Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Using /usr/local by Den Benjamin. Scary people need to be told about that.
The Apple of Her Eye, just cute.

The Open Rights Group, Protecting your rights in the digital age.
I met a young child beside a dead pony,
I met a white man who walked a black dog,
I met a young woman whose body was burning,
I met a young girl, she gave me a rainbow…
— Bob Dylan, A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
Periodic OS X maintenance, Ugo Cei has a good hint. I always forget to run periodic periodically.
Pattern matching over Ruby objects, and Mauricio Fernandez’s previous posts make sense.
“Schlechte Stimmung, lange Röcke”, Interview mit Technology Review: “Professor Casti, in Ihrem demnächst erscheinenden Buch behaupten Sie, die Zukunft vorhersagen zu können.”
If you ever see me in the debugger, whack me up upside the head and tell me to write a test. — Ron Jeffries
Noughts And Crosses, the oldest graphical computer game.
Days of the New Flesh: My Experience as a Model by oceanbourne. Very insightful.
Barriers to a protocol indicating what file formats are supported by Andy Oram. Coming with the open standard late is always difficult.
More Lisp—For Free, Christopher Roach shows even more resources.
He gambled in the White House and in the railroad yards,
Wherever there was people, there was Willie and his cards.
— Bob Dylan, Rambling, Gambling Willie
Forensic CDs were reviewed by Kristy Westphal for UnixReview.
Networking’s Easier than Programmers Realize by Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz. You’re likely to run into the 7 fallacies if you read that article without reflection.
Can Microsoft kill Python?, Jeremy Jones wonders. Quick, please. }:-)
TiVo Developing Ad Search, Sid Steward says. WTF would anyone want to see ads when he has a TiVo?
Secrets of Successful Programming Language Business by hisashim. I don’t agree with everything.
Soma, Avi Bryant wonders who needs an office if you can have a café.
205,000 Lines of Ruby Code Donated in the Try Ruby Drive, and why got some funny stuff people type in there. Later on, trouble starts.
Beyond Einstein, a 12-hour live webcast on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity… and beyond. Taking place tomorrow!
Back to the Future, Andrew Savory says: “The true value is in what Rails has taught us about who we are and how we do our jobs.”
Try Ruby using an interpreter online! Got 15 minutes? Give Ruby a shot right now! Why just rocks.
And like Pharaoh’s tribe,
They’ll be drownded in the tide,
And like Goliath, they’ll be conquered.
— Bob Dylan, When The Ship Comes In
Thoughts Reading Practical Common Lisp, “[S]tandard Common Lisp has no networking libraries at all, but it does have a built in function to print integers as Roman numerals”.
If you haven’t reddit you are missing out, interview by David Newbergers with the reddit.com guys.
Internet agency considers freeing up single-letter domains, pointless IMO.
Online images of industrialization in the American Midwest by Ruth Garner, Mark Gillingham, and Steve McShane.
KDE 3.5: A Visual Guide to New Features, eye-candy for you.
Could 1.2 million Swedish teenagers be wrong?, Thomas Crampton about Lunarstorm.
Air guitarists’ rock dreams come true, WJW.
Stefan Münz: Professionelle Websites jetzt online als PDF verfügbar.
Japaner fälschte Yahoo-Nachrichtensite und berichtete vom Einmarsch Chinas. Zu geil.
Kardinal warnt vor iPod und Video-Handys, Pornos auf dem Fernseher sind eh besser.
ICANN Wiki, a user-editable resource for people who attend ICANN meetings.
One Small Flask of Metaprogramming Elixir, is meta-meta-programming programming?
Innocent until proven guilty or lack thereof today.
Printing a Book with CSS: Boom! by Bert Bos, Håkon Wium Lie. Now all we need is a CSS engine for TeX…
Chicago Pride by John Wiseman. “And now 10 years later I can look back and see that thank god I went, and thank god I quit.”
I’d put you in the movies
If movies were mine to make
I’d set you in a sailboat
Sail you all round the lake
But I’ve got my feet on the ground
And I’ll keep hanging around
‘Cause you’re an all right
All right kind of a girl
— Dan Bern, All right kind of a girl
Proof of global warning, very clever.
Cool Google Maps, who knew maps could be fun? Map-hacks non-stop.
GopherCon ‘92: Trip report by Prentiss Riddle. When the Web wasn’t popular…
Duff’s Device and Scheduler Benchmarking by Colm MacCárthaigh. Features nice charts.
WhizzyTeX, an Emacs minor mode for incremental viewing of LaTeX documents.
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-051, Vulnerabilities in MSDTC and COM+ Could Allow Remote Code Execution (902400). s/Could/Do/.
The Free60 Project aims to port open source operating systems like GNU/Linux and Darwin to the Microsoft Xbox 360 gaming console. Took me some time until I got the name. ;-)
Structural equivalence of Ruby objects, Mauricio has nifty Ruby code again, but I’m not sure what it is good for.
I’d like to go hang out with cats like Jesus
Kill Hitler, try cheering up Van Gogh
I’d like to go hang out with the young Bob Dylan
Maybe beat him at the horses if not the songs
So many, many things I ve never done
But maybe I can still do most of them
— Dan Bern, Hope For The Moon
Why We Don’t Take American Express, the Pragmatic Programmers have good reasons.
Sodakonzentrationsschnecke, tolles Wort und tolles Ding.
Iraq: A Short History of Violence by willwaddell. Overview of Iraq’s history from Ottoman to 2005.
You made me lose over 3 hours yesterday. Anarchaia is soooo beautiful to watch, the intermingled pictures, poems, and chat transcripts, even the german ones (of which I can only understand one or two words) create such an experience. — The Guy behind ViEmu
John Vlissides passed away on Thursday, November 24, 2005, after a lengthy illness. More information about the GoF member on The Wiki.
HUPO, the Human Proteome Organisation, wants the decipher the human proteome.
Software Documentation with DocBook Quick HOWTO by Ivan Ristic. I recommend nxml for editing DocBook.
Academy, Hanna Wallach about science, unicorns and spiders. Nice.
Flickr blocked from Dubai, use a proxy.
Blogging: Outdated, outmoded and ugly, Thomas Crampton says: “Face it, the word “blog” does not have a beautiful sound.” Guess why I now tumblelog? ;-)
If you left me now, no one could say that you were wrong
But my life is a place where I am certain you belong
I know that our love can be as solid as a rock
All I need is one more chance, baby to unlock
— Dan Bern, Chain Around My Neck
Microsoft’s Covenants, and the Velocity of Ideas by Rick Jelliffe.
RailsConf 2006 takes place in Chicago, IL, USA from June 22-25, 2006.
Keine Dauerbeschattung des Autobahnverkehrs!, fordert der CCC. Gute Idee.
where x >= last thursday, Dabble gets GNU date like syntax.
chön warm, Kaminbloggen, wie geil.
Aliens and Children, this website features a series of drawings made by children who were abducted by aliens for the alien purpose of creating a new race of alien/human hybrids.
Puttytabs helps you organize many Putty instances.
The inanity of the American consumer, that machine is nifty, though. I wouldn’t use it.
Vor hundert Jahren, die Suchmaschine.
Coke & Menthos, hammergeil. Das das so abgeht…
Breathe back into life
Stabs at happiness
Now we’re having fun
Hold tight, don’t look down
Til dawn
You glow
— Goldfrapp, Koko
An amusing exercise on Typophile. “If, in some bizarre alternate history, chatspeak abbreviations like “LOL” had become popular long before there were computers and character sets, they might have, over time, become new symbols, like “et” became “&” and “at” became “@”. What might they look like?”
The Cartesian Product Algorithm Simple and Precise Type Inference of Parametric Polymorphism by Ole Agesen. Used sucessfully in Self.
Burnin posts on O’Reilly Radar, how alpha geeks got into computers.
Please Cool Off, Aaron, I want that coffee machine too.
Pre-history of the Sony rootkit, now we even need to look at whom to help?
Anti-cancer Compound In Beer Gaining Interest, I drink it even if it doesn’t cure cancer, though.
ego, echo, ich, Lydia über dich.
Shoutwire reminds me a lot of digg.com.
If I got anything you need, babe,
Let me tell you in front.
