Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Spot on, JotSpot is now part of Google. I wonder why they bought it…
JSONic Thoughts, by Kurt Cagle.
cl-darcs is a darcs client written in Common Lisp. “I started writing it because the original client requires GHC (the Glasgow Haskell Compiler), which is not available on all platforms.” *gg* “You can also get the code through Subversion.”
Our man Jack is king of the pumpkin patch
Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King now
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
— Danny Elfman, This is Halloween
Amsterdam fieberhaft auf der Suche nach Wahlurnen, Tipp: Mülltonnen tuns auch.
How to Geekify Your Halloween, Klingon pumpkin horray.
Conscientious Software, OOPSLA paper by Richard P. Gabriel and Ron Goldman.
The game of life, on the Tornado VM.
Sitting in my room, Joi Ito virtually socializes.
anderser, Deutschkunde bei Lydia: “Mein Er kommt aus einer Ecke im Rheinland, in der die Menschen anders sprechen.”
How to write a Haskell program, a guide to the best practice for creating a new Haskell project or program.
Come on baby (don’t fear the reaper)
Baby take my hand (don’t fear the reaper)
We’ll be able to fly (don’t fear the reaper)
Baby I’m your man
— Blue Öyster Cult, Don’t Fear The Reaper
Parse.y Remakes, an ANTLR grammar for Ruby sounds good, when is the backend stable?
Ocean Waves: the applications built on Seaside, featuring an interview with Avi Bryant.
Offshore, who wouldn’t want to work on an oil derrick?
The Weather Bowl, “Given time, some digging equipment, a bit of geotechnical expertise, and loads of money, for instance, you could turn the entirety of greater Los Angeles into a weather bowl, dedicated to the recreation of famous storms.”
Test Tidbits, by Geoffrey Grosenbach. Test timing would be useful for test/spec, too.
haltadefinizione, watch a 8.6 Gigapixel(!) image. Very cool how deep you can zoom in.
The “View Source” key, “‘Nicholas Negroponte’s one absolute demand is to get rid of Caps Lock,’ Gettys says. And, Bender says, ‘There’s one new key they get that’s the important one and that’s the View Source key.’” Awesome.
Why Tim Berners-Lee is Wrong, Elliotte Rusty Harold says: “The problem is that the W3C stopped worrying about the smaller problems, like how to DELETE a URL with a web form, how to identify a date in a document, or how to logout of a site that uses HTTP authentication. There’s still a lot of room for improvement in classic HTML and XHTML.”
This dead end situation
Is just not worth my time
— Sum 41, No Brains
Arrays Are Much Faster Than Objects, Christian Gross notices what I call the Object-Collectional Impedance Mismatch.
ICFP 2007: International Conference on Functional Programming, taking place in Freiburg, Germany, 1–3 October 2007. I’d be dumb if I didn’t attend…
The Great British Venn Diagram, for the people that like to confuse these things. Pretty easy, actually…
Now, little boy lost, he takes himself so seriously
He brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerously
And when bringing her name up
He speaks of a farewell kiss to me
— Bob Dylan, Visions Of Johanna
Amsterdam wählt auf Papier, Wahlcomputer werden nicht eingesetzt, mögen sie dankbar dafür sein.
CouchDbX - CouchDb for the Mac, works on 10.4 only.
RushCheck, a lightweight random testing tool for Ruby. Similar to Haskell’s QuickCheck.
Project Orangebox, “However, not content to rest on our laurels, the Sun Cluster team has decided to go one better and we have designed an improved even more revolutionary datacenter concept…” Whoa! Gonna get one of these!
FBI returns to “Fake Boarding Pass” guy’s home, seizes computers , oops!
GOST in 417 bytes of Perl, by Vipul Ved Prakash.
And the dealer wants you thinking
That it’s either black or white.
Thank God it’s not that simple
In My Secret Life
— Leonard Cohen, In My Secret Life
White Trash Fast Food, ich bereue wirklich, dass ich nicht rein bin.
Compilers and Interpreters in Factor, Chris Double explains how to write these.
Buckybase microprotocol: closer to the REST-metal, it’s getting there.
Waiting for the miracle
There’s nothing left to do.
I haven’t been this happy
since the end of World War II.
— Leonard Cohen, Waiting For The Miracle
Dropping the addiction that is irc, Chris Forsythe says. No way!!
Logic programming in Ruby: a tiny prolog interpreter and symbolic computation, very cool, Mauricio.
Chicago’s Inner Flute-Ruins, “The old tower blocks of Chicago’s Cabrini-Green, transformed by demolition into totem pole-like wind instruments, flute-ruins, a musically-active wasteland whistling to itself behind security fences.” Plain Awesome.
The Impending Camping Cramping, Camping not to have Continuations, unless it does. ARGH! ;)
And if I pass this way again, you can rest assured
I’ll always do my best for her, on that I give my word
In a world of steel-eyed death, and men who are fighting to be warm.
“Come in,” she said,
“I’ll give you shelter from the storm.”
— Bob Dylan, Shelter From The Storm
prioritäten beim Autokauf, geschlechts-spezifisch analysiert.
Tile makes Tcl look good, Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz say. I don’t think it looks as ugly as everyone says, anyway…
Pugs and Jifty slides, as usual, Audrey Tang’s slides are worth a look.
sea.net, a permanent presence in the ocean.
Never contain programs so few bugs, as when no debugging tools are available! — Niklaus Wirth, Good Ideas, Through the Looking Glass [or not…]
doc project update, the caboosers say: “The app is nearly ready for public consumption, by which I mean, it’s not ready at all, but will be Real Soon Now.”
Visualization of Ruby’s Grammar, by Nick Sieger. Also features Java and JavaScript.
Pretest of Emacs 22, enjoy! (I’ve been successfully using the CVS version for over two years now…)
Too much information running through my brain
Too much information driving me insane
Too much information running through my brain
Too much information driving me insane
— Sting, Too Much Information
Reinventing HTML, by Tim Berners-Lee. “The attempt to get the world to switch to XML, including quotes around attribute values and slashes in empty tags and namespaces all at once didn’t work. The large HTML-generating public did not move, largely because the browsers didn’t complain.”
Sun CEO sets open source Java time frame, let’s pray for a sane license!
Not So Fast (Ruby Continuations), Matz and Koichi are still planning to implement continuations for Ruby 2.0. Yay!
The Rise of the TV Serial, by MotorMachineMercenary. “I only got back to watching TV two or so years ago. And I was flabbergasted – yes, flabbergasted – at the apparent increased quality of TV writing. The main reason for this is the rise of the TV serial.”
Throw my ticket out the window,
Throw my suitcase out there, too,
Throw my troubles out the door,
I don’t need them any more
‘Cause tonight I’ll be staying here with you.
— Bob Dylan, Tonight I’ll Be Staying Here With You
Post No Bills, mwahahaha.
Whitney Music Box, a musical realization of the motion graphics of john whitney as described in his book “digital harmony”. Whoa!
Tell me, why can’t you see it’s not the way
When we all fall down it will be too late
Why is there no reason we can’t change
Once we all fall down who will take the blame
— Sum 41, No Reason
New Zealand is Droning, “The sound is so maddening, it seems, that it’s inspired some residents “to take drastic action” – which, in one case, means purposefully deafening oneself with the roar of chainsaws. ”
Two Excellent Things for Ruby at Microsoft, Don Box needs a hard slapping: “Now, if only Scheme would drop call/cc and Guy Steele would join the firm…”.
Mongrel Denial of Service Vulnerability, another reason multi-part is evil.
Objective-C 3.0, suddenly people want closures everywhere. ;-)
A Principled Approach to Version Control, by Andres Löh, Wouter Swierstra and Daan Leijen.
Edgy Release Notes, Ubuntu 6.10 has been released.
Getting Real, the book, now comes in three flavors, among them a free HTML version. Great!
And it starts with me
And it goes
On and on
And I just feel helpless
How long will this take to wear out
On and on
— Sum 41, Hyper-Insomnia-Para-Condroid
Magician-turned-mathematician uncovers bias in coin flipping, “If you hit a coin with the same force in the same place, it always does the same thing,” he says.
Geek to Live: Top Firefox 2 config tweaks, at Lifehacker.
BLDGberry, whoa.
Rubyforge got a new theme.
Ruby Sucks?, Patrick Logan raises very good points against Ruby 2.0. Please don’t let continuations and green threads die!
High Assurance SSL Certificates Will NOT Eliminate Phishing, Nitesh Dhanjani writes. They look pretty pointless to me.
New, Little Hpricot Pulps, the library gets better and better.
Hört her ihr Fruchtfliegen
Wir werden euch alle kriegen
Ihr verdammten Fruchtfliegen
— Funny Van Dannen, Fruchtfliegen
ausgewundert, Lydia contra Fruchtfliegen.
Holly Shelf Unit, Batman!, yay for hidden doors!
Bericht der CCC-Wahlbeobachtergruppe von der Oberbürgermeisterwahl in Cottbus, “Die hier beobachteten Vorgänge führen die vom Hersteller Nedap soufflierte Argumentation der Cottbusser Wahlleitung von den “geschützten Umgebungen” und angeblicher lückenloser Kontrolle ad absurdum.”
People of Perl: Leopold Toetsch, interview by Bit-Man.
Evan’s Little Ruby Dune Buggy is in the Garage, the Rubinius SVN is public.
Lisp on the DS, Gambit on a Gameboy sounds cool.
I’m running for the edge on top of this bullshit
I don’t want to hear it.
I found my way again
it’s hard to explain it
I know that I hate it
I don’t feel this could be real.
— Sum 41, Billy Spleen
Quick list 5: Energy, tunnels, landscape, and ruin, the geothermic building is nice.
Code Optimisation Techniques for Lazy Functional Languages, PhD thesis of Urban Boquist.
Discourage the improper with syntactic vinegar, by DHH. Death to end_form_tag.
Citibank does not play dice, how idiotic!
I suppose there’s someone in the world who would want to be Pierre Curie, so that he know what it was like to fuck Marie Curie. — Mark Dominus, Boring answers to Powell’s questions
Mozilla Releases Major Update to Firefox and Raises the Bar for Online Experience, “Enhancements to usability, security and customization make Firefox 2 a must-have upgrade for all Web users”. There you are. And they got a cake, too.
The Periodic Spiral is a really good idea!
The Free Will Theorem, by John Conway and Simon Kochen. “…we prove that if the choice of a particular type of spin 1 experiment is not a function of the information accessible to the experimenters, then its outcome is equally not a function of the information accessible to the particles.”
Don’t wait for me
To be there in the end
When you don’t see
The truth you just pretend
Don’t wait for me
— Sum 41, I’m Not The One
Is The Metasploit Hacking Tool Too Good?, Larry Greenemeier wonders. Is the bug-fixing of others too bad?
Computer Stupidities: Programming, “If teaching an individual to use a computer is bad, teaching someone to program one is worse.” So true! ;)
Ruport Presentation at RubyConf, nice slides, but he should get slapped for changing letter spacing. :-P
Very Short Stories, six words, in fact. My try: “Forever he just sat there, waiting.”
VM and Gmail Setup for Dummies, by Bill Clementson. Well, I use fetchmail and postfix, Maildir, nnml and Gnus. It was a mess to set up, though.
Methodischer Kulturalismus, ein preisgekrönter Wikipedia-Artikel.
Fedora Core 6, “The Fedora Project is pleased to announce the release of Fedora Core 6 (Zod). Install-time access to third-party package repositories, extensive performance improvements, support for Intel-based Macs, and a new GUI virtualization manager are some of the primary features.”
Ruby.Search is very simple app that searches various Ruby/Rails document repositories. Really neat.
How to Be a Great Host, by John Gladding on A List Apart. “Anyone who can host a great party can start a successful forum.”
Woo oh oh oh
And life comes in ones and twos and threes and fours
Woo oh oh oh
And I hear you knocking at my door
— The Kooks, Time Awaits
Print to Preview, by Pete McVicar on A List Apart. IMO, too many pages don’t feature print stylesheets (mine included…).
Living with a Ghost, Damien Katz turns crazy.
Repository Formats Matter, Keith Packard of X.org fame on why he prefers Git.
Author Interview: Joshua Smith, Pat Eyler interviewed the author of Practical OCaml.
Unicode and Ruby, Tim Bray about his RubyConf 2006 presentation (includes a link to the slides in the comments).
Top 10 Secrets of the Marketing Process, by Seth Godin.
Towel Incident At The Westin Tokyo, by Kirk Biglione. Pretty amusing.
The Anti-release, or: why I didn’t link to Firefox 2 yet.
In Gottes Namen
hält er über euch Gericht.
In Gottes Namen
nimmt er sich das Recht,
dass er euch heilig ist.
— Die Toten Hosen, In Gottes Namen
Web design is 95% typography, why don’t they teach that in school?
Constructive Mathematics, explained at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Mizar Light for HOL Light, by Freek Wiedijk. Including a nice example of a computer-generated proof.
What Makes a Good Programming Language?, by David Chisnall. Carefully and neutral written article.
Web 2.0 Thinking Game, so much cynism. I love it!
Denver Accord, the future of Ruby, version control wise.
hitlerizer 1.0, ainfach genäal!
Programmer’s rant: what should and should not be added to C/C++ , actually very good points.
I remember how we used to be
Without the world upon our TV
Well let it lie or you can take it back
Wrap your life around evil’s trap
— The Kooks, See the World
Using functional programming to reduce the pain of parallel-execution programming (with threads, forks, or name your poison), would be far easier in Pugs… ;-)
Google Adjusts Hiring Process As Needs Grow, “In addition to making the experience less grueling for would-be employees, it hopes to do a better job of offering the right jobs to the right people as it continues its rapid expansion.”
This Week’s Finds in Mathematical Physics (Week 240) by John Baez contain a lot about lambda calculus and Closed Cartesian Categories this time, enjoy.
Who needs a calculator? Multiplying with Your Fingers, applied binary arithmetics.
Hex Headquarters promotes creative thought about one of our most basic paradigms: the way we represent numbers. Hexadecimal is one such system that has gained currency in the technical fields and should be a part of basic education in the information age.
Tinfoil Hat Linux is a small Linux distribution for paranoid people.
An overnight in sleep-pipes, doesn’t look too bad.
North, great shot of an aurora borealis.
Then you smiled, he got wild
You didn’t understand that there’s money to be made
Beauty is a card that must get played
By organisation
— The Kooks, Ooh La
The Magic of Goals: Focused Projects and Better Requirements, by Gojko Adzic. “Focusing on goals turned out to be a very effective approach to setting the stage for software development.”
Epigram is a dependently typed programming language and an interactive programming environment. Epigram has got a type system which is strong enough to express the behaviour of programs, the type checker then guarantees that the program is well behaved.
Clorox: Shared memory abstraction for AJAX applications, “Caching, Prefetching, No more RPCs…”.
Kosmopolis and Web 2.0 for independent authors, by Andy Oram.
Rafe’s Law, “An Internet service cannot be considered truly successful until it has attracted spammers.” The late Fugi became successful pretty quickly, I guess…
I hear the ancient footsteps like the motion of the sea
Sometimes I turn, there’s someone there, other times it’s only me.
I am hanging in the balance of the reality of man
Like every sparrow falling, like every grain of sand.
— Bob Dylan, Every Grain Of Sand
CouchDb 0.5.0, Linux Port and More, “Thanks to the hard work of Jan Lehnardt, CouchDb now builds, installs and runs on Linux. That’s a huge step for the project!” Indeed.
Monads, a Field Guide, nice graphical illustration.
The Making and Meaning of Naked Lunch, by Egil Skallagrimson. “It was his version of the needle to cure all literary lesions and stem the tide of evils that language has the ability to produce through its constantly changing, adapting, regrouping control systems.”
Is YouTube “Web 2.0”?, Joi Ito wonders. “To me, Web 2.0 is about trying to get right those layers of the stack that we weren’t able to get right the last time around.”
I met a young woman whose body was burning,
I met a young girl, she gave me a rainbow,
I met one man who was wounded in love,
I met another man who was wounded with hatred,
And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard,
It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall.
— Bob Dylan, A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
CDR 2: A generic hash table interface specification for Common Lisp, by Ingvar Mattsson. “The hash table interface specified in the Common Lisp standard is only guaranteed to work with keys that are considered equal with either of EQ, EQL, EQUAL or EQUALP. It is sometimes useful for an application to have hash tables using keys with different equality predicates.”
Using, Understanding, and Unraveling The OCaml Language: From Practice to Theory and vice versa, a free book by Didier Rémy.
Specifying ECMAScript via ML, “Rather than specifying, implementing, and documenting another programming language that was 80% ML, why reinvent the wheel?”
Frühchen-Webcams in der Kinderklinik, süüüüß.
Web 2.0 — The Two-Way-Web?, Vorlesung von Jörg Kantel.
The government commits a crime, the New York Times prints it on the front page, the people on the cable chat shows foam at the mouth about it, the government apologizes and commits the crime more subtly. — Aaron Swartz, I Hate the News
I Hate the News, Aaron Swartz actually is right: “I think following the news is a waste of time.”
Nick Sieger blogs a lot about RubyConf 2006.
Nic.d Gets Punct, isn’t that breaking RFCs? Eww.
Like Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
— Bob Dylan, Masters Of War
Gentium is a typeface family designed to enable the diverse ethnic groups around the world who use the Latin script to produce readable, high-quality publications. It supports a wide range of Latin-based alphabets and includes glyphs that correspond to all the Latin ranges of Unicode.
SMP parallelization comes to Pugs!, awesome.
How An X-Ray Looks, David Maisel’s Oblivion on BLDG BLOG.
International Lisp Conference 2007, taking place at Clare College, Cambridge, England, April 1–4, 2007. Call for papers.
Scrybe is a groundbreaking online organizer that caters to today´s lifestyle in a cohesive and intuitive way. Pretty impressive interface!
A Metalanguage for Pathological Programming: Cellular Automata in Alpaca, found by Mark C. Chu-Carroll. Very nice, reminds me of Xlife.
hermitlabs is a nice tumblelog.
Dynamic Languages, Microsoft, and me, John Lam, RubyCLR developer, goes Microsoft.
August 16 is Bratwurst Festival, and today is Babbling Day.
Jerk, also called surge or lurch, is the rate of change of acceleration.
The geometry of innocence flesh on the bone
Causes Galileo’s math book to get thrown
At Delilah who sits worthlessly alone
But the tears on her cheeks are from laughter
— Bob Dylan, Tombstone Blues
I need a cool European accent, screencast and explanation of a very nice Emacs setup.
RailsConf Europe 2006, slides and audio is up.
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online, impress your creationist friends.
Haskell, PDF and Penrose Tilings, “I am currently learning Haskell and the only way to learn a programming language is coding. So, I decided to write a PDF library.” Not the easiest project.
Dead LCD pixels, eeeevil!
The hollow horn plays wasted words
Proves to warn
That he not busy being born
Is busy dying.
— Bob Dylan, It’s Alright, Ma
Petition zum Verbot von Wahlcomputern, “Der Chaos Computer Club unterstützt die Online-Petition beim Deutschen Bundestag zur Abschaffung von Wahlcomputern in Deutschland. Hierin wird die ersatzlose Streichung des § 35 Bundeswahlgesetz (Stimmabgabe mit Wählgeräten) gefordert.” Der Chaos Computer Club bittet darum seine Mitglieder und alle Gleichgesinnten, die Petition zu unterzeichnen und zu verbreiten.
Rapid Website Development with CGI::Application, by Mark Stosberg.
Running a Sprint, by Steve Holden. “If there’s anything traditional in the world of agile development, sprints are the traditional way to give a project a boost by focusing the efforts of a group on specific development issues.”
If you’re not blogging, you’re wasting your life, by Jonathan Wellons. Uncovers the principle of Anarchaia: “You should be sharing the things you learned so other people will learn from it and maybe teach you something new. You should be entertaining the rest of us; and we will return the favor.”

Gold mine holds life untouched by the Sun, “The bacteria exist without the benefit of photosynthesis by harvesting the energy of natural radioactivity to create food for themselves.”
ocre is an easy and free OCR library.
So it slips through your hands like grains of sand, you watch it go
There’s no time to be lost, you’ll pay the cost so get it right
There’s no way out of here, when you come in you’re in for good
— David Gilmour, There’s No Way Out Of Here
The night before the Intel talk, slides by Audrey Tang.
Wanted: a microformat to unleash the real widget revolution, would be useful.
The Soda Languages, _why discovers Idst, Pepsi and Jolt.
Songbird 0.2 Released, now for OS X and Linux too.
La Fonera lässt uns Bandbreite gegen weltweite Mitbenützung anderer Wifi-Spots tauschen. Genial.
Rails Day 2006 Winners have been announced. A look at them, by Evan Weaver.
You don’t want a love that’s pure
You wanna drown love
You want a watered-down love
— Bob Dylan, Watered-Down Love
Mirror Neurons and imitation learning as the driving force behind “the great leap forward” in human evolution, by V.S. Ramachandran.
How to make daily recurring To Do items in Apple iCal, Alexander Kellett tells.
The Wavelet Tutorial, by Robi Polikar. Very old-school web design, but the content is very approachable.
I’m all tied up, tied up in a knot
And I can’t decide just what it is I’ve got
Did I get out of touch? Did I lose my way?
I’ve not forgot, no, not a single day
— David Gilmour, No Way
ICQ at school, or: tunneling HTTP through SSH through HTTP through 2 proxies, Dave against fascist firewalls.
A nat (sometimes also nit or even nepit) is a logarithmic unit of information or entropy, based on natural logarithms and powers of e, rather than the powers of 2 and base 2 logarithms which define the bit. The nat is the natural unit for information entropy, corresponding to Boltzmann’s constant for thermodynamic entropy. Also see the Ban.
Internet user admits ‘web-rage’, amazing: “He travelled 70 miles to Mr Jones’ home in Clacton, Essex, and beat him up with a pickaxe handle in December 2005.”
Classical vs Quantum Computation (Week 2), notes on “Monoidal categories versus cartesian categories. Closed monoidal categories.” Nice handwriting, too.
OpenSolaris Project: Solaris PowerPC Port, cool.
Austrian nails testicle to roof, ouch!
He lost control, her voice like a fire alarm
Realize he could’ve hurt his love without knowing it at all
It seems he transforms when she screams her song
Possesed by a broken window and her crying for love
— Mother Love Bone, Mindshaker Meltdown
Exploding animals and other exploding organisms on Wikipedia. WJW.
Inside Sun’s Project Blackbox, let’s hope there is some space in your backyard.
The View From the Top on the dangers of WoW.
Gaza doctors say patients suffering mystery injuries after Israeli attacks, ah great, make weapons more painful instead of more deadly…
$5.4 billion, essentially standing just around.
Gadget is an XML inspector. Uses sparklines.
Buckybase, a document database with bidirectional hyperlinks and reverse chronological access, he is reading my mind!
A statistical puzzle, trick your friends.
See Spot Code. Code, Spot, Code, chromatic got a very good point: “Perhaps software development may finally begin to improve if we can kill the idea that ignorant and inexperienced novices ought to be able to maintain code that matters.”
You were caught in the cross fire of childhood and stardom.
Blown on the steel breeze.
Come on you target for faraway laughter.
Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!
— Pink Floyd, Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Let’s Tag RubyQuiz!, by Gregory Brown.
Stomp Server is a pure-ruby STOMP message-queue implementation.
RubyConf 2006 Facebook, don’t be shocked. :-P
Microformats in the heart of Rails, a DSL for specifying microformats.
Rethinking Database System Architecture: Towards a Self-tuning RISC-style Database System, by Surajit Chaudhuri, Gerhard Weikum. Six years later, where is the progress?
xmpfilter 0.3.1: RSpec support, emacs love, win32 compatibility. Easily adapted to test/spec, too.
Generic Graphical Library, GEGL, is scheduled to be the next generation infrastructure for the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP).
The waters are rising
And the world is on fire
We’re all just gasoline
For the funeral pyre
— Dan Bern, Past Belief
7 Tips for Naming Your Web 2.0 Startup, I 2.0 dn’t fu.ck.ing care.com.
The Dozenal Society of America, “Why do some people propose that we learn to count in twelves in addition to counting by tens?”
Torch Thong, from a 2003 police report filed by officer Aaron Bergh in Menomonie, Wisconsin, concerning a legal search of Anthony Scholfield’s apartment. Featuring lots of underwear.
Pugs 6.2.13 released!, after nearly four months of development and 3400+ commits. “Motivated by increasing use of Pugs in production, this is an extra release in the 6.2.x series, offering another 200%+ improvement in performance, comprehensive support for interoperability with Perl 5 modules, a built-in grammar engine via native perl5 embedding, and much better support for roles, classes and objects.”
Lenz musste laut lachen, und mit dem Lachen griff der Atheismus in ihn und faßte ihn ganz sicher und ruhig und fest. — Georg Büchner, Lenz
The 18 Mistakes That Kill Startups, of course by Paul Graham.
Cusp is a development environment for Lisp built on top of the Eclipse platform. It runs SBCL and hooks into the Swank half of Slime.
Cosmic Tornado, awesome shot.
National Day, how they do it in China.
The TCP/IP Drinking Game, sounds like fun. “You can play the TCP/IP drinking game just about any way you want, as long as you remember that the point is to have fun laughing at the bizarre questions which no human being actually knows the answers to.”
Dasher slides, by Hanna Wallach.

Chaos Computer Club: HSG Wahlsysteme bestätigt Unzulänglichkeit ihrer Wahlcomputer, “Da nun nicht einmal mehr der Hersteller selbst behauptet, dass es manipulationssichere Wahlsysteme geben kann, erneuert der Chaos Computer Club seine Forderung nach einem sofortigen Verbot von Wahlcomputern in Deutschland, um schweren Schaden von unserer Demokratie abzuwenden.” Danke.
Come baby, rock me, come baby, lock me into the shadows of your heart.
Come baby, teach me, come baby, reach me, let the music start.
I could be dreaming but I keep believing you’re the one I’m livin’ for.
And I will always be emotionally yours.
— Bob Dylan, Emotionally Yours
Clearing Manhattan, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi “has called for the demolition of ‘improperly oriented’ buildings, believing them to be toxic, and includes among them the United Nations and the White House.”
Bad CaRMa, and overdoing meta-programming. A fallacy I noticed for myself, too. And read the Joel link in the comments!
Function Points measure Software size. Function Points measure functionality by objectively measuring functional requirements. Sounds interesting for billing…
perlpacktut, tutorial on pack and unpack. Mostly works for Ruby, too.
Delimited Control for PLT Scheme, hooray for partial continuations.
Run Pugs: a Web terminal for Pugs, comparable to “Try Ruby”. Very nice.
SVN Summit, taking place 16–18 October 2006, Google campus, Mountain View, California, U.S.A. The interesting points: “Should svn 2.0 be a decentralized system?”, “Should SVN 2.0 use a language other than C?”, and on using Mercurial’s revlog format.
Ye shall be changed, ye shall be changed
In a twinkling of an eye, when the last trumpet blows
The dead will arise and burst out of your cloths
And ye shall be changed
— Bob Dylan, Ye Shall Be Changed
2006 Obfuscated Erlang Competition, shouldn’t be too hard… ;-P
schon GEZahlt?, anstatt sich den ganzen Stress zu machen, könnte man auch einfach die Rundfunkgebühren aus der Rentenkasse decken…
How to write a refactoring tool for a dynamic language, by Phil Dawes. Someone please do that for Ruby.
This Man can Move Anything (YouTube), “Wally Wallington has demonstrated that he can lift a Stonehenge-sized pillar weighing 22,000 lbs and moved a barn over 300 ft. What makes this so special is that he does it using only himself, gravity, and his incredible ingenuity.” WJW.
Netflix Prize, I really like imagining Juho Snellman beating their ass with a few lines of Lisp. ;-)
The easiest way to get rich is by saving money. Duh.
Yay, Matz is on the Cusp of Unveiling Ruby’s Unicode Support! There is some code! There is some code!
The spherical horse in simple harmonic motion is a canonical reference to a basic lack of real world practicality commonly encountered in physics, particularly as taught in the classroom.
Schulen ans Netz wird 10, ob das lo-net in 10 Jahren immernoch so ein Scheiss ist?
KickbanXahLeeFromEmacsChannel, mmmmh.
Die Farbenlehre des Open Access, die Green Road (oder das Self-Archiving) und die Golden Road (oder das Self-Publishing).
Maybe it’s time for creators to keep control of their content, Andy Oram says. “There should be a place on the Internet for both host-controlled sites and distributed, creator-controlled sites.”
Tears of rage, tears of grief,
Why must I always be the thief?
Come to me now, you know
We’re so alone
And life is brief.
— Bob Dylan, Tears Of Rage
Ruby appscript is a high-level, user-friendly Apple event bridge that allows you to control scriptable Mac OS X applications using ordinary Ruby scripts. No more AppleScript!
ivy is a very colorful tumblelog.
Affine arithmetic (AA) is a model for self-validated numerical analysis. In AA, the quantities of interest are represented as affine combinations (affine forms) of certain primitive variables, which stand for sources of uncertainty in the data or approximations made during the computation.
JavaScript Image Cropper UI, using Prototype & script.aculo.us. Very neat!
Yhc.Core documentation, I really gotta play with this.
Dynamic messages: a tour of Pepsi, “Ian Piumarta is already known for the efforts on the Unix port of Squeak. The last Ian work is Pepsi, a dynamic-compiled language which is promising very well.”
Pugs 6.2.13 preflight!, Audrey is back to blog again.
Yahoo Lists Are Painful, Adrian Sutton says the obvious, but he’s so damn right.
Ruby Tutorial, slides for beginners by Paul Barry.
Using Emacs org-mode for GTD, maybe I should try that…
And I look in the mirror
And I wait for the damn thing to speak
Who needs answers?
One good question would be a relief
— Dan Bern, Feel Like A Man
Controversy-Plagued Element 118, the Heaviest Atom Yet, Finally Discovered, Notfakethistimeium?
Child costume: toilet, duh! This is the most silly thing I saw for ages…
Undeniable Friday: Laser Pointer Death-Ray, WJW.
The summer is gone,
The ground’s turning cold,
The stores one by one they’re a-foldin’.
My children will go
As soon as they grow.
Well, there ain’t nothing here now to hold them.
— Bob Dylan, North Country Blues
Messaging the Way God Intended, by Patrick Logan: “HTTP is a basic message passing mechanism that can be used in all kinds of situations. It’s not ideal but then what is?”
Games, Strategies and the Self-Composition of the List Monad, “Haskell is so strict about type safety that randomly generated snippets of code that successfully typecheck are likely to do something useful, even if you’ve no idea what that useful thing is.” Hehe.
Good Ideas, Through the Looking Glass, by Niklaus Wirth. Wait, good ideas by Niklaus Wirth??
LED Cube Modeller, Paraflows edition, and Hacking OpenGL (in Lisp), nice use of Lisp.
Campaign For Real Beauty, must see.
A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines, a novel by Janna Levin.
And my friend comes in
Seen old Barry on the wall
Said you oughta have an asterisk up there
So I painted on the wall
— Dan Bern, Trudy
“So, if you’re so smart, why didn’t you invent YouTube?”, said my Mother-In-Law…
How to hack LEDs into Lego minifigures for Halloween, WJW.
200,000 dowloads for Seaside, but where do all the apps hide?
Die, my dear? Why that’s the last thing I’ll do! — Groucho Marx, Last Words
The CouchDb project site has gotten an awesome new design by Ken Tango, and more news: “Thanks to the efforts of Jan Lehnardt this new version builds and runs on Linux and Mac OSX!” Neato.
The Least Surprised #13: Those Are Stars In Our Eyes, splats for life!
A Very British Coup, by harrystottle. “In an historic development just before 10 pm last night (Thursday 12 Oct 2006) the head of the British Army, (and Chief of the General Staff) Sir Richard Dannatt publicly announced that the British Army’s presence in Iraq is making matters worse; and not just in Iraq, but around the world.”
Windows were shaking all night in my dreams
Everything was exactly the way that it seems
Woke up this mornin’ and I looked at the same old page
Same old rat race, life in the same old cage
— Bob Dylan, Highlands
Lachoudisch ist ein ein Gemisch aus Hebräisch, Rotwelsch und eigenen Sprachschöpfungen, und wird nur in Schopfloch gesprochen.
Grameen Bank provides credit to the poorest of the poor in rural Bangladesh without any collateral. At Grameen Bank, credit is a cost effective weapon to fight poverty and it serves as a catalyst in the overall development of socio-economic. Its founder well-deservedly got the Nobel Peace Prize.
How to develop software like commanding a tank, by Gojko Adzic. “If communicating goals and anti-goals helped to coordinate tank platoon leaders in low-visibility desert conditions, it should also help programmers whose biggest optical obstacle is an occasional lack of caffeine in the veins.”
The Agility of Lightweight Formal Methods, by Coryoth.
650,000 dead and counting, by shinshin. That’s “249 times the number of people killed in the World Trade Center in the attacks of September 11th, 2006”…
“#define private public”, a neat Google Code Search… ouch.
There ain’t no guarantee about tomorrow morning
And if the sun will ever rage in all its light
I stand in another man’s clothes tonight
I stand in another man’s clothes
— Dan Bern, Another Man’s Clothes
Cirrus SR20 crash in Manhattan, Philip Greenspun writes: “As it happens, I was at the exact same spot yesterday, en route to the Downtown/Wall Street heliport in a Robinson R44. I have flown my own Cirrus SR20 all the way to the Arctic Ocean and then southwest to Alaska. Friends have thus been asking me to speculate on how this accident might have occurred.”
Merlin’s top 5 super-obvious, “no-duh” ways to immediately improve your life, useful!
Die Geschichte des deutschen Radios, sehr interessant.
The Transgondwanan Supermountain, “Two articles have appeared in the last ten days or so about the impact of landscape on animal evolution.”
Logic Functors: A Toolbox of Components for Building Customized and Embeddable Logics, by Sébastien Ferré and Olivier Ridoux. Sounds pretty awesome.
Manfred Smacks Open a Camping Piñata, featuring a screencast.
5.gets BradPauly, no interviews on RedHanded for a long time…
Flapjax is a functional reactive compiler and Javascript library for creating interactive web GUIs, created by Brown PLT. Wow.
Developing High Performance Asynchronous IO Applications, by Stas Bekman. “As you can see, async IO flow requires writing lots of small functions that all call each other as callbacks.”
Moscow ML is a light-weight implementation of Standard ML (SML), a strict functional language widely used in teaching and research.
World’s worst use of a jpeg, ewwwwww.
In jeder Stadt und in jedem Land,
schreibt die Parole an jede Wand.
Schreibt die Parole an jede Wand.
Keine Macht für Niemand!
Keine Macht für Niemand!
— Ton Steine Scherben, Keine Macht für niemand
What to do when Your Vehicle Check Engine Light Turns On and the Warranty has Expired, by Steve Olson. “[I]t’s something you can do in five minutes that may save you thousands of dollars.”
Why millions of home alarm systems are useless…, fatal flaws.
Homosexual animals exhibit opens, by Alister Doyle. “‘We may have opinions on a lot of things, but one thing is clear— homosexuality is found throughout the animal kingdom, it is not against nature,’ an exhibit statement said.”
Ruby on Rails Camp, sounds like a neat unconference.
Welcome to Google for Educators, oh no! Now they will know about Google! Let’s hope Wikipedia doesn’t do similar things…
GHC 6.6 is released. SMP, impredicative polymorphism, and a lot more.
First Steps with Haskell for Web Applications, what a waste.
sind normal und meist sehr fleißig
gibt’s nicht erst seit Dreiunddreißig
— Rio Reiser, Menschenfresser
America’s Most Fonted: The 7 Worst Fonts, Comic Sans rightly is number one.
Eudora Joins Mozilla and Goes Open Source, “The reason, of course, is that there’s hardly a solitary cent to be made in this market anymore.” So true.
Airports, Tracks, and Factories, about the photography of Thomas Weinberger.
Introducing OpenLaszlo, by Sreekumar Parameswaran Pillai. “This tutorial helps you get started on OpenLaszlo, which is an open source platform for creating zero-install web applications with the user-interface capabilities of desktop client software.”
Chapter 6: Perl as a (better) Find Command, excerpted from the book Minimal Perl: For UNIX/Linux People by Tim Maher. An excellent book, by the way.
How Christians React to Death and Murder, by A Bore. Another post on the reaction of the Amish after the massacre. “Out of a horrific incident, the Amish showed what faith in God really was, turning even that horror into a demonstration of the highest principles of their faith. I must confess, I find their actions deeply moving.”
Using Google Code Search to Find Security Bugs, by Nitesh Dhanjani. Neat.
Self awareness, well, a link remembering Self can’t hurt.
Ruby HEAD’s been evolving in the last 4 months, Mauricio Fernandez made a list of changes.
Armies of zombies
And the generals fishing
And baby Jesus
On a suicide mission
And little Mohammed
Lifeless and brown
And drowning faceless scarecrows
Wearing the crown
— Dan Bern, Past Belief
FreeForth is an interactive development environment for programmers fed up with fat/slow/proprietary/blackbox development environments. Has some unique features.
The Weekly Squeak, what’s new in the world of Squeak.
Digital Typography and @font-face, yes, why can’t we just embed TrueType?
FTS1 is the first step of making SQLite do full-text search. Cool!
Ruby declared “mainstream”, by Curt Hibbs. What will I be switching to… ;-)
Text Tricks and More Text Tricks on OS X, by Giles Turnbull.
The language machine is an efficient and usable toolkit for language and grammar.
Very early C compilers and language, horrible and beautiful code.
Remember me when you turn your lights
Way down low
Remember me when you close your eyes
On your pillow
— Dan Bern, Remember Me
The SECD machine is a highly influential virtual machine intended as a target for functional programming language compilers.
Solving Sudoku: X-Wings, the most approachable description I’ve read.
Boolean Implementations, Ruby, Smalltalk and self, are they premature optimization? :)
Ron is a declarative language for building any ruby object graph, somewhat like JSON, but based on Ruby instead of JavaScript.
Using Test Driven Development in a Computer Science Classroom: A First Experience, by Jeffrey Elkner. I wonder if Fit would be helpful for teaching.
Terse guide to Squeak, pretty useful.
Open Source Madness!, Debian forced to fork Firefox to IceWeasel.
The Hearth at Thunder Edge Knoll, how to make up subdivision names.
Respiratory Oases, “The tiles – algorithmic in design and modular in assembly – are built to reduce vehicular air pollution, including nitrous oxide and ground-level ozone.”
I don’t gotta do anything – at all
I don’t gotta do anything – it just falls
— Dan Bern, Rain
Compiz, Beryl, and the future of Linux eye-candy, by Jeremy Jones. Neat video, too.
Using Traits to Maintain State, by Curtis Poe. You can use mixins in Ruby for that, of course.
North Korea’s Nukes and North Korea’s Neighbors, by circletimessquare. “Assuming verification by its neighbors, this is not going to end well for the region.”
National Coming Out Day is today!
Service Reuse: Fact or Fiction?, by David A. Chappell. It would be quite a waste of time else…
Heart-shaped Island, how cute!
Vi Input Manager, by Jason Corso. “This bundle patches the Cocoa Text System to add a Vi-like command mode.” How pervert. ;-)
Google To Acquire YouTube for $1.65 Billion in Stock, WJW.
Slackintosh 11.0 released, mmmmh.
Killer Sudoku: tips for solvers, for people like me that can’t figure them out.
Sorry if I’m a little tongue-tied
But it’s been so long
Since I talked to anyone
— Dan Bern, Tongue-Tied
The Lazy Builder’s Complexity Lesson, by Thomas Guest. “This article investigates the complexity guarantees made by the C++ Standard Library.”
Three ways of writing XML transformation programs, by Rick Jelliffe.
Blood, Hanna writes: “This morning, there was blood on the hallway. Blood smeared on the stone floor, the smears leading into the apartment next door.”
Working with Others: Accessibility and User Research, by Maurizio Boscarol at A List Apart. “After personally observing users with disabilities interacting with websites in unexpected ways, I have come to believe strongly in the value of user research—and to suspect that we really don’t know quite as much about real-world accessibility as we think we do.”
Glass avenues of Paris 2054, a critique of Christian Volckman’s “Renaissance”.
Robert Glass, DSLs, and Ruby, by Pat Eyler. IMO, all languages are domain specific, but some domains are bigger than others.
Thanks for the visit in my dream this morning
You said you weren’t gonna save the world no more
You visited my friend at the same time too
As always there’s enough to go around of you
— Dan Bern, Visit in My Dream
Enter the Mini-Anti-Earth, who needs gravity anyway…
The Beginning of NeXT, featuring videos.
Monad Transformers Step by Step, by Martin Grabmüller. Draft paper, October 2006.
String#chars Blessed by Rails Papacy as Fingertips Work to Dip Ruby’s Toes in the UTF-8 Waters, nice.
Zope 3 Critique, by Ian Bicking.
RUVA, a toy VM, written in Ruby, that is loosely compatible with the JVM. Whoo.
Code Reads #1: The Mythical Man-Month, a must-read indeed.
Lightning exits woman’s bottom, a woman has suffered severe burning to her anus after being struck by lightning which hit her in the mouth and passed right through her body. Hot.
Oh no, not Steely Dan again, “Steven Levy really liked Steely Dan, but so too, it seemed, did his iPod. Like a lot of people, he began to wonder about its shuffle—was the random function really random or a result of dirty tricks, blunders… or even telepathy?”
Die Zehn Angebote des evolutionären Humanismus, schreibt sie hinten ins Relibuch!
Fighting for Peace is like Fucking for Virginity, von Jörg Kantel.
I’m gonna wheel you to Canada
I’m gonna wheel you to Canada
I’m gonna wheel you to Canada
— Dan Bern, Wheel You To Canada
Die Bielefeldverschwörung ist Bestandteil einer satirischen Verschwörungstheorie, die die Existenz der Stadt Bielefeld anzweifelt, um die in sich geschlossene unangreifbare Argumentationsstruktur von Verschwörungstheorien auf humorvolle Weise zu entlarven.
Solving Lights Out, very easy if you know how.
Dear Psychopathic Challenge-Response Mail System Users, chromatic is completely right. But you shouldn’t even auto-reply to non-SPF spam.
Ruby Hacker Interview: Dave Balmain, interview by Pat Eyler.
Applications of Recursively Defined Data Structures, by Lloyd Allison. Infinite lists are fun!
Don’t be greedy, don’t be needy
If you live in hope you’re
Dancing to a terrible tune
Starving in the Belly
Starving in the Belly of a Whale
— Tom Waits, Starving In The Belly Of A Whale
Achievements of Ancient High Civilizations, “Almost every African community of any size has its own smelting furnace and smithy.”
What is LaTeX and Why You Should Care, I wouldn’t want to miss it.
North Korea Says Nuclear Test Successful, testing in the own country is lame, no? }:-)
Getting older, when code turns nasty.
All about Alan Turing, “The november issue of the Notices of the AMS is entirely devoted to Alan Turing.”
Beginner Bugs, do you want to become a Yhc developer?
Unplug phones to save power, but better turn off the light.
Equal Height Columns using CSS, I haven’t heard of that particular technique before.
“I miss Lisp”, Karl Fogel almost makes me cry.
Google ‘in talks to buy YouTube’, how much?
Pull off the road, step out of the van
Lean against the hood still hot from the drive
Trees fade out in the black of the night
Some days it don t hardly seem worth the fight
But at least tonight I get to hear
The golden voice of Vin Scully
— Dan Bern, Vin Scully
CouchDb, PHP and the offline Web, choosing PHP is a big mistake…
The Whole Enchilada, a manual for a new programming language that stands on the shoulders of Lisp, APL and Forth.
Vala is a new programming language that aims to bring modern programming language features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional runtime requirements and without using a different ABI compared to applications and libraries written in C.
Set the spelling language in Pages, how the fuck am I supposed to figure that out?
Nobody Likes Moon Cakes, “Mooncakes, of course, are the exact cultural analogue of the American fruitcake, that venerable Christmas pastry of astonishing density that brings people together by uniting the giver and receiver in a shared reluctance to eat it.”
Landscapes of Aerial Invention, brilliant.
Zooming Out in Time, John Baez about long-time thinking.
Using Perl 5 Embedding with Pugs.
Effectiveness of automated refactoring, by Ola Bini. His hypothesis: “Automated refactoring is a subset of the Church-Turing halting problem.” I agree.
On Frameworkitis, then, I’m writing another blog system, too. ;-)
A good man is hard to find
Only strangers sleep in my bed
My favorite words are good-bye
And my favorite color is red
— Tom Waits, A Good Man Is Hard To Find
What the Amish are Teaching America, by Sally Kohn. “The Amish, it seems, don’t automatically translate their grieving into revenge. Rather, they believe in redemption.”
Knuth -yllion, “Donald Knuth adapted the familiar naming schemes to handle much larger numbers, dodging ambiguity by changing the -illion to -yllion.”
Lock-picking business card, lovely! WJW.
Web browser standards support, overview of modern browsers.
Another reason to give your kid a weird name, IMO is being easy to google an advantage…
Immortal Smooth Solution of the Three Space Dimensional Navier-Stokes System, by Penny Smith. This paper even mentions the Millenium prize it tries to solve. ;-)
Egomania Itself, by Steve Yegge. “Agile wouldn’t be a big deal, except the Agile camp is really loud.”
Spring 2.0 Final Released, just in case you are stuck in J2EE.
Universal laws are fine
But they all break down, if you go too far back in time
Like way before I knew you, if you can imagine
— Dan Bern, Universal Laws
Five ways to get insane productivity boosts, by Yan Pritzker. Nothing earth-shattering, but true nevertheless.
AJAX on the Enterprise, by Kurt Cagle: “The following is a transcript (or at least a prescript) of the talk that I gave at the AJAXWorld conference on October 4, 2006, looking at emerging technology in that space and focusing (not surprisingly for me) on the XML side of things.”
Sex and Sushi, by aural junkie. “Women generally don’t make sushi, in fact if you walk into a sushi bar or restaurant, nine times out of ten, the chef behind all those parcels of delight and wonder will be male.” NSFW.
Budget Multitrack Recording Hardware, by bindlestiff. “So lets all go window-shopping for multitrack digital recorders under $400.00 US and see what we find.”
Alternative Comment System, just use Flickr’s as if it was yours!
Fucks per programing language and license, the usual suspects.
Really real examples of HOP techniques in action, by Mark Dominus.
Struck by loops, “[h]uge loops of gas – similar to those found on the Sun – have been found soaring above the galactic plane near the centre of the Milky Way.”
Die alten bösen Lieder
Die Träume schlimm und arg,
Die laßt uns jetzt begraben,
Holt einen großen Sarg.
— Heinrich Heine, Die alten bösen Lieder
gute straßen, schlechte straßen, Lydia philosophiert: “Das Leben ist wie eine Autobahn…”
The RubySpec Wiki, “This Wiki is intended to help build a collaborative Ruby language and implementation specification, based on the knowledge we all have gathered as Ruby language and implementation developers. It will grow as we learn more about Ruby, and evolve as the specification of Ruby’s semantics and libraries becomes more clear and more well-understood.”
Evan’s Camping Slides, “The very campsmart and railswise Evan Weaver has put up his Camping slides from a Philly gathering.”
Trees I: Radix trees, “This article will have a look at the radix tree API” of the Linux kernel.
As We May Read, by Paul Ginsparg. Hooray for arXiv.org.
Man Recites Pi to 100,000 Places, WJW.
Tremulous is a free, open source game that blends a team based FPS with elements of an RTS.
Sharing Internet Connections, by Dru Lavigne. “Today I want to start with that base firewall and explore how to fine-tune rules, configure NAT so other PCs can share an Internet connection, and review firewall logs.”
But unfortunately when you graduate they don’t give you a list of all the lies they told you during your education. — Paul Graham, A Student’s Guide to Startups
A Student’s Guide to Startups, by Paul Graham.
Dear God…, funny and intelligent kids questions.
One day your kids, won’t be kids
And maybe they’ll have kids of their own
Lets hope they talk to their kids, play with their kids
Tell them their dreams, and their disappointments.
— Dan Bern, Kids’ Prayer
In Memoriam: Ralph Griswold (1934–2006), by Peter H. Salus. “Ralph Griswold, creator of SNOBOL and Icon, former staff member at Bell Labs and Professor of Computer Science at the University of Arizona, died 4 October 2006, losing about of cancer.”
Architectural Dissimulation, I want a secret room too!
The Ring, for launching satellites.
Go down to the river and there I’ll be
I’m gonna jump in, baby, if you don’t see by me
Open up your eyes; can’t you see I love you?
Open up your heart; can’t you see I need you?
— Marvin Gaye, Baby Don’t You Do It

A Ruby FITting, with Little Finesse, by Ron Jeffries. About integrating Ruby with FIT.
RubyComp: A Ruby-to-LLVM Compiler Prototype, M.S. Thesis by Anders Alexandersson. I really wonder how performant that can be.
Live From JAOO: Future of Programming Panel, by Obie Fernandez, provocating: “Will (the) Ruby (community) in 2016 look and feel like Java in 2006?”
Assembly language for Power Architecture, commenting: “It could just be me, but I think the ASM designers could’ve afforded to make this stuff a bit more human consummable.” Luckily, writing an assembler is easy.
The Physics of Something Awful, an epic. Must-see. (Scroll down.)
Lay down your weary tune, lay down,
Lay down the song you strum,
And rest yourself ‘neath the strength of strings
No voice can hope to hum.
— Bob Dylan, Lay Down Your Weary Tune
Walk on water, even you can in a London church.
Glimpsing the garden over the wall, learning Haskell helps even if you can’t directly use it.
Google Code Search, doesn’t find as much as expected, but nice anyhow.
A Lambda Camcorder, a nifty, but way too magic hack.
6502 compatible compiler and emulator in javascript, yay.
Chaos Computer Club fordert Verbot von Wahlcomputern in Deutschland, gute Idee.

Don’t listen to the words I say, weighing up if I’m enlightened,
Don’t shiver as you pass me by, ‘cause mister I’m the one who’s frightened,
The police just came and left, they wanted me and no one else,
Don’t pretend that you know me ‘cause I don’t even know myself,
I said I don’t know myself.
— The Who, I Don’t Even Know Myself
Digg users are dumber than goldfish, Mark Pilgrim says. I didn’t look at Digg for ages.
Boxes, by Greg Storey. “Our content is all starting to look the same because of the tools used to manage it and web-two-point-dough has homogenized the Internet.”
Make.text is a bookmarklet for turning a web page into Markdown syntax.
Guiness World Record for most T-Shirts worn at one time (YouTube), WJW.
Principia mathematica, by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell. Completely online. Woohoo!!
Initiative Freiheit statt Vollbeschäftigung, ein Wunschtraum.
Rewriting Extended Regular Expressions, by Valentin M. Antimirov, Peter D. Mosses. “We give a new complete Horn equational axiomatiztion of the algebra and develop some termrewriting techniques for constructing logical inferences of valid equations.”
New Monads on the HaskellWiki.
Heise.de / Behind The Scenes, wie Heise.de publiziert. Ich liebe es, ernsthaft.
Stay, don’t just walk away
And leave me another day
A day just like today
Stay, don’t just walk away
With nobody else around
— A-ha, Summer Moved On
The Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted hostage, in which the hostage exhibits loyalty to the hostage-taker, in spite of the danger (or at least risk) in which the hostage has been placed.
Why Writing is Harder than Programming, by Paul Graham.
Tugboat, WJW. Awesome.
du bist mastkonsumland, ich liebe Lebkuchen, auch im Sommer.
So happy just to see you smile
Underneath the sky of blue
On this new morning, new morning
On this new morning with you.
— Bob Dylan, New Morning
Camping is Still Your 4k Pinkyframework!, version 1.5 is out.
A chance to put his theories into practice, J. G. Ballard on the quiet fascism of British shopping malls and other things.
When All Else Fails, unit tests and optional typing as panacea.
Think of the GoF as helping losers lose less. — Richard P. Gabriel, Design Patterns vs. better languages
Darius Bacon wrote lots of nice stuff.
Announcing Slackware Linux 11!, neato.
DRM.info, what you should know about Digital Restrictions Management.
Web Development is trivial … right?, by Jonathan Wellons.
MCPat stands for Meta-Circular Pattern Matcher. It is a lightweight mechanism for adding data directed pattern based execution to your software. The key to its flexibility is that it is meta-circular, that is, