine never looked like that.
The Shock Absorber Bounce-Ometer lets you find the perfect sports bra. PNSFW, but cool.
Through the lonely nights I think of you
Through the lonely hours I dream of you
I don’t no why I do it, but I do
Why do you take it, what’s wrong with you?
— The Rolling Stones, Through The Lonely Nights
Why Features Don’t Matter Anymore, by Damien Katz. I wrote a comment in my blog.
When is one thing equal to some other thing?, a fun introduction to Category Theory by Barry Mazur.
Zickenterror, köstlich, Lydia.
Towards Applicative Relational Programming, mmmh, mixing paradigms.
It’s big and heavy on the browser—which I suspect means that it finds memory bugs quicker, they seem to die more often. — Henri Yandell, To Gmail or not to Gmail
Ruby Power and Light offers consulting and training services in Ruby programming and Rails application development. That must be the reason David Black is avoiding IRC currently. ;-)
Now I can, I can hold you,
oh–with my own two hands
And I, and I can comfort you,
with my own two hands
— Ben Harper, With My Own Two Hands
Tour of the Haskell Syntax, by Arjan van IJzendoorn. Very comprehensive, but easy to follow.
Lazy Migrations Table Drop, plain evil: parsing the own script to figure what it does.
Matroska aims to become the standard of multimedia container formats. Good luck.
Seashore is an open source image editor for Cocoa. Based on GIMP.
Women in Science, by Philip Greenspun. “This article explores this fourth possible explanation for the dearth of women in science: They found better jobs.”
Last dives: The Bells/Blue Hole and Abu Helal, wonderful underwater photography by Stephane Bailliez.
nabu: a Publishing System using Text Files, been pondering about this idea for years, I think. (I love when I rediscover my ideas readily implemented on the net.) See the slides, too.
Baby, I can’t stay
You got to roll me
And call me the tumbling dice
— The Rolling Stones, Tumbling Dice
Animaux, funny pictures.
EditorWars on ning.com.
Lernkurven diverser Unix-Editoren, find ich jetzt eher nicht, aber trotzdem lustig.
Telescopes ‘worthless’ by 2050, evil airplanes.
Extend Firefox Contest, we are happy to announce the winners in our Extend Firefox Contest! Reveal is nifty indeed.
Litigation Cosby Threatens Waxy, You See!, I suppose it was inevitable, but I got a cease-and-desist from Bill Cosby’s legal team for hosting the House of Cosbys videos and the out-of-print “Cosby Talks to Kids about Drugs” album. Good luck.
An Actual Application of Fractal Dimension, sounds contrived but possible.
Transformation, Steve Yegge on refactoring Ruby. Sure, some things would be easier with tools, but it isn’t too hard to do manually.
Peter Naur has been awarded this year’s ACM Turing Award. I heart the BNF.
System Administration with ooRexx, by Howard Fosdick. *eech* *runs away*
Reactome, a curated knowledgebase of biological pathways.
Getting Real with Ben Brown, I love it.
How Did The Moon Get Into Orbit?, a useful SVG demo.
I’ll never be your beast of burden.
I’ve walked for miles, my feet are hurtin.
All I want is for you to make love to me.
— The Rolling Stones, Beast Of Burden
Be careful with method_missing, good advice by Phil Tomson.
Bloody MMD…, couldn’t Dan Sugalski just use something like Ruby’s coerce?
nyc.rb turns 14 (in dog years), Gregory Brown says. “The meeting saw the attendance record being beaten at 28 attendees, and hosted three presentations.” Gratulations!
Pyhi: A python interpreter, running YHC bytecode in Haskell is the most stupid idea I ever heard. :P
Programming languages and their relationship styles, pretty mean to Ruby: “Your older sister is the most popular cheerleader in school, but she’s kind of a slut. You think that maybe if you add more features, the boys will like you just as much.”
Changes to Fx2 Chrome, but I do not want per-tab close buttons in Firefox…
Close Encounters of the Steve Kind, I’d never have believed Don Knuth could be that honest and rude at the same time.
GCC 4.1 has been released.
Mikhail Gorbachev, happy birthday!
MacBook Pro review, by Jacqui Cheng on ArsTechnica.
All die Sterne bleiben oben
In mir bleibt nur deine Spur
Hab ich dich jemals belogen
Frag ich leise und du lächelst nur
— Juli, Wenn du lachst
Ruby on Rails Podcast, featuring Jim Weirich.
A Cautionary Tale for Would-Be Generalisers, Borwein Integrals are evil. (I love math blogs. More of them!)
OPML 2.0, a first draft of the specification. (It still sucks.)
The Getting Real book is here. It’s PDF only, 171 pages, and it’s $19. By 37signals.
ObjectView is a free PDF magazine and the current issue is “chock-full-o-Ruby goodness”, as PragDave says.
A Tail-Recursive Machine with Stack Inspection, by John Clements and Matthias Felleisen. On LtU.