If I got anything you need, babe,
Let me tell you in front.
You can come to me sometime,
Night time, day time,
Any time you want.
— Bob Dylan, Black Crow Blues
PETN (Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate, also known as Penthrite) is one of the strongest known high explosives, with a relative effectiveness factor (R.E. factor) of 1.66.
Jape is an interactive tool designed to help with learning, teaching and using formal reasoning. It takes a description of a logic as a system of inference rules, and supports the development of proofs in that logic.
Typing Haskell in Haskell by Mark P Jones. “[W]e present a Haskell program that implements a Haskell typechecker, thus providing a mathematically rigorous specification in a notation that is familiar to Haskell users.”
ViEmu is an add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio that emulates the powerful vi/vim input model within the Visual Studio environment. Perverts.
Frappr! Map for #ruby-lang, add yourself if you are in the channel.
Proposal to reduce the memory consumption of images in Mozilla , do that quickly!
merkley???: I May Not Be God, But at Least I’m Real, Hot Chicks and Poop Jokes Ninety Nine Cents!! Hilarious blog.
Poetic drunkness by Per-Arne Hellarvik.
Steve Jobs Ruined My Thanksgiving, poor Jeremy Zawodny.
hAtom is a microformat for content that can be syndicated, primarily but not exclusively weblog postings. Every concept in hAtom has a corresponding definition in Atom. Freaking clever.
Lisp Girl T-shirts, whom could they be for…
Now, it’s king for king,
Queen for queen,
It’s gonna be the meanest flood
That anybody’s seen.
— Bob Dylan, Down In The Flood
Das Keyboard doesn’t have any inscription.
Wax on, wax off no more, Pat Morita dies at 73 and no-one mentions.
Gesetze im Internet, Das Bundesministerium der Justiz stellt in einem gemeinsamen Projekt mit der juris GmbH für interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger nahezu das gesamte aktuelle Bundesrecht kostenlos im Internet bereit.
Systematic search for lambda expressions by Susumu Katayama. Weird, but interesting idea.
“Freude, die ein Maler empfindet”, Interview mit D. E. Knuth im Technology Review.
Pikachizer, translate a web page or some text into the mysterious language spoken by Electric Mice.
Advice To The Love Lorn by Liz Fine.
On CNN Situation Room again, Joi Ito on TV.
When I tell you that I love you
Don’t test my love
Accept my love, don’t test my love
Cause maybe I don’t love you all that much
— Dan Bern, Jerusalem
TapKit is an Object-Relational Bridge framework like Enterprise Objects Framework in WebObjects of Apple Computer, Inc. This framework services database programming without SQL language.
FormatR provides perl like formats for ruby. These are used to create output with a similar format but with changing values.
Proper uses of bugzilla, Timboy found them. Unfortunately, they are real.
REX: REST-Enabled XHTML, lovely. This may be the key to Web 3.0.
AHAH: Asychronous HTML and HTTP, sounds useful to me.
Comparing Two High-Performance I/O Design Patterns by Alexander Libman with Vladimir Gilbourd. Reactor or Proactor?
100 ideas, a work in progress. Nice.
Field recordings made in Vietnam, source sound for Vox Americana.
GCC 4.1 Release Series, Changes, New Features, and Fixes. Noteworthy: “The old Bison-based C and Objective-C parser has been replaced by a new, faster hand-written recursive-descent parser.”
V8-ENGINE Paper Model, the most complex paper model in the world. For the bored among us.
Birth of the PowerBook: How Apple Took Over the Portable Market in 1991 by Tom Hormby. “Like the Macintosh, the PowerBook succeeded despite Apple’s management.”
Cray-Cyber.org lädt ein zum Tag der offenen Tür 2005.
1000. Hinrichtung in den USA, “Tod im Namen des Volkes”. Und wozu ist das gut?
DEVS EX CRAPVLA is a latin weblog I should be able to understand. Hardly.
Peel me like an onion;
Never know what you might find
I could peel away, peel away
Peel away, peel away
For thirteen thousand years
And I could get to the bottom and find—
— Dan Bern, One Song
Ruby now has it’s own LtU section.
Recursive data structures, #hash and #eql?, Mauricio Fernandez is awesome.
Generalized Algebraic Data Types and Object-Oriented Programming by Andrew Kennedy and Claudio Russo. Paper presented at OOPSLA, October 2005.
Collection of links to monad implementations in various languages by shapr on LtU. Great resource.
The Box O’ Truth #5—The Locks O’ Truth “OP, I wonder how difficult it is to shoot a lock off?”
Escherization is totally cool. “Escher was able to discover such tilings through a combination of natural ability and sheer determination. Can we automate the discovery of tilings by recognizable motifs?”
Technology I am Thankful For by Tom Bridge. Hey it’s Thanksgiving.
‘Ugly dog’ Sam dies at 14, it hurts to look at it.
The Noguchi Filing System sounds useful. “Implementation of the system requires the user to discard many conventional notions about how to store paper documents.”
Everything is changing faster than I can describe
All I really know to do is grab the wheel and drive
I look for love, and some adventure
And I try not to let my own breathing scare me off the road
— Dan Bern, Black Tornado
Lively Linear Lisp — ‘Look Ma, No Garbage!’ by Henry G. Baker. Very interesting topic.
Chu spaces offer a uniform way of representing relational and topological structure simultaneously. This is because Chu spaces can represent relational structures via a generalization of topological spaces which allows them to represent topological structure at the same time using the same machinery.
Linear Logic, papers by Philip Wadler.
The Freesound Project passed 10000 files. Congratulations.
Green Orange Framework was born from an idea to use a browser as a development environment to build stand-alone applications for the web. Sick, IMO.
Denn Du bist Deutschland!, köstlich: “Thomas erzählt mir heute mittag von einem Foto, auf dem ein Hitler-Portrait nebst dem Spruch “Denn Du bist Deutschland” zu sehen sei.”
Did the United States target Al-Jazeera? by nebbish. Interesting claim.
Modern Memory Management, Part 2 by Howard Feldman. Good general stuff, as in the first part.
PHP Code Generation with Elisp by Zachary Kessin. Kill me now. Quick.
Document Modeling with Bricolage by David Wheeler. The concepts can be useful for other CMS too, of course.
Elias gamma coding on Wikipedia. I love it when you have a clever idea and see it already has a name.
Ruby, John Wiseman found great praise of Rubyists by Rick Bradley.
Now I’m getting ready
For another long season of silence
And skipping flat stones
Of nights filled with nothing
Of being alone
— Dan Bern, Being Alone
French High Tech Terror Surveillance Law by Thomas Crampton. Is “Digital Fascism” a term?
Hacking eBay: Turning Email Alerts into Atom by Bob DuCharme. procmail is darn useful.
XML 2005: Tipping Sacred Cows by Micah Dubinko. I’d have loved to see Erik Meijer’s talk. And lovely quotes.
zsync is a file transfer program. It allows you to download a file from a remote server, where you have a copy of an older version of the file on your computer already. zsync downloads only the new parts of the file.
Arity Makes Good Curry, kig got some really nice code to RedHanded.
Deconstructing Bloggers, that is easier with tumblelogs for sure. ;-)
The Qualities of an Ideal Test by Mishkin Berteig. Always good to remember.
I’ll sell you the moon, I’ll sell you the starts
And the forests with the lonesome wolfhound’s wail
But my love, my love is not for sale
My love, my love is not for sale
— Dan Bern, My Love Is Not For Sale
Organic Reaction Roadmap by Abby Parrill. Very nifty if you are interested in organic chemistry.
It is GIMP’s Tenth Anniversary and close enough to the time for the 2.2.10 release of stable GIMP making it a very good time for a splash contest.
HTML Tools on the Mac Command Line by Robert Daeley. opendiff rocks.
Learning Commons launches ‘Copyright, copyleft and everything in between’, sounds good.
Discontinuous Changes to Media, Thomas Crampton finds an interesting fact: “Every dollar coming out of print advertising revenue for newspapers is replaced by only 33 cents online.”
Code Reading, Ehud Lamm looks for good examples.
Gott ist die beste Erfindung, die die Menschen je gemacht haben. — Wolf Biermann [via dave]
Lucene in Action, you now can search in that book online… with Lucene, how else?
