Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Goovite, fast, free, easy invites, with no registration required. You gotta like that!
Ruby on Rails: An Interview with David Heinemeier Hansson by Edd Dumbill.
Wahl-O-Mat Bundestagswahl 2005 von der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Mein Ergebnis hat mich eher überrascht, so viel dazu.
I’ve never felt this healthy before
I’ve never wanted something rational
I am aware now
I am aware now
— Alanis Morissette, Hand Over Feet
BarCamp wiki, the free “alternative” to Foo Camp.
SlidesAndStuff directly at the FOO 2005 wiki.
Slides from Foo Camp talk for Mercurial and others by Bryan O’Sullivan. Nice overview about the state of version control.
Trac + darcs = I’m in heaven, that sounds awfully complex.
People’s lives changed radically and rapidly, not because of printing machinery, but because of what that invention made it possible for people to know. — Howard Rheingold, Tools for Thought
Don’t Buy Harry Potter Books, RMS says. “Even better, read something else–there are plenty of other books just as good, or (dare one suggest) even better.”
Richard M. Stallman now has an RSS feed for his political notes.
Diamonds are not forever, Physicists in Germany have created a material that is harder than diamond. Are they still a girl’s best friend?
Goo activity, according to this mail, I hope Goo is not dead yet. (Oh please, please.)
Nun also doch: die Rudi-Dutschke-Straße, super. Und sie grenzt an den Axel-Springer-Verlag. :-)
The Salisbury Project is an archive of color photographs designed for teachers, students and scholars to supplement visually books and articles published on the cathedral and town of Salisbury. Nice!
wmii is a dynamic window manager for X11, which is highly customizable and usable with keyboard and mouse. It is highly modularized and uses an inter-process communication interface which is oriented on the 9p protocol of plan9.
Laziness Without All the Hard Work, from a functional programming point of view.
How to Write a Hack for O’Reilly by Brian Sawyer. And I could bet I saw “Hacks” that didn’t qualify as those in the bookshelf.
Hobix and Rails Wed Unceremoniously Off Behind the Podomatic, Hobix and Rails is an interesting mix.
YAML is Parseltongue, Python got a proper Syck binding, among the comments: “Or is this the version that doesn’t segfault?”
Debian Quiz, hum I only knew 22 out of 41 questions (53.7%).
Rubyful Soup is a Ruby port of the hit Python HTML/XML parser Beautiful Soup. Sounds very useful.
I feel sorry
for the earth’s population
‘cause so few
live in the U.S.A.
— Bad Religion, American Jesus
English is essentially Low German plus even lower French minus any sense of culture. — Danny Weir
Interview with John Gruber at GUIdebook. Pretty nice discussion about the OS X interface.
Silverex still makes free XChat2 for win32 binaries. Thanks a lot! (Just mentioned here should I ever need it again.)
Be Right Back, ok, enough Christian jokes for now.
Whirlpool is a hash function designed by Vincent Rijmen and Paulo S. L. M. Barreto that operates on messages less than 2^256 bits in length, and produces a message digest of 512 bits. One of the new hashes getting relevant now.
Religiösität und Transzendenz von Lars Strojny: “Transzendentes Denken, also die rationale Möglichkeit dazu, das Eigentliche zu antizipieren, ist von der Idiotie der Religösität zu befreien, um die Möglichkeit sozialer Emanzipation aufrecht zu erhalten.”
Kitten, Slava’s blog is getting a real blog.
Freedom languages are those languages that put the individual programmer at the center of their philosophical world. says Kevin Barnes.
Thank you India
Thank you terror
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you frailty
Thank you consequence
Thank you thank you silence
— Alanis Morissette
A Surefire Cure For Spam by Carla Schroder. Quite radical, but I can see the point.
Is Ruby more Country or Grunge?, nice idea to compare languages to music genres. IMO, Grunge.
Stalled blog, Joi was busy and people complain why he didn’t play WoW.
Enigma-Schwachstellen auf der Spur ist Klaus Schmeh. Mit Links zu den zwei vorherigen Teilen.
My memory is muddy what’s this river I’m in,
New Orleans is sinking and I don’t want to swim
— Tragically Hip, New Orleans Is Sinking
How Not To Screw Up Java Exception Handling, Leo Simons knows. Ugly language, did I mention?