Seattle Movie Finder: An AJAX- and REST-Powered Virtual Earth Mashup, by Dare Obasanjo.
Visualizing Regular Expressions, Oliver Steele wrote a cool regular expression animator. Cool use of OpenLazlo. (I didn’t even know he had a blog, subscribed.)
TimeSummer is a simple timekeeping application. It was written to make our life as a single remote cowboy programmer easier. Written using Ruby on Rails.
Book Review: Math You Can’t Use, reviewed by Peter H. Salus. “The roots of Math You Can’t Use lie in the theorems, lemmas, algorithms, propositions that one can’t use because someone has previously employed them and has now asserted ownership over them.” Shame.
Meroon is an Object-Oriented System written in Scheme.
Alles was dir soviel wert war
liegt am Boden ist zerstört
du willst jetzt einfach nur noch raus hier
es gibt nichts mehr was dich hält
— Juli, Kurz vor der Sonne
Travel and the Dearth of Geographical Education in America, they have geographical education? ;-)
Variables and threads, Dan Sugalski’s new VM sounds really nifty: “Interestingly, this also means that the engine’s pretty inherently SSA, which makes a number of bytecode optimizations possible that weren’t with parrot, because parrot had such a massive number of potential side-effects.”
Fun with Spotlight, datamine the Enron mails with Spotlight!
Welcome to RubyConf 2006, The Conference will be held in the Denver, Colorado area, October 20-22, 2006.
Thoughtfiz is Phil Tomson’s idea blog, where he currently explains the design of his Ruby DSL for VHDL.
Große Haufen, ein Kult-Thread im HaustechnikDialog-Forum. PNSFW, Fäkalhumor.
FP and AOP in JavaScript, or: “The Little Functional Language That Could”.
LaTeX Presentation Designer, bring the power of Inkscape to presentation design! Nifty tool.
Introducing Infogami, how could I miss that Aaron Swartz’s startup goes live? (It’s a customizable wiki using Markdown.)
Junior or Senior?, Brian McCallister has a good test.
Next Move in Programming, Patrick Logan notices: “35-45 years without a significant leap forward in programming languages.”
Rainy day, rain all day
ain’t no use in gettin’ uptight
just let it groove its own way
let it drain your worries away yeah
— Jimi Hendrix, Still Raining, Still Dreaming
Last month, in Ruby 1.9…, Mauricio read the ChangeLog.
Colon family in exploding toilet ordeal, “We heard a thump. Feces, urine, oil… …it went all through the house. You couldn’t breathe, your eyes would tear.”
Performance comparison of DW Data Structures: Rows versus Columns , This article discusses some of the improvements in computer technology over the last 20 years and how they should have changed the approach to the design of Data Warehouse Data Structures. In particular, it addresses the issue of which data structures make best use of disk drive technology.
Cable Management Done Right, Chris Josephes found at least a single instance of that.
Das Olf, abgeleitet vom lateinischen Wort für Geruchssinn = Olfactus, ist eine Einheit zur Bewertung der Stärke einer Geruchsquelle. Ein Olf ist die Geruchsbelastung, die von einem Normmenschen (erwachsene Person mit einem Hygienestandard von 0,7 Bädern pro Tag, 1,8 m² Hautoberfläche und bei sitzender Tätigkeit) ausgeht.
Coral is a command-line HTML renderer for OS X using WebKit.
Oracle and MySQL are a perfect match, how good PostgreSQL exists. ;-)
Howl, by Allen Ginsberg. “I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, …”
Dangerous advertising, gimme gimme!
Fl.ower, or how Ma.gnolia was designed. Didn’t know Eric Meyer did the CSS.
And the arctic stains from silver blue to bloody red
as our feet find the sand
and the sea is straight ahad
straight up ahead
— Jimi Hendrix, 1983… (A Merman I Should Turn To Be)
Glancing ETech 2004, about a very cool small app Matt wrote, but somehow never cought on.
Interconnected is Matt Webb’s blog. I spent the last two days trying to recall the URL.
Creating Passionate Users is a classic weblog, and must-read. Don’t know why I never mentioned it here before. (Oops, I did last April. Never mind, there was lots of new content in the meantime.)
“I told u I was hardcore.”, Those were the last coherent words Brandon Vedas, 21, typed into the computer in his Phoenix bedroom as he showed off for Internet pals watching on a Web cam by swallowing more and more prescription drugs.
Get to the Point: Open Source Speech to Text, Patrick is being very funny today: “I don’t have the time to listen to 30 minutes of conversation to see if this comes up. So I am on the lookout for a relatively easy to use and free or open source speech to text conversions.”
Rants Preview, for Eliot Kimber’s blog about XML. And I agree with every point.
Writing about software: what documentation does a product need?, Bob DuCharme makes a list. Now, who writes it?
New Intel Mac Minis Use Shared Memory for Video, just ewww. Now you need two gig to start working. }:-)
DITA Case Study: The Joseph Smith Papers Project, very impressive project on state-of-the-art markup.