GADT’s revisited, Niels Hoogeveen says that Simon Peyton Jones has a new paper about type inferencing and GADT’s: Simple unification-based type inference for GADTs.
Using a Mac to make Windows cope with something Linux touched, Simon St. Laurent. Of course, a Knoppix would have been enough.
Most of the time
My head is on straight,
Most of the time
I’m strong enough not to hate.
— Bob Dylan, Most Of The Time
xmp redux: expanding test assertions for profit, a damn fine idea by _why, implemented by Mauricio Fernandez.
Linear Logic on Wikipedia.
White males need not apply by scorbett, hiring policies in Canada.
How to Injure a Wink’r, the empire strikes back.
Warning Label Generator, must have.
Ghostzilla is a Web browser like Firefox, but it shows up and disappears instantly, discreetly, blended with your application—any application—so the Web pages look like part of it and not like the Web at all. Most nifty.
Rechtsstreit um ARD-Wahl-Grafiken beigelegt, “Die Kooperation von Infratest dimap mit Microsoft bei ARD-Wahlsendungen sei beendet, berichtete der federführende Norddeutsche Rundfunk am Montag.” Whee.
It’s so hard to make love pay
When you’re on the losing end,
And I feel that way again.
— Neil Young & Crazy Horse, The Losing End (When You’re On)
Some Thoughts on Extended Set Theory by Ron Jeffries. Very interesting. Read the other posts by him on that topic too.
Improve Your Portfolio: Click an Ad by Sid Steward. Why didn’t I get that idea…
Rails in Reston, Michael Fitzgerald is impressed.
Perst is an embedded object-oriented database for applications that need to deal with persistent data. It is easy to use and provides high performance.
Writing Web Applications with Axiom and Mantissa, Python, but the concepts can be used in Ruby too.
SSE, Avi compares the “Simple Sharing Extensions for RSS and OPML” with Smalltalk version control.
Business Idea: Arbitrage Between eBays, Thomas Crampton has a nice idea.
Google-Mart, “Sam Walton Taught Google More About How to Dominate the Internet Than Microsoft Ever Did”. By Robert X. Cringely. Scar, but attractive.
OpenGrok is a fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine. Sadly in Java, but impressive nevertheless.
So who knows what tomorrow brings
But I know where I’ll be waking up
Let s just listen to our breath tonight
And the breeze through the window that you opened up
— Dan Bern, Chelsea Hotel
In the beginning was game semantics by Giorgi Japaridze. Read this if you enjoy well-written and humorous papers about computability logic.
The First Rails Studio, Dave Thomas reports.
Flatland: A romance of many dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott. Classic.
Top 20 geek novels — the results! from Guardian Unlimited by Jack Schofield. Obviously lacks some stuff.
Jane Street Capital is recruiting OCaml programmers, WJW.
Andrew Morton on kernel development, interview at Linux Format.
This is the last song I will ever write
The last blank page my pen will ever blight
Abandoning the fight, I m pulling off the gloves
No longer be a soldier for God or truth of love
— Dan Bern, Suicide Bomb
Xampl For Ruby is Released, Bob Hutchison says. Gotta try that immediately!
Singapore Students Invent Waterless Washing Machine, it doesn’t need water nor steam. And probably doesn’t wash. :-P
Scale-Free / Power Law Networks, links, links, links.
Startup News, the bubble is back? Also, see Presentations of Startup School.
My mind and continuations, callcc seen graphically, not sure mfp is more clear because of diagrams. ;-)
The return of the animated gif, lovely. But why not MNG?
lulu.com, Publish and Sell Worldwide.
The Gruff Graphing Library is a project to make beautiful graphs with Ruby. Nice output, very Keynotish.
UnConventional Thoughts, the big picture of XML 2005 by Kurt Cagle.
Everybody’s got it.
Everybody’s covered with it
It’s stretched clear across everybody’s bones.
Tell me what’s the big thing, what’s the big thing
What’s all the tears and the fuss gonna bring
— Dan Bern, Mr. Webster
IHT Journalist Trespassing in Blogosphere, Thomas Crampton answers some FAQs.
FORTRAN 25th anniversary film online, I unfortunately can’t watch .wmv.
Folding Paper in Half 12 Times, I never believed it was impossible.
diggdot.us, now I only need one site to fill Anarchaia. ;-)
Charles’ Rules of Online Forums, and he’s totally right.
DENIM is a system that helps web site designers in the early stages of design. DENIM supports sketching input, allows design at different refinement levels, and unifies the levels through zooming. Interesting interface.
Richard Stallman Gets in Trouble with UN Security for Wearing a Tin-Foil Hat, very cool hack, RMS! (And Bruce, get permalinks, please.)
Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall;
And did it my way.
— Frank Sinatra, My Way
Laser etched Powerbook!, not exactly new, but good.
In Abrahams Schoß, Scheisse, Scheisse, Scheisse!!
“Ich wohne hier, verdiene hier und fühle mich wohl”, meint Stefan Raab gegenüber der FAZ und hat eine tolle Idee zur Mehrwertsteuer.
Of monads and spacesuits, a lovely introduction by Eric Kow.
Homespun Magixx, papercraft models and such. Good stuff.
Fake Non-Live Coverage of XML 2005 by Rick Jelliffe, who didn’t even attend. Nifty!
He whom you call your slave sprang from the same stock, is smiled upon by the same skies, and on equal terms with yourself breathes, lives and dies. — Seneca
The Melvins and Scott Kelly, John Wiseman was there. I didn’t even know they still existed.
Hopping Through Pipes and Closures, nifty syntactic sugar on RedHanded. Reminds me of my Object-oriented Pipelines.
And I don’t want to talk
I’m taking the cure so I can be quiet
Whenever I want
So leave me alone
You ought to be proud that I’m getting good marks
— Elliott Smith, Needle In The Hay
Project.ioni.st gets a new author. Welcome!
Web 2.0, essay by Paul Graham.
1.1, quatrains by Why The Lucky Stiff. He always manages to amaze me again.
The Mathematical Magic of the Fibonacci Numbers, lots of stuff.
Why Ruby Shouldn’t Be Your Next Programming Language (Maybe), but IMO it surely helps to learn a properly designed language, no?
New Shells: vshnu, by Jerry Peek. Neat.
Now I think if I have to live outside the Garden of Paradise
It might as well be spent looking in your eyes
The lies might as well be your lies
The thighs might as well be your thighs
It might as well be with Eva
It might as well be with you
— Dan Bern, Eva
“Just” use XML by Sam Ruby, presented at XML Conference 2005. Must-read for everyone dealing with such stuff, as usual.
10,001 Chalmatians by localroger. “The movies would have you think the culture of New Orleans is Cajun French, but that’s not so.”
The Open For Business Project: Mini-Language Guide, and you thought XML couldn’t go worse than OPML? Wrong.
Ruby getting play by Dave Roberts. He asks: “This article describes why some key Java folks are starting to look more at Ruby. Now the question is, why not Lisp?”
Rugby fan castrates self, too bad it’s not a religious act.
Pestizidtests an Menschen, Um herauszufinden, welche Mengen für den Menschen riskant werden können, werden diese nicht nur an Tieren getestet, sondern auch an Menschen, die damit zum Versuchskaninchen der Chemieindustrie werden.
Britney Spears spelling correction by Google. Lovely.
Rails-Editor by bougyman is a console IDE built upon screen and vim. Nice idea.
Xcerpt is a deductive, rule-based query language for graph-structured data. It is capable of querying various sources including XML, RDF (via XML), and its own term syntax. Sounds good.
Google Library will Train Google AI by Sid Steward. WJW.
Pragmatic Parsing in Common Lisp by Henry G. Baker, featuring META.
Ragel State Machine Compiler on LtU.
Exscribe, a document authoring tool programmed and programmable in Common Lisp, is mentioned on Lemonodor.
Superman said I am weary
Superman said let’s go home
The trees were strung with crosses and with ribbons
All the towns and churches had been bombed
— Dan Bern, Superman
Haskell Style on the Haskell Wiki.
Ready2005.com, a Korean song by Microsoft. This is soo wrong.
Signal vs. Noise Closes Comments to Non-Hoodwink’rs, did I tell you I love the net?
Felleisen: How to Design Class Hierarchies and slides. They are a must read.
The finger pointing at the moon is not the moon. — Buddhist saying
My Repository Transplant, Why moves from CVS to SVN.
IPv6 Forum chief: the new Internet is ready for consumption by Dahna McConnachie. It’s getting time.
ZFS Source Tour, this page is designed to take users through a brief overview of the source code associated with the ZFS filesystem.
Sunshine, been keeping me up for days
There is no night time, only a passing phase
And i’ll feel pretty, another hour or two
— Elliott Smith, Pretty (Ugly Before)
Some quick food that isn’t “Fast Food” on MetaFilter.
wa-as?!, Lydia erzählt Anekdoten.
Lx is Norman Gray’s SAX-compatible reader for an sexpr-based XML syntax.
Time Management for System Adminstrators??? Impossible! by Tom Limoncelli.
Blog Etiquette for Newspapers by Thomas Crampton. The usual web/paper mismatch.
Analyzing Statistics with GNU R by Kevin Farnham, neat introduction.
Ruby the Rival, segphault asks on LtU: “What I don’t understand is this: if Rails will make Ruby the next Java, why didn’t Zope do that for Python?” I understand that, though. ;-)
Short Course of Lisp, John Wiseman lists four essential books. To bad LiSP isn’t available as an e-book…
Nightsticks and water cannons, tear gas, padlocks,
Molotov cocktails and rocks behind every curtain,
False-hearted judges dying in the webs that they spin,
Only a matter of time ‘til night comes steppin’ in.
— Bob Dylan, Jokerman
Oh no, we’re all doomed… meint David. Dabei hab ich noch nie auf die Liste der kürzlich aktualisierten Blogs geschaut.
Asterisk 1.2 Released, Brian McConnell says. “This is the second major release of Digium’s open source PBX and telephony platform since the 1.0 release in September 2004.”
Kuscheln mit Körperausscheidungen, wie süß.
Thtatic Compilathionth (without a lisp) by Philippa Cowderoy.
Ray Ozzie blogs again. Only linked because of him, not his employer.
Full Metal Jacket Addenda, John Gruber provides even more details. “Safe Sleep” is a great thing.”
2channel on Wikipedia. “Most importantly, nearly everything is done anonymously, and voluntarily. A posting in a thread will either “age” (bump) or “sage” (down) its position in the thread list; “saged” posts have no effect on its position.” Very interesting concept.
Come on baby…don’t fear the reaper
Baby take my hand…don’t fear the reaper
We’ll be able to fly…don’t fear the reaper
Baby I’m your man…
— Blue Oyster Cult, Don’t Fear The Reaper
Gaming fanatics show hallmarks of drug addiction, I’m off nethack and CrackAttack! for months…
Introducing SPARQL: Querying the Semantic Web by Leigh Dodds. May become important soon.
In one Cambodian village where we have been working, there is no electricity, thus the laptop is, among other things, the brightest light source in the home. — $100-Laptop FAQ
Negroponte as The Music Man, Sid Steward on the $100-Laptop. “To me, a laptop without content is like a book without words.” And that’s not only a problem in poor countries, trust me.
Eno’s Paper Mac at Joi Ito’s. Nifty nifty.
Reporter’s personal comments in Nikkei online edition, such stuff happens. The comments prove that.
Birthday #35, John Wiseman et al. did have a great party.
If Helen Keller fell over in the forest, would she make a sound? — via Hal Fulton
My favorite vaporware, heck, Hal Fulton has even more unfinished ideas than me.
Continuations are so much easier to grasp than 2ch and Japanese , Mauricio Fernandez thinks. He’s probably right, ;-)
Because your candle burns too bright
Well, I almost forgot it was twilight
Even if I think that you are right
Well, I’m tired of being down, I got no fight
— Elliott Smith, Twilight
Type designators in Vlerq remember me of pack/unpack. Ugh.
Richard Stallman as ASCII art, written in the GPL. Refound on archive.org.
Computer Science Unplugged by Bell, Witten, & Fellows. Full text available on-line, nice book.
wikiCalc is a web authoring tool that creates normal web pages. It is for creating and maintaining web pages that include data this is more than just unformatted prose, such as schedules, lists, and tables. By the creator of VisiCalc.
Type Managers are intentional interfaces for files that have similar or the same type of data. The type in Type Manager literally refers to a set of mime types such as images, videos, music, or e-mails. I couldn’t disagree more.
Introducing Django 0.90, “We’re especially excited that getting Django no longer requires installing Subversion. :-)”
va bene, Lydia empfiehlt: “Sie wollen frühzeitig ableben? Dann fahren Sie mit dem Auto durch Rom, fünf Minuten lang!”
With my head full of stars
High on amphetamines
The moon is a lightbulb breaking
— Elliott Smith, St. Ides Heaven
SLIME Screencast Review by John Wiseman. Yeah, ILISP… ugh.
PHP Testing Tutorial at ApacheCon by Chris Shiflett. “Unfortunately, testing hasn’t really caught on in the PHP community for some reason”, duh.
Ich glaube die meisten Menschen wissen gar nicht was ein Rootkit ist, warum sollen sie sich also darum kümmern? — Thomas Hesse, Präsident Global Digital Business-Abteilung bei Sony BMG
Sony anti-customer technology roundup and time-line, good summary on BoingBoing.
Meet the IT Gigolo, by Steve Kandell. Systems Engineer “Ray Digerati” enjoys fixing computers and having sex. So he combined the two. Great.
The Destiny of Online Games by Raph Koster. Lots of images, may crash your browser.
Clash over reader letters: “A lot!” or “very few”?, by Thomas Crampton. The International Herald Tribune gets 30 letters a day, I think even our local newspaper gets more?
Book Review: Digital Identity, reviewed by Ben Rothke. This stuff is gonna get important soon.
Web APIs Working Group of the W3C. “Programming interfaces for Web Application development.” AJAX stuff and more.
History’s Worst Software Bugs on Wired. They forgot Windows ME, obviously.
Mac Mail App: Likelihood of a Crash, Derrick Story. Gnus works really fine in Carbon Emacs…
404 Annoyance Not Found, noticed by John Adams. “The pop-up ad that site tried to feed me failed to appear because of bad coding. Isn’t that lovely?”
Halt poultry farming, Andy Oram says. “Consumers can substitute vegetable sources of food for poultry and eggs–not an easy way to bake a cake, but certainly enough for a healthy diet.”
Train wheels runnin’ through the back of my memory,
When I ran on the hilltop following a pack of wild geese.
Someday, everything is gonna be smooth like a rhapsody
When I paint my masterpiece.
— Bob Dylan, When I Paint My Masterpiece
Google launches Dbase, circa 1985, but with less functionality, Keith Teare says.
Dabble Clip #1: Migration, of course it’s better to just try it on your own… if you are a beta tester. ;-)
Not all bases covered, Avi think’s Dabble is better than Google Base. I didn’t yet try Base, but I’ll probably write up a comparision. The intent looks rather different, at least.
elliottsmith.com features a cover of Dylan’s “When I Paint My Masterpiece”.
Extensible Records With Scoped Labels by Daan Leijen. That could be just what I’ve been looking for…
Late to the party, David N. Welton wonders about Rails and Java. “[S]ome aspects of [Java] are so big and unweildy that only companies that can muster the manpower to throw at it are going to do well with it, meaning that smaller shops would either have to not compete in that market, or compete poorly.”
Word Processing Blues by Tim Bray. TeX and HTML are all I need, personally.
RedHanded now features tumblelogs in the Links sidebar.
Well I guess there’s less reason than you think
For mixing pills, depression, and drink
If death and greatness has no link
Well too bad—
Too bad about Elliot Smith
— Dan Bern, Elliott Smith
The lost art of text editing, I think Paolo Amoroso is very right.
I LOVE Open Source—Really!, Shai Agassi of SAP says.
Keynote: From Atom to OWLs, and Oracle, a report of XML 2005 by Kurt Cagle.
Bad book covers, Dan Zambonini found some really bad. Ugh.
Apps that talk back, Giles Turnbull explains. I don’t think this is that useful.
Google Floats Online Book ‘Rental’ Plan by Sid Steward. I prefer the Safari approach…
UNIX and Editors, Hynek’s scribbles.
I’m going out sleepwalking
where mute memories start talking
the boss that couldn’t help but hurt you
and the pretty thing he made desert you
— Elliott Smith, 2:45 AM
Burda looks beyond printing, Thomas Crampton says. Rather surprising, to me.
Homosexuality, a definition. “Homosexual is a term originating from the greek words Homos, meaning “same”, and sexual, meaning “sexual.” It is used to describe couples who have sex in the same manner each night. This is different from heterosexuals who have sex in varying positions.”
FlightAware, The Future Of Flight Tracking Has Arrived.
Success on IHT Column pitch! (and next issues), Thomas Crampton says. Gratulations.
New Powerbook of John Wiseman, everyone’s got one now! (Except me, of course.)
Sparrow knocks over 23,000 dominoes before being shot, good job (of the sparrow).
Erlang/OTP User Conference 2005, with slides.
No, logo stickers aren’t awesome, but brand “theft” is not theft when I decide, Jason.
Homemade Flame Thrower, building a PVC flamethrower. WJW.
State of the Art: Where we are with the Ext3 filesystem, slides from 2005 Ottawa Linux Symposium.
A Riemann surface is a surface-like configuration that covers the complex plane with several, and in general infinitely many, “sheets.”
Ruby Forum, now providing a gateway to ruby-talk.
The tcltest package provides the user with utility tools for writing and running tests in the Tcl test suite. It can also be used to create a customized test harness for an extension.
Handle synchronous events from shared objects in Linux, how to use design patterns for more effective use of shared memory.
Windows were shakin’ all night in my dreams
Everything was exactly the way that it seems
Woke up this morning and I looked at the same old page
Same ol’ rat race
Life in the same ol’ cage.
— Bob Dylan, Highlands
Agile Work Axioms, Mishkin Berteig says: “I am trying to formulate a really simple way of describing the underlying assumptions and beliefs about life, the universe and everything that are driving the success of Agile.” See also www.agileaxioms.com.
A Tutorial on Cutting Up a Breakbeat Using a Tracker by conner_bw. Somehow that got out of fashion…
Tall buildings, Jason Kottke compares Chinese skyscapers.
Learn Lisp From MIT–for Free!!!, Christopher Roach discovers SICP and OCW.
BoBs 2005: Jury protestiert gegen Zensur eines chinesischen Weblogs, der Schockwellenreiter fasst zusammen.
Made in Germany ist ein Qualitätssiegel, das auf vielen Produkten aus Deutschland deren Herkunft angibt.
Well the future for me is already a thing of the past
You were my first love and you will be my last
— Bob Dylan, Bye and Bye
Catalyst will make web development something you had never expected it to be: Fun, rewarding and quick. Still feels too perly.
Startups and the State of IT by Kurt Cagle. Picks up Graham’s latest essay.
$30,750.00 for Speaker Cables and Other Stories, or How to Get A Well-Oiled Snake by The Fat Man. Awesome.
There’s a wealth of knowledge and experience in the communities around “dead” languages like Smalltalk, Lisp, and Forth, and it always saddens me to see so many mainstream developers taking years to make mistakes and discoveries they could have read about in an afternoon of browsing old papers or a few mailing list archives. — Avi Bryant
Beyond Java, Avi Bryant comments on Bruce Tate’s book.
Zen and the Art of Temperature Maintenance, “Scientists at the Iwate University in Japan have shown that the skunk cabbage […] can maintain its own internal temperature at about 20 degrees Celsius, even on a freezing day.”
Too compact, by Jean-Claude Wippler. “In hindsight, it looks like Metakit is trying too hard to pick the absolutely minimal representation.”
What time is it around the World? Too late ;-)
Turing’s Cathedral, A visit to Google on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of John von Neumann’s proposal for a digital computer. By George Dyson.
How Base64 Encoding Works by Heinz Tschabitscher.
Schism is a partial evaluator for a pure (side effect free) subset of Scheme, written primarily by Charles Consel.
The Secret Art of Futamura Projection by William Taysom. You will want to read this. “Partial evaluation is dark magic. Darkest of all is Futamura projection. Its most potent form, the third Futamura projection, allows the creation of a compiler generator from the partial evaluator alone.”
Yeah, she could drag me
over the rainbow,
send me away
Down by the river
I shot my baby
Down by the river,
Dead, oh, shot her dead.
— Neil Young, Down By The River
Microsoft Lauds ‘Scrum’ Method for Software Projects, great. Wonder if that helps.
def this_method; p caller; caller.first[/`(.*?)'/, 1]; end
Pillow Fight!, today, Dundas Square, 2 PM, Yonge & Dundas, Toronto.
Pie rule on Wikipedia, “a meta-rule commonly used in abstract strategy board games like Hex and Havannah.”
Compression, XML, Binary Infoset by Rick Jelliffe. “XML evangelists may need to spend more time promoting an awareness of how and when XML can be efficiently processed or transmitted rather than kneejerking about the evils of binary.”
E*Trade Patents “Application Server Caching”, Timothy M. O’Brien says. Patent my ass.
John Haller provides Portable {AbiWord, FileZilla, Firefox, Gaim, NVU, OpenOffice.org, Sunbird, Thunderbird}.
And I’m laying out my winter clothes,
wishing I was gone, goin’ home
Where the new york city winters aren’t bleedin’ me,
leadin’ me to go home
— Paul Simon, The Boxer
Beyond office document formats, “the current debate over office document formats misses the bigger challenge still facing us.” By Jon Udell. Who needs Office anyway…
MacDesktops.com has some nice wallpapers.
The Scarlet Letter, plot overview at Sparknotes.
_why again on Noboto, they seem to like him.
Aeronautics, Danny Ayers tries “The best paper airplane in the world!”.
DITA for DocBook, Implementing the Darwin Information Typing Architecture for DocBook. By Norman Walsh.
Introduction to the Darwin Information Typing Architecture, toward portable technical information. “The Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) is an XML-based, end-to-end architecture for authoring, producing, and delivering technical information.”
A dreamer of pictures
I run in the night
You see us together,
chasing the moonlight,
My cinnamon girl.
— Neil Young, Cinnamon Girl (Happy Birthday, Neil!)
Why Is France Burning? The rebellion of a lost generation, by Doug Ireland.
Mobile phone repair at Karol Bagh Market, awesome. “It’s amazing to think of that level of hardware hacking taking place every day at a back-street market stall.”
LIFT06, “Life, Ideas, Futures. Together.”. A conference about new technologies and people, happening in Geneva Switzerland on February 2-3, 2006.
Forty Faces, who just blogged? Does not scale.
On speaking English by Joi Itoi. But surely it’s better to get a different Foreign Minister that speaks English than to leave G8??
Candy Crisis is an exciting combination of pure action and puzzle gaming! And now open-source.
When writing for the web, there’s nothing but disappointment. I almost wish I didn’t understand HTML—then I could use high-level word processors, export to HTML and turn a blind eye to the atrocious markup. — Jonathan Rentzsch, Contemporary Quill
Full Metal Jacket, John Gruber says: “New theory: get the best PowerBook you can and live off it.” In-depth analysis.
O’Reilly Podcasts, a new portal.
“The Nature of Order” is the latest book from author Christopher Alexander. On The Wiki, see also NooHasNothingToDoWithSoftware.
Die “Inititiative Koolwatch”, Protokoll einer stürmischen Zeit. Einfach nur genial.
Marketing Books Online by Christopher Diggins. Why are metabooks different to books?
Emacs Keybindings in Eclipse, by Timothy M. O’Brien. Good to know that exists. “I do find myself programming Ruby in Emacs, maybe that say more about efficient language design than anything else.”
A little misbehaving, Andrea Harner: “One morning I thought I was clever and funny by arranging our innocuous little figures into one on one 69 positions.” PNSFW.
Hello ruby in the dust
Has your band begun to rust
After all the sin we’ve had
I was hopin’ that we’d turn back
— Neil Young, Cowgirl In The Sand
I made the 10 Most Powerful Women in Blogging list…, Joi Ito was considered a woman! (And I, admittedly, thought for a long time that Anil Dash was a woman, just from the name and the color of the blog. :-P)
Thing I Love About The Ruby Community #3,247: Whenever I think, “it would be smart if there were a way…”, there usually already is. — David Brady
Makin’ (Losin’) Money on the Web, by Kurt Cagle. When people argue for both sides, nothing has changed.
DRUIDSTREET V., using Backpack for tumblelogging. Via TumbleTumble.
A Generator for Type Checkers, thesis of Holger Gast.
AspectBrowser for Eclipse, “Following the lead of the Unix grep tool, AspectBrowser for Eclipse allows users to visualize programs in a Seesoft-like view by searching for regular expressions and displaying the results graphically.” Nifty idea.
Announcing the York Haskell Compiler, a Haskell 98 compiler with roots in nhc98.

“Sieht man die Welt heute, dann bleibt nur Wut”, Die neoliberale Globalisierung schafft Wohlstandsinseln und grenzt die Mehrheit aus. Der Trend spiegelt sich auch in den Großstädten wider. Ein Gespräch mit Manu Chao.
Bomba Atomika
Bomba Politika
Bomba Economia… sera culpa ti
nadie se va salvar!
— Manu Chao, Machine Gun
The Description Of Finite Sequential Processes by Kenneth E. Iverson, 1960. This post is dedicated to mfp.
Ken Iverson, Quotations and Anecdotes compiled and edited by Roger Hui. What the inventor of APL said.
Using Software RAID-1 with FreeBSD by Dru Lavigne. “Perhaps you’ve wanted your workstation to take advantage of the redundancy provided by a disk mirror without investing in a hardware RAID controller.”
Processing XML with Xerces and SAX by Ethan McCallum. A pull API would be nice too.
Understand Encodings in XML? This true case is a good test…, Rick Jelliffe. I almost had the solution.
Weihnachtsbaum, andersrum, .hcafnie nam thcuarb neD
Well, the sword swallower, he comes up to you
And then he kneels
He crosses himself
And then he clicks his high heels
And without further notice
He asks you how it feels
And he says, “Here is your throat back
Thanks for the loan”
— Bob Dylan, Ballad Of A Thin Man
FAQ #126 about Dabble invites: “The first set of invites went out earlier this week, and another batch is going out tonight.”
Mind-Body Hacks by John Adams. Tin-foil hacks.
Who Do You Blame for Unmaintainable Code? by chromatic. The programmers, of course. “Blame it on the language they used if you want – but expect few improvements from switching to another language, platform, library, or toolset.”
What part of the Halting Problem don’t you understand?, Steve Loughran asks.
Gates, Jobs, & the Zen aesthetic, a comparision of their presentation styles.
Collaborative Newspaper Column, Part 2 by Thomas Crampton. I’m excited how that will turn out.
‘Cause the road is long, it’s a long hard climb
I been on that road too long of a time
Yes the road is long, and it winds and winds
When I think of the love that I left behind.
— Bob Dylan, Coming From The Heart (The Road Is Long)
Real Estate Hackers Prevailing?, cute, somehow.
Camino combines the awesome visual and behavioral experience that has been central to the Macintosh philosophy with powerful web-browsing capabilities such as the Mozilla Gecko rendering engine. Gotta try that.
Its official! Sony rootkit label ‘malware’ by anti-virus, Anton Chuvakin says. Yay!
SyncPad, “a simple tool to jot down brief notes, which I can use from multiple computers.” How about Emacs and Unison? ;) But right, sharing is difficult.
Milestone 2, Vlerq is progressing. “To cut a long story short: Tclkit Lite can read and run starkits and starpacks.”
But Smalltalk kind of makes up with one nice aesthetical feature: it doesn’t look like a bastard child of C! ;) — Christophe Grandsire
Blogs and text messages spread call to violence, horray for infomation technology. Anyone have mirrors of these blogs for documentary purposes?
REXML: Processing XML in Ruby by Koen Vervloesem.
Fixing AJAX: XmlHttpRequest Considered Harmful by Jason Levitt. Good points.
There’s a battle outside
And it is ragin’.
It’ll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’.
— Bob Dylan, The Times They Are A-Changin’
The next frontier: XQuery Updates by Jonathan Bruce. Development of XQuery is too slow and to complicated.
Octopus, a Five-Minute Play for Twins Who Don’t Have Their Other Twin With Them and An Unlimited Supply of Animals.
Battling Bugs: A Digital Quagmire, link and discussion on LtU.
Macco’s Sledgehammer Versus Occam’s Razor by Brian McConnell. Great term. ;-)
It’s Time for Microsoft to Support OpenDoc, Preston Gralla thinks. “The OpenDocument Format (ODF) is a widely accepted Open Source standard”, is it really?
New Haven Rubyists Presentations, one about Unit Testing for now.
09. November 1989: Fall der Berliner Mauer, aus aktuellem Anlass.
Happy 1st Birthday Firefox!!, and fix those leaks on OSX. ;-)
Gates memo warns of ‘disruptive’ changes, times a-changin’. Fulltext memo.
Monadology, by Gottfried Leibniz (1714).
If you can get me a tennis game with John McEnore, a game of chess with Bobby Fischer,
A cup of coffee with JD Salinger, a blow job from Monica Lewinksy, a game of, catch with Willie Mays,
Three days in the desert with Bob Dylan and Terence McKenna, or at least some, good Vietnamese noodles.
I gotta go now, just ‘cause I gotta go now.
— Dan Bern, Olive Oil
Fish Fillets—Next Generation, a puzzle game. Your goal in most of the rooms is to get both fish out.
John & Ed’s Miscellaneous “Split” Tips by Ed Schaefer and John Spurgeon. A rarely used tool, I think.
Book Review: Optimizing Linux Performance, reviewed by Peter H. Salus.
Missing from the requirements document: Quinn Lester by Andy Lester. We need CDD, Child-Driven-Development.
Io, a small programming language at OOPSLA 2005.
22C3, Joi is coming.
Papa John’s Pizza’s Corporate E-mails Still Exposed (thanks Google), by Nitesh Dhanjani. Just gotta love the Google cache.
Hotels increase security by changing media formats by Chris Josephes. Snake oil.
The UnZen of UnPython, and Ruby is still better. ;-) And it doesn’t make you look serious if you complain about Scheme.
The Reasoned Schemer is available. Sounds like a great book.
Cool or wrong? Searching logs by Anton Chuvakin.
Operation Teddy: P2P sharing is not illegal by pik. “The act of sharing music and culture in the internet is NOT illegal under Spanish law, something that has already been demonstrated with clear facts.” Interesting.
My North of the Desolate Sea: Travels in Eastern Greenland and Svalbard by oceanbourne. Good report.
Well, the reason you hear me singing the blues, baby,
Yeah, you know my baby’s gone, she’s gone, she’s gone.
— Eric Clapton, Ten Long Years Lyrics
Factor 0.79 released, I like the new syntax-bits.
A Year Without (MS) Windows: Completing the Conversion of a Windows User, nice to hear.
TurboTunes tutorial, will show you how to implement your own music store using TurboGears.
AllegroCache—Object Persistence in Lisp, can he have that in Ruby? Please?
1000 projects on RubyForge! Impressive. The 1000th project is “theMCP”, a Ruby-on-Rails Missionary Contacts Program enables missionary agencies to provide missionaries with a web-based management software to store needed information on churches and people.
Jugendliche nutzen Netz als Steinbruch, das klingt doch eher negativ?
Ain’t nothin’ to do
But to set down and sing
And rock about my Sarah Jane.
— Bob Dylan, Sarah Jane
Dreizehn Minuten, die der Weltgeschichte fehlen, von Claus Christian Malzahn. “Wäre Hitler am 8. November 1939 nur ein paar Minuten länger im Bürgerbräukeller geblieben—Johann Georg Elser wäre heute womöglich ein Nationalheld.”
Copyright law lets libraries distribute Twilight Zone material … in full, Sid Steward says: “I discovered a section of copyright law that gives libraries exceptional privileges.”
How much is too much?, is Dan caffeine addicted?
Incident No. 30: Jentle & Pailey, _why as good as ever.
I mean, with Java, it’d be hard for an IDE *not* to enhance one’s productivity, because you’d cut the amount of typing in half by using auto-generation. — Austin Ziegler
Design Choices Can Cripple a Website by Nick Usborne. Amazing results.
High Accessibility Is Effective Search Engine Optimization by Andy Hagans. Full ACK.
French Suburbs in Flames by Thomas Crampton. He’s actually been there.
Fragile Equilibria by skyknight; comment from a Parisian: “Nothing as disruptive as our good old transport strikes.”
Merde en France by thankyougustad. “The French government seems stuck in a very tight spot that has needed addressing for fifty years now.”
You’re on my mind every place I go.
How much I love you, nobody know.
Yeah, someday babe,
I ain’t gonna worry my life any more.
— Eric Clapton & B.B. King, Worried Life Blues
HREF Considered Harmful, notes from the Seaside. Avi moves his personal blog to smallthought.com.
Greatest Internet Moments, the net gets old.
The Myth Of Data Integrity by Alex Bunardzic and a nice comment war.
TileToy is a modular, electronic game prototype for tangible LED game tiles. I imagine lots of fun.
How Software Companies Die by Orson Scott Card. “You can domesticate programmers the way beekeepers tame bees.”
Ellen Feiss, the girl, the commercial, the website.
How To Program a Bootstrap Loader by Matthew Vea. I’d like to know how it works for other architectures than x86.
RFID Passports: Improved, but still flawed? by KC7GR. I still don’t see why they need to be RFIDs, a 2D-barcode would be enough.
The Bumblelog by Jamis Buck. Welcome on board!
Mind Camp 1.0 report by Ted Leung. Sounds interesting.
Spanish is the loving tongue
Soft as music, light as spray
‘Twas a girl I learned it from
Living down Sonora way
— Bob Dylan, Spanish Is The Loving Tongue
Nexenta is a complete GNU-based open source operating system built on top of the OpenSolaris kernel and runtime.
LesserWiki is a TiddlyWiki style Wiki engine based on Ajax technology. It is built on Ruby on Rails.
Liquid template engine for Rails.
Denver Legalizes the Reefer, the residents of Denver, Colorado passed the Alcohol-Marijuana Equalization Initiative.
The Linux Sysadmin’s Essential Bookshelf, Carla Schroder introduces. Maybe add an editor book?
The Venture Capital Squeeze by Paul Graham.
Walking Molecules can Stay the Course, totally cool.
Sony’s revenue model by Jonathan Wellons. Apparently, one can cheat with the rootkit, “As this property is becoming better known, consumers are buying the CD simply for the rootkit.” Great, great.
I heard that all of the Jews got killed
so that the museums would have something for the future
I heard that the Hutus killed all the Tutsis
cause otherwise they’d never see Jesus and his mother
Oh, I am a witness
— Dan Bern, Witness
Parasite, different pictures, same pose…, Paris is evil.
Xubuntu, a community project to provide a nice Ubuntu desktop experience (even on older hardware) by using Xfce4 as the desktop environment and GTK+ 2 applications wherever possible.
Monads in Ruby, Part 1: Introduction by MenTaLguY.
Wake up, Europe, you’ve a war on your hands by Mark Steyn Sun-Times Columnist.
Anti-Google-ites get downright silly, I have nothing to add.
PowerBook to gain iSight, iBook to go widescreen in 2006, AppleInsider claims. A 13"-iBook doesn’t sounds bad.
Where choice begins, Paradise ends. — Arthur Miller
Scannerless Parsers and Compile-Time Evaluation by Dan Knapp. This time, Tomita’s GLR Algorithm in Lisp.
nothing else matters, Lydia philosophiert.
Enhanced xmp code evaluation and annotation by Mauricio Fernandez. For reference, my idea, codified by mfp.
10 Issues Facing Web 2.0 Today, a list by Dion Hinchcliffe. Lovely. “8. Blogging Instead of Doing.”
Q. How many wiki people does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. One, but anyone can change it back. — Sunir Shah, Pragmatic Standardization
Take the AQ Test, my AQ (Autism-Spectrum Quotient) is 17. *puh* ;-)
Programming Language Names discussion on LtU. Conclusion: make it googleable.
Sheared urban symmetries, at BLDGBLOG. WJW. Checkout the other posts too.
cl-xmpp is a Lisp implementation of the Jabber protocol the open standard for instant messaging. Nice.
And I have a dream of a new American language
One with a little bit more Spanish
I have a dream of a new pop music
That tells the truth with a good beat and some nice harmony
— Dan Bern, New American Language
A Rock Lee moment by Joi Ito. These notebook stickers just have to be good for something.
Sermon at the Soup Kitchen I-IV: How I Was Saved by MichaelCrawford. A story of software development. And C++.
Paper: The hidden cost of the build, Steve links to a paper that tells you how much makefiles cost.
Sometimes I m walking down the street
I want to know everybody
Wanna talk to everybody
Paint your face and hear a story
— Dan Bern, Walking Down The Street
Hackers, Open Source and business models by Ugo Cei. “There still are some great hackers writing Java code, just as there are using C and C++, but we are already on the descending part of the curve.” Good news.
USB MIDI Controller, built by Manuel. Looks geeky.
Yahoo Maps pranks Google, nice nice.
James Boyle: Web’s never-to-be-repeated revolution, how would the world look without the web, anyway?
Linspire will replace Windows with crippled Linux—cheap, South Korea could go from one tyrant to the next.
touch *
in the wrong directory on OS X:
for f in *; do
touch -t $(gdate \
--date="$(/Developer/Tools/GetFileInfo -d "$f")" \
+%Y%m%d%H%M.%S) "$f";
CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons, after all, they are suspect.
Life, Love and MMO’s by metavisual. Must not get hooked.
So it’s fare thee well my own true love,
We’ll meet another day, another time.
It ain’t the leavin’
That’s a-grievin’ me
But my true love who’s bound to stay behind.
— Bob Dylan, Farewell
Buy Books by the Page with Amazon Pages by Sid Steward. Or go to your local library and copy them for free. (Let’s hope you have a big local library :P)
IE 7 will only accept well-formed XML in web feeds, one step forward. Now, if they’d only accept valid feeds…
The end of One Big Text File by Giles Turnbull. He now uses many files, not bad either. So easy it’s gotta be good.
Matz Just Sent Me a Ruby Script From 2009, lovely. :-P
VX Gas, an introduction. *cough*
Let’s make the Google API an open standard, but, please, don’t let Dave Winer write the spec.
FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE Announcement, it’s BSD release season.
Amazon Mechanical Turk, “Complete simple tasks that people do better than computers. And, get paid for it.”. What a political-correct name.
Mayor: Cut thumbs off graffiti ‘punks’, welcome medieval!
“Welcome to the 21st Century” or “Legal malware wars” by Anton Chuvakin. “Trojan vs Rootkit, Part II”
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair… — Charles Dickens, Tale of Two Cities
Native Queries for Persistent Objects, a concise and type-safe way to express queries directly as Java and C# methods.
Google + CC = Good, by Joi Ito: “Google has just launched a “Usage Rights” category in their advanced search.”
Tutorial on Good Lisp Programming Style, didn’t yet know of that!
I think the birds can see
Everything a little sooner than me
I think the birds can see
Everything a little sooner than me
— Dan Bern, Birds
SICP Lectures on Your iPod, totally cool.
Making Sense of Subroutines by Rob Kinyon. Do we really need a tutorial for that on perl.com?
How else explain fax machines?
How else explain computer enhancement?
How else explain digital remastering?
How else explain Mozart?
— Dan Bern, No Missing Link
PyPy release 0.8.0, “The third PyPy release is out, with an integrated and translatable compiler, speed progress, and now the possibility to translate our experimental “Thunk” object space (supporting lazy computed objects) with its features preserved.”
Symbol#to_proc has been mentioned on the list too. I’d recommend
to use __send__
So You Want To Shoot A Giraffe In The Forehead, by why the lucky stiff.
If an Agile Evangelist falls in the forest and there’s no one to hear him, does he still go on, and on, and on about it? — Elizabeth Keogh (via Jim Weirich)
Cats in Sinks, It’s about cats. And kittens. Who like sinks. And basins. Cute.
CSS Reboot, and I totally forgot about it. :-/
Domain Specific Language with a lifespan of 2 hours or basic data munging by Bob Evans.
Enterprise Integration with Ruby goes Beta, PragDave says.

Changes in Ruby 1.9, Mauricio scanned over 25000 lines of Changelogs to extract the changes between the stable branch and HEAD. Great job!
Everything I Know, the historic 42-hour session with Bucky. (Buckminster Fuller) Loads of stuff.
Standing next to me in this lonely crowd,
Is a man who swears he’s not to blame.
All day long I hear him shout so loud,
Crying out that he was framed.
— Bob Dylan,I Shall Be Released
Yahoo! Maps Web Services: Simple API Getting Started Guide, “With the Yahoo! Maps Simple API, you have a very easy way to display your geographical content, build a store locator, plan a pub crawl, or create custom routes.”
Message threading by Jamie Zawinski: “I describe what is, in my humble but correct opinion, the best known algorithm for threading messages.”
Zim is a WYSIWYG text editor written in Gtk2-Perl. It aims at bringing the concept of a wiki to your desktop.
Why have you used the font Gill? Gill sodomised his daughter and I don’t think we should be associating ourselves with that sort of thing. — Client Quote 314
Paparazzi! is a small utility for Mac OSX that makes screenshots of webpages.
Gonorrhea Lectim, a new disease (via RMS).
The Sounds of Selenium Testing Your Weblickation, check out the filk in the comments!
Of a million tear-stained eyes
Don’t be surprised when a crack in the ice
Appears under your feet.
You slip out of your depth and out of your mind
With your fear flowing out behind you
As you claw the thin ice.
— Pink Floyd, The Thin Ice
require ‘thin_ice’ on RedHanded. “Danger. Danger. Danger. urirequire has been released. If you use this, the government will call you into their office.”
What is they all stop? Musings on vulnerability research by Anton Chuvakin.
World Usability Day, today is the first World Usability Day, so designated by the Usability Professionals Association. Guess what all the other days have been?
Ruby, Python, Perl.
For me, Ruby easiest.
But I like Forth too.
— Jabari Zakiya
Donut Line Method of Standarization by Rick Jelliffe. Great punch-line.
In deepest space, the earth really mustn’t move for you, Robin McKie about pregnacy in the spaceship.
lispjobs.com now features Atom 1.0 (nice use of XSLT, btw.).
REST on Rails by Matt Biddulph. Looks very easy.
XFN Delusions of Grandeur, Jennifer Golbeck doesn’t like using URLs of webpages for people.
Windows Live—Nothing new for Mac users, by Chris Bauman. “I guess for Windows folks, this is rather amazing stuff. They just don’t know what they have been missing.”
Remake/Remodel, MacDara Conroy now blogs in a tumblin’ style.
Dr. Batman to the rescue, Norwegian naming laws relaxed a bit on January 1, 2003 but it is still a rarity when someone adopts Batman as their legal name.
NIL Considered Harmful by Drew McDermott. “The point is that nil is over-overloaded in Common Lisp.”
Cassette Jam ‘05, a lot of them!
Lord, I’m broke, I’m hungry, ragged and dirty too,
Broke and hungry, ragged and dirty too.
If I clean up, sweet momma, can I stay all night with you?
— Bob Dylan, Ragged & Dirty
Ajax: beware of crap, Ajax is not rocket science, but needs a minimum of understanding on how HTTP, HTML and the DOM work to do things cleanly.
Emacs Tagging by Conrad Barski. “Now you can harness the power of del.icio.us-style tagging to organize your notes/programs/whatever directly from EMACS using my nifty new EMACS mode!” Nifty idea.
Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project, a new book by Karl Fogel. “Producing Open Source Software is a book about the human side of open source development.”
Just Plain Atheist by Hanna Jarvinen. “Saying “I don’t believe in supernatural entities but I’m still a Christian” is an oxymoron (stress on the moron).”
Franz and Macsyma, Bill Clementson writes: “I hadn’t realized that the early history of Franz had been also intimately tied to Macsyma.” Neither did I, this is very interesting.
ChangingMinds.org, the largest site in the world on all aspects of how we change one another’s minds.
Nexenta OS: Debian based GNU/Solaris, I’d rather see Debian GNU/kNetBSD see more attraction, but this sounds interesting too.
Final result for the FreeBSD logo design competition, just ugly!
Inertia is Mike Austin’s long term research and prototyping projects based on user interfaces. Implementations have been written in C++, Io, and now Dylan.
Der Kindergarten des Tages in Kurzfassung, danke Jörg.
Graphviz: Why draw when you can code?, an introduction by Christopher Roach.
Shell Corner: Reading Function and Cursor Keys in a Shell Script, by Chris F.A. Johnson. Makes me sentimental.
If you can read this: You are rich, Thomas Crampton says. If you are really rich, you don’t understand what he’s talking about, however.
What would you put in the ultimate Base Class?, Dan Zambonini asks. (And has no clue.)
She looked at me, begin to smile,
Said, “Hey, hey, man, can’t you wait a little while?”
No, no, babe, I got blood in my eyes for you,
No, no, babe, I got blood in my eyes for you.
Got blood in my eyes for you, babe,
I don’t care what in the world you do.
— Bob Dylan, Blood In My Eyes
Sony, Rootkits and Digital Rights Management Gone Too Far, your fault to allow this.
Falling below the fold, blogging too much about WoW makes your blog fall off the Technorati Top-100. Too bad. :-P
Movable Type, Jack from Tumbletumble gets a prize for the first “real” tumblelog based on non-Ruby blogware.
Love stinks, Ruby on win32 is fun.
Smalltalk case-statement, good example of how blocks faciliate sub-languages.
dvi2bitmap is a utility to convert TeX DVI files directly to bitmaps, without going through the complicated (and slow!) route of conversion via PostScript and PNM.
Chat Room That Built the World, “In the past few years, some of the most revolutionary software emerged not from Silicon Valley startups or high-powered universities, but from a humble online chat room.” IRC rocks.
The Bottoms Up RDF Tutorial by Shelley. Good read.
How the Intelligent Chip Works—The Definitive Explanation, nuts: “The Intelligent Chip should be put back into the packing case after using, because the packing case can protect the quantum material of the Intelligent Chip, preventing them from leaking.”
Could you write a novel in November?, Micah Dubinko asks. I, for one, couldn’t—despite the ideas.
runit is a UNIX init scheme with service supervision.
Tomorrow night, will you be with me when the moon is bright?
Tomorrow night, will you say those lovely things you said tonight?
— Bob Dylan, Tomorrow Night
The BBC’s programme catalogue (on Rails), “Ajax, feeds for everything, tags, full read-only REST API including FOAF for all contributors, and it’s all run with Ruby on Rails.”
Spaceframe Sculpture Kit, reminds me of an old toy.
The first images taken with Sony cameras can be found by googling for “DSC00001.jpg”. Enjoy.
Rant vs. Rake, a comparision by the Rant author.
‘05 Proving To Be Worst Newspaper Year Since Recession, it’s evolution, babe!
OpenBSD 3.8 released, featuring a nice song again.
Uhus finest-assorted Weblog Droppings, cool.
Schlechte Karten für arme Kinder, PISA-Ländervergleich belegt: Soziale Selektion im deutschen Schulsystem hat sich weiter verschärft.
Euruko videos, finally they are there! (Featuring me too ;-))
Tambourines and elephants are playing in the band.
Won’t you take a ride on the flyin’ spoon?
Doo, doo doo.
Wond’rous apparition provided by magician.
— Creedence Clearwater Revival, Lookin’ Out My Back Door
Maus-mp3, absurd, aber interessant.
After -Ofun: Thoughts on Code Optimization, Part 3 by Geoff Broadwell.
Noboto No. 12, _why says: “Friends, I just got to meander inside the coolest podcast.” Awesome.
Env, man!, a Programming Environments Weblog by Luke Gorrie.
Diseases of the Rich by Thomas Crampton. Example from the commenters: “Opium addiction.”
Programming style, Jean Claude-Wippler says: “People who see my code tend to jump up in total disgust.” An apology.