Ajax Office is to Microsoft Office what GMail (Google Mail) is to Microsoft OutLook. Bubble dreams.
Ruport Manual (PDF), a Ruby report generator.
Shiny Red Rock, I think Tim Bray likes Ruby.
I’m out of control
I’m a hurricane
hitting it hard, I’m broken down
I’m out of control, I’m in a hurricane
— Bush, Hurricane
JSON-RPC, sounds like a reasonable alternative to XML-RPC to me. Never saw it in reality, though.
New Cryptanalytic Results Against SHA-1, with a 2^63 attack, SHA1 can now considered to be dead.

City of New Orleans, John Adams has links related to Katrina.
street scene, see street scribblings.
BlogDay 2005 sounds like a great idea to me: “For one long moment on August 31st, bloggers from all over the world will post recommendations of 5 new Blogs, preferably Blogs that are different from their own culture, point of view and attitude.”
Sudoku Solving Techniques, “these are some of the techniques that can be used to solve Sudoku puzzles.” Nothing new to me, but a good overview.
Democracy don’t rule the world,
You’d better get that in your head.
This world is ruled by violence,
But I guess that’s better left unsaid.
— Bob Dylan, Union Sundown
WDR verweigert Ausstrahlung von Wahlwerbespot, die APPD zeigts mal wieder allen.
RSS3 is a waste of time considering Atom 1.0 exists.
glitch art is when digital goes all abstract on your ass. A photoset on Flickr.
Emacs of the Web, Patrick Logan knows about my dream app.
Understanding Ruby Symbols is a most comprehensive collection on that FAQ.
The Coast is Clear to Vocally Praise RubyGems, no no no no no no no no.
Source Code Respository Behavior by John Wiseman. There are lots of other possibilities to do diagrams on SCM, e.g. my LoC counting for Darcs.
Sweet Jesus! It’s the midiGun! Now we know what the upper instruments of GM were made for.
The best programmers know how to leverage programming tools intelligently and typically favor expressive, flexible languages like Lisp, Smalltalk, Forth, and Python. — Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz, Regular Expressions: Don’t Fear Reliability
Should Python and XML Coexist?, Uche Ogbuji wants to know. Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing one or the other die. :-P
The birth of the FORTRAN II subroutine at Dusty Decks. Dig up the old stuff.
Don’t Send Me Bounce Messages!, chromatic is totally right.
Perl Needs Better Tools, says Matisse Enzer. I’m not sure if “better” tools won’t do harm in general.
A conversation with Jonathan Robie about XQuery by Jon Udell. Including a good overview of the different stages of XML query language evolution (nice for backtracking if you don’t like XQuery).
Introductions at Foo 2005. The conference seemed to be a lot less advertized than last year, but David Weinberger has blogged some stuff.
Wearing Firefox, Joi Ito got nice shirts.
I’ve abandoned static ruby program analysis :P — SASADA Koichi
Displacing America: A New Chinese Empire? asks cibby. Sounds unlikely to me, but never say never.
“Fenster zu, es zieht!”, Das Netzwerk Neue Medien, die Grüne Jugend und der Chaos Computer Club kritisieren die Lobbyveranstaltung der Firma Microsoft im Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus. Und sie kommen auch als Pinguine verkleidet!
We can have some caviar in San Tropez
I have a flat I’ll leave you the keys
But ohhhh,
On the road all I eat is cheese
— Dan Bern, Cheese Song
mmm, cheese, Hanna has a picture of a cheese-covered hotel room. Yum!
A List Apart 4.0 by Jeffrey Zeldman. They now use Rails! I liked the older design better, but I know you didn’t ask.
Can software have opinions?, DHH is damn right in that point. (I disagree on the pluralization thing, though.)
Forscher sammeln, das ist doch mal was pädagogisch sinnvolles. Es gibt auch eine Karte mit Feynman.
Dissident—More Ruby Dependency Injection was mentioned on the excellent Projectionist tumblelog. And no, I don’t think my last name is any more unrememberable than, say, Taniyama or Shimura. ;-)
Off to Lloret de Mar, chris blogs and Anarchaia resume publishing on August 29, have a lot of fun.
Preparing for a Culture Shock, they’d need to pry Emacs from my cold, dead, hands.
HesaSys is a GPL’d OpenSource CMS. And, you won’t believe it, the first CMS I see that has a valid XHTML website! Kudos to the developers.
Blogger for Word, it’s a small click for users, but a huge leap backwards for semantic HTML on the web.
Und dann fragst du mich, was schaust du am liebsten
Und ich sage Naturfilme, weil man da sehen kann
Wie schön die Welt ist und was die Tiere tun
Wohin die Vögel ziehn, wenn es kalt wird in Berlin.
— Funny van Dannen, Naturfilme
Oocli Fantasies, and I tell you, OO-pipes will never be successful under a Unixish operating system.
Stoned scientists by Dana Larsen. “Marijuana and psychedelics have inspired many of the modern world’s greatest minds.”
Looking for a few good men, Joel Reymont needs some experienced Lispers for his uptick software.
Tracking Lispmeister.com Visitors using Google Maps, cool mapping hack.
Tweak is a media authoring environment for children of all ages for Squeak.
Dispatching in a REST Protocol Application by Joe Gregorio. Provides a rather nice mapping of REST to method calls.
Aha-Effekt, Nr. 384, die Finger werden übrigens nicht schmutzig, wenn man Besteck verwendet.
May I be boiled in oil And fried in Crisco If I ever call San Francisco, “Frisco” — Ogden Nash
As Simple As Possible? by Chuck Allison. I didn’t even know C++ people knew what “simple” means.
A compact example of a failed counter-terrorism policy by OzJuggler. “Using violence against violence” does not work. News at 11. Good collection nevertheless.
I don’t need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin’ soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain’t that fresh
I don’t need your civil war
— Guns’n’Roses, Civil War
A comparison of Django with Rails at magpiebrain, I think it’s one of the more neutral ones.
Doron Zeilberger on how to explain mathematics found at Wadler’s Blog.
Anmerkungen zu: Peter Krieg, “Die paranoide Marschine” von Eberhard von Goldammer (PDF). Die ganze Geschichte (siehe auch Pile Systems) scheint in einem Sumpf metaphilosophischer Scheisse unterzugehen. Nur für postmoderne Interpretation geeignet. Vielleicht ist es ja Kunst.
Why Plan 9 is not dead yet, and what we can learn from it. By Ron Minnich.
Dept. 1127: going, Going, GONE! by Peter H. Salus. Read what the inventors of Unix do now: those that don’t teach work for Google. (BTW, UnixReview.com finally has a feed.)
Nothing is better than eternal happiness. A ham sandwich is better than nothing. Therefore, a ham sandwich is better than eternal happiness. — R. S. Nickerson, Reflections on Reasoning
Kleiner gemischter Anarchosalat sieht lecker aus!
Papst als “Bravo”-Beilage, das kann auch nicht mehr in seinem Sinne sein.
Und da mich etliche der ach so toleranten Katholen in die Hölle wünschen bleibt der Schockwellenreiter für die Dauer des religiösen Mummenschanzes religionsfreie Zone und Religionsfreie Zone auch weiter der “Google des Tages”. — Jörg Kantel (danke!)
Ideas are just a multiplier of execution, Derek Sivers does arthithmetics. Not that bad, actually.
Happy Birthday, Hanna Wallach. Just look at my cake. ;-)
eTM war in LaJolla und hat einige tolle Bilder aufgenommen.
More Drawers for Your Docs, another Firefox sidebar for Ruby documentation.
A Different Kind of Rails Application by PragDave. VitalSource provides an application that uses Rails internally and WebKit to render the actual user interface. Of course a great way to make your application portable, and still provide a native interface.
But when I found Ruby, I almost instantly fell in love. It almost felt as if Matz looked at my top ten language features list and implemented eight or nine of them. — Jared Nuzzolillo
Thomas Crampton is the very first guest blogger at Joi Ito’s.
The Future Is Locked by verifex. We got to stop that. “Creative work should not be treated as though it is a hamburger.”
Brieftaube fand richtige Adresse im falschen Land bei zeitwissen:log.
Wiesu zitiert Stanley Milgram: “Für einen Mann vor einem Knopf, der die Vernichtung eines ganzen Landstrichs auslöst, hat die Bedienung dieses Knopfs etwa die gleiche emotionale Bedeutung, wie wenn er nach dem Aufzug klingelt.”
Alle reden über Renten, über Zukunftssicherung
Aber ich will heute leben, denn heute bin ich jung
Alle reden nur von Krise und sie schaun so traurig drein
Wer will das denn verdammt noch mal, ich will lustig sein
— Funny van Dannen, Himmel auf Erden
Moving 8000 People 10 Kilometres by stuaart. About the Israeli disengagement from the Gaza Strip, as you guessed.
Pile Systems Inc do some incredibly cool things, I need a closer look on that. “The Pile System offers a new approach based on a revolutionary “polylogic” architecture and non-redundant representation, […] combining the advantages of base tree structures and complex networks while avoiding their disadvantages.”
The Lunchroom is Scott Baron’s new blog.
Hilary Rosen guest blogging at Lessig’s, no joke!
CL-GODB is a result of the Common Lisp Summer Of Lisp.
Ready-Patched Rite, very nice for the non-CVS aware.
Does Tiger’s Burn Folder Char Toast? So what? It’s just one propietary app less you depend on.
Computer-generated Sudoku puzzles are lacking a vital ingredient that makes puzzles enjoyable—the sense of communication between solver and author. — Nobuhiko Kanamoto, A well-made Sudoku is a pleasure to solve
Let’s make a Sudoku, at Nikoli, they explain how to do your own puzzles. And they actually do all their puzzles by hand.
The day that Elvis died was like a mercy killing
America breathed a sigh of relief
We knew all about the drugs and the Vegas shows
And there wasn’t much of anything that looked like grief
— Dan Bern, Too Late To Die Young
The Hidden Boot Code of the Xbox or “How to fit three bugs in 512 bytes of security code” by Michael Steil. Awesome.
SiteMesh is a web-page layout and decoration framework.
Strange Things You Likely Didn’t Know, for example: “Celery has negative calories. It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with.” (Same for Diet Coke, btw.)
The OSx86 Project is dedicated to bringing you the latest news about OS X on x86 hardware.
Ah, my friends from the prison, they ask unto me,
“How good, how good does it feel to be free?”
And I answer them most mysteriously,
“Are birds free from the chains of the skyway?”
— Bob Dylan, Ballad in Plain D
John Carmack QuakeCon Keynote Highlights, the Q3A source is to be released real soon now.
Christianisten, wunderbarer Wagen der “Religionsfreien Zone”.
awk hab ich ewig nicht mehr verwendet. Wieso auch? Ruby is so viel flexibler und kaum mehr Aufwand.
Static typing makes debugging easier. Slava, only people doing manifest typing claim that. ;-)
The “Zero Tolerance” Approach to Fighting in Schools by lostincali. In the eyes of a pragmatist, zero tolerance is always wrong.
You always taught me right from wrong
I need your help, daddy please be strong
I may be young at heart
But I know what I’m saying
— Madonna, Papa Don’t Preach
Integration, Hanna Wallach says wise words: “Debian Women should be acting as a stepping stone or portal to the rest of the Debian project.”
BlackDog offers open source developers an exciting new platform for mobilizing software applications. It is a fully self-contained computer with a built-in biometric reader and a host of other powerful features, running on your USB port. I need that!
Low Tech Talk Design by Anthony Baxter. Good hints for better talks.
Two countries, two systems for promoting free software, Andy Oram compares the USA to China.
How bent spaghetti break, I’d rather be interested in how they taste.
Hey, Teacher leave those kids alone!
All in all you’re just another brick in the wall.
All in all you’re just another brick in the wall.
— Pink Floyd, Just Another Brick In The Wall
Helsinki athletic games infested with Cabir Bluetooth virus, even if it’s not true, I’m LMAO.
Rails Confidence Builder by Sam Ruby.
Avoiding Ruby Keywords, Obfuscation is Our Motivation.
I once showed that calls to __send__
are enough to write
any Ruby program. ;-)
How to Decide What Bugs to Fix When, Part 1 by Scott Berkun. Very important problem.
Hacking Maps with the Google Maps API by Hari Gottipati.
Rails Books Are All Shipped, says PragDave. That books is a huge win for the Ruby community in my eyes.
Jake the Nazi: A Memoir by Psycho Dave. I’m coming to the conclusion that some people can’t be helped anymore. Somehow funny, though.
has ilias lazaridis contributed anything recently? i think i remember he was very interested but a bit clueless, if you ask me. — Franz Hartmann
The most beautiful feeling in the world by psychologist. “I feel freedom, I feel nature, I feel the city, I feel the people, I feel myself, I feel the lightly beating heart of a beautiful woman.”
Personal, Portable, Pedestrian: Mobile Phones in Japanese Life, Joi Ito advertizes his clever sister’s book.
Y Combinator’s 2005 Summer Founders Program: A Complete Dud, says Lucas Carlson. YMMV, but I agree the sites don’t convince me very much so far.
Summer Founders, John Wiseman has links to the new Lisp-driven (oh, there are Ruby-driven ones too) sites on the block.
Five Approaches to S-Expression Highlighting are shown at lemonodor. Masters of Lisp highlight in their brains. :-)
She said I guess that means you don’t got love,
I said maybe I love everyone.
She said that’s the same as loving no one,
I said okay, I guess, whatever.
— Dan Bern, New American Language
Fill in the blanks, and use wildcards in Google queries. Damn useful.
Using the Rake Build Language, Martin Fowler enjoys it. Me too.
ActionStep and Rails were connected by Rich Kilmer in half-a-day OSCON hacking. Great job!
A New Look at Test Driven Development by Dave Astels. RSpec tries to implement those ideas in Ruby.
Off to Lake Constance, chris blogs and Anarchaia are not going to be updated until August 15, have fun even though.
Novell to open-source Suse, how could I only miss that?
Syn, a magazine for synaesthetes.
Mountain visualizes a person’s email archive in terms of all the people with whom this person has been in touch over the years. They do lots of nice visualization stuff at MIT.
Bits of OSCON by Roger Weeks. OK, this is a really nice collection of quotes.
Trivial Text Messaging Protocol by Brian McCallister. If they quickly get a spec out and good implementations for common languages, this “trivial” thing could get quite successful. Make things easier—not more complicated.
Never could learn to drink that blood and call it wine
Never could learn to look at your face and call it mine.
— Bob Dylan, Someone’s Got A Hold Of My Heart
OSCON Day 3: HTTP Caching by Robert Kaye. It’s always the “easy” things that are so difficult.
A vector processing language in Lisp, Joel Reymont aims at writing one. IMHO, CLOS support for multi-method dispatch allows for great optimization, given declared types.
DBGP, a common debugger protocol for languages and debugger UI communication. Developed by ActiveState.
Please, please give me indication
Stop and talk to me
Like a river that is flowing
My love will never cease to be.
— Bob Dylan, Coming From The Heart
RRDtool, Some call it the industry standard data logging and graphing application. Others use it to write their very own full custom monitoring scripts. Looks very useful.
Rio: Ruby I/O Comfort Class, Interesting syntax, convenient API. I’d prefer ‘>>’ over ‘>’, though.
How do you own a small business? Start with a big business! — Randal Schwartz
Crossing the Rubicon by mirleid. Without agile processes, you already lost anyway.
Presentation files of OSCON 2005. I guess I know what I do today.
OSCON Goods from Matz, Weirich, RedHanded links to lots of slides. Read them all!
Degeekifying Documentation by Jennifer Vesperman. You know, if there was documentation at all…
bläg, according to Apple, blogs are “run by twenty-something Americans with at least an unhealthy interest in computers”.
Not sure vimfully is a word (Webster doesn’t think so), but I understand it in context, and many will be glad to hear that the change will come vimfully and not emacsively. — Joel VanderWerf
Please don’t talk about tomorrow
I’m really not one to care
This world is filled with too much sorrow
That nobody’s heart should bear.
— Bob Dylan, Coming From The Heart
Summer of Lisp Status at lemonodor. Looks like they all have good progress.
Home Phone Hacking For Fun and Amusement by Derek J. Balling. The good old days come back again.
Bye OSCON, Joi liked it. And Anarchaia is slowly getting back to normal content.
OSCON 4.1: Thursday Morning Keynotes by Geoff Broadwell. Includes a paragraph on DHH.
Words have power
Words have meaning
Words become things
And words become actions
So thank you for your words
Mr. Mein Kampf of the bathroom
And here is the airplane
And here’s the release lever
And here is a shovel
To wipe away the ashes
— Dan Bern, Hiroshima
New York Times Op Ed on the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, by Joi Ito. “Let me just say I’m glad I’m not a professional writer.” I think it’s cool to do copy-editing over IRC. :-)
WikiOnt: An Ontology for Describing and Exchanging Wiki Articles from the Proceedings of Wikimania 2005.
Metarheinmain – Chaosdays 11b. “Die mrmcd11b – die dritten metarheinmain-chaosdays (in binärer Schreibweise 11b) – sind eine Veranstaltung der Hochschulgruppe Chaos Darmstadt.” “Auf den mrmcd11b wird außerdem ein Hacking-CaptureTheFlag-Contest veranstaltet.” Klingt toll.
Introducing SwitchTower, Jamis Buck knows how to deploy Rails apps.
OSCON and women approaching booths. By Hanna Wallach. (And yes, balloons really help. I tried it.)
Productivity Tip: Throw everything on your desk in a box, a good idea on Signal vs. Noise.
Touched By His Noodly Appendage, makes my day.
Have scripting languages peaked? Of course. And Curt Sampson, you just don’t get Ruby’s pragmaticness. Not at all.
A Video, But Later, More When…, as usual: _why rocks!
DTrace and PHP, evil, evil, evil. Repeat after me: evil!
Other Things the Road to Hell Is Paved With a list by Angela Genusa.
Flock has landed, mysterious. What the hell is it?
Du bist alt, wenn du während du dir die Schuhe zu bindest dir überlegst was man sonst noch tun könnte wenn man schon mal hier unten ist. — zamiwoop
An explanation of colorblindness by John Hicks, very clear.
Unfortunate Childrens’ Books, a photoset on Flickr. Wow.
What to Do If You Have a Proposal for the Unified Field Theory? …and what not to do. By Michio Kaku. If I only knew that sooner. ;-)
Free the Curriculum!, Jimbo Wales—founder of Wikipedia—wants “a complete curriculum (in all languages) from Kindergarten through the University level.” Great!
Functional Pattern Matching for Smalltalk. Nifty!
What Business Can Learn from Open Source, Paul Graham’s OSCON 2005 talk.
Worse is better, I really hope Joel Reymont is right, but it’s gonna be hard work.
Why can’t a dish break a hammer?
Why oh why oh why?!
‘Cause a hammer’s a hard head.
Goodbye goodbye goodbye.
— Woody Guthrie, Why, Oh Why?
A Brief Introduction to the Concatenative Language Kont by Brian Mastenbrook. Maybe I should revive my BlueMoon language again, it had partial continuations.
Overloading – Syntactic Heroin? What is multi-method dispatch then?
OSCON D3, brian d foy summarizes the day. Featuring scary offline tales.
Scrubbing, Shreding, Nuking Old Data by Chris Josephes. A nice example of a problem no-one thought of until it was there.
The Video Blogging World by Joshua Paul. Traffic, traffic, think of the traffic.
OSCON Day 3: Real world scalability by Robert Kaye. It’s amazing how useful a “worse is better” solution like memcached turns out.
Ein Säufer hat sich stumm gegrölt.
Die Hausfrau hat sich eingeölt.
Selbst nachts bleibt diese Affenhitze
Über die Stadt wie eine Mütze.
Es wird verrückt selbst der Solide.
Dann häufen sich die Suizide.
Touristen kotzen von den Boten.
Das ist die Zeit der Irren und Idioten.
— Hans-Eckardt Wenzel, Die Zeit der Irren und Idioten
MLpedia, a wiki to bring together information on a range of machine learning topics, written and maintained by researchers.
The Cruelest Cut by stzu. An anti-circumcision post, also providing a good overview in general.
Scott Laird’s FOSCON 2005 slideshow on Flickr. Featuring Why The Lucky Stiff.
What I Would Have Asked Jonathan Schwartz, chromatic, you rule!
The Amsterdam Compiler Kit provides compilers for C, Basic, Modula-2, Pascal and Occam.
A Lisp to JavaScript Compiler in 100 Lines, more a syntax converter, but nice anyway.
OSCON 2005, Joi Ito is there too. “I have always had a respectful, but slightly distant relationship with the community having found it a bit intimidating. I’d always been a supporter, promoter and friend, but now I am becoming a participant.”
I once held her in my arms,
She said she would always stay.
But I was cruel,
I treated her like a fool,
I threw it all away.
— Bob Dylan, I Threw It All Away
RUBY Virus Writing Guide by Second Part To Hell/[rRlf]. Kiddies at work.
Basic Rules to be a Blues Musician, a great list by Debajyoti Guha. “Teenagers can’t sing the blues. Adults sing the blues. Blues adulthood means old enough to get the electric chair if you shoot a man in Memphis.”
The Case for the Legalization of Marijuana by benna. “The reality is that people who are not going to succeed are in a position in which they are more likely to smoke marijuana. There is no causal relationship however, between marijuana and personal success.”
OSCON 3.3: Current State of the Linux Kernel, especially interesting under the aspect of SCM being used.
If I die tomorrow
As the minutes fade away
I can’t remember
Have I said all I can say?
You’re my everything
You make me feel so alive
If I die tomorrow
— Mötley Crüe, If I Die Tomorrow
OSCON 2.3/3.1: Tuesday Night and Wednesday Morning by Geoff Broadwell, just for the sake of completeness and because Larry’s talk is mentioned.
A blog per second, somehow I’m happy most of them are crap.
Appreciating Libxslt by Bob DuCharme, after my switch from Sablotron I always did that. :-)
schmuu’s photos, all one one page. Syndicate!
Topless Programming, Hanna Wallach doesn’t like that site.
OSCON Day 2: The long tail and open source, well, the long tail is everywhere, but I’m not sure if SpikeSource is a good idea.
Ruby CodeZoo, they now have a Ruby section too there.
LMNL Tutorial, “This tutorial introduces you to LMNL, the Layered Markup and Annotation Language.” A wonderfully weird idea with weird syntax.
Obscuring XML by Elliotte Rusty Harold. How to randomize that data in XML documents. Interestingly, the developers of MySQL never had that problem. :-P
Extreme Markup, Day 2 by Simon St. Laurent. What’s new about XML? It’s good to see people using RELAX NG to generate XML Schemata. Actually, the summary tells us that the problems of XML shifted from a technical to a social point of view long ago. (As just about everything does.) The report on Cafe con Leche manifests my opinion. I had to chuckle several times.
The Water Cooler Problem by Mitch Tulloch. Hey, I’m still looking into the wrong cupboard for dishes, altough we probably changed that three years ago.
OSCON 2.2: Creating Passionate Users, Geoff Broadwell on Kathy Sierra tutorial.
In-Ear Short Term Memory Device, lots of new possiblities come to my mind.
Colored Smoke at Sensitive Light. Beautiful.
Hacking Elevators 101! “Ever wonder how to hack an elevator to own it for your trip and not be stopped on any other floors?” I wonder if that works for the ones in Germany too.
The Complete Jailhouse Diaries by PoopyPeanutz. “For the past two weeks I have been cataloguing my experiences in jail on K5.”, “ejaculating in someone’s face is NOT assault–don’t ask.”
OSCON Day 1: Subversion Tutorial, Robert Kaye summarizes. I prefer other VCS, but you already know that.
Best Hacker: David Heinemeier Hansson, he won the 2005 Open Source Best Hacker award. Oh my.
Floating point arithmetic in C++ templates, this is the most perverse code I saw in a long time. They reimplement fixed point numbers just by using template expansion! But hey, “This gets about 8 flops on an Opteron 2.6.”
Informatics is like music, says Philip Van Hoof. I guess he means Computer Science. A fairly open metaphor.
Structured Procrastination by John Perry. “[t]he procrastinator can be motivated to do difficult, timely and important tasks, as long as these tasks are a way of not doing something more important.” Exactly what I need.
Disillusioned words like bullets bark
As human gods aim for their mark
Made everything from toy guns that spark
To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
It’s easy to see without looking too far
That not much
Is really sacred.
— Bob Dylan, It’s Alright, Ma
OSCON D1, brian d foy summarizes the day.
Phrack Final Released, “As long as there is technology, there will be hackers. As long as there are hackers, there will be PHRACK magazine. We look forward to the next 20 years.”
IE 7.0 Technical Changes Leave Web Developers, Users in the Lurch by Paul Thurrott. “My advice is simple: Boycott IE. It’s a cancer on the Web that must be stopped.” Full ACK!
Nighttime’s our security
The stars watch us like guardian angels
Takes these letters from an old sign
Now you’ve got your initials
— Pretty Girls Make Graves, Holy Names
Freedom Toaster, burn as free, as free as the source flows. Great idea for people with a slow line.
National IDs and gravestones by Joi Ito. I was puzzled about the title at first, but there is no actual relation. :-)
Harbin Ice and Snow World 2005, wow, exactly the right thing to look at in the summer.
I said, ‘Let’s get married,’ And she said, ‘Why, who’d have us?’” — Best Short Stories, Impersonal
Causal Nets on LtU. “The network approach to computation is more direct and “physical” than the one based on some specific computing devices (like Turing machines).”
Colonoscopy Report by Misterfixit. Icky, but actually good to know.
Linux on iBook G4 12” 1,2 GHz, Alessandro Ronchi provides extensive configuration for Gentoo, but most things seem distribution-independent.
My data is my life, and I won’t keep it in a strongbox that someone else has the keys for. — Cory Doctorow
Apple to add Trusted Computing to the new kernel? Cory Doctorow doesn’t like the idea at all, and neither do I.
Mighty Mouse features the revolutionary Scroll Ball that lets you move anywhere inside a document, without lifting a finger.
OSCON 1.2: Law for Geeks by Geoff Broadwell. “Lawrence Rosen’s Law for Geeks is more an extended Q&A than a tutorial, but it’s entertaining and informative nonetheless.”
Blogging Tools and their features on simpl(e)y done. He wants a blog like an iPod.
Separating conjoined twins by rabbitfoot, and lots of ethic questions arising.
Hanabi are japanese fireworks. Joi Ito has a small movie too. Crazy.
How To Present at OSCON the Conway Way, Derek J. Balling on Conway’s “classic” Presentation Aikido.
alles-wird-gut.net ist ein seltsamer Blog, aber tolles Design und irgendwie doch interessant. 95 minuten tötet mich.
Web State Management Using Externalized Dynamic Scoping, nice idea, Brian.
Sticking to his non-technological guns, Bernard hand-wrote a reply (on paper), which his wife then scanned and sent as an attachment. — Dan Cederholm, Electronic Mail is Not For Everyone
The Virtual Internship: Taking Control of Your Future by Becoming an Open Source Developer by Brian W. Fitzpatrick.
Ruby on Debian, how to install everything you need.
Enfin un bon usage pour le Mac Mini…, or: the iToilet.
RedHat worldwide: our development stopped before 1989… made my day.
CollectionClosureMethod is a nice bliki post by Martin Fowler.
CCC beteiligt sich an internationaler Petition gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung, kann man nur unterstützen.
Automatic Photo Pop-up, very nifty!
Methodisch ist es gleich, ob ein Abc-Schütze als erstes Wort Oma oder Mao liest. Nur weiß er mit der Oma mehr anzufangen als mit Mao. — Ute Blaich
Wie sollen Kinder lesen lernen?, fragte sich Ute Blaich 1974 in der Zeit.
Moving from Atom 0.3 to 1.0, rakaz compares both formats. Nukumi2 is probably getting an update soon.
Birth of the Lisa at Braeburn. Also featuring lots of pictures.
Stadtführer durch die atheistische Metropole beim Schockwellenreiter. Sowas braucht doch jede Stadt, oder?
If the last change was before 2004, they are ancient. If the last change was after 2004, they are a moving target.
Pharma-Phlop des Jahrhunderts, mit unserer Sexkultur läuft irgendwas falsch.
The Genetic Origin of Ashkenazi Genius by Thrasymachus. “The Ashkenazi are the population of Jews originating in central and northern Europe. In the 20th century, they made up 3% of the U.S. Population, but won 27% of U.S. Nobel prizes.” I don’t really buy that.
Ja die Gesichter braun gebrannt
Doch eure Augen sind so kalt
Doch eure Gärten riechen abgebrannt
In der Schule abgeknallt
Und die Mauer im Gesicht, die macht Trauer und macht Wut
— Früchte des Zorns, Das macht ihr nicht kaputt
A New Fortress Specification was released a few days ago. I can’t see too much differences.
Microsoft in the Mirror, reviewed by Mitch Tulloch. Is this the next Microserfs?
Java Rules! says PragDave. For drinking, I agree.
Conferences for Beginners by brian d foy. So there is a BOF on what a BOF is. Cool. :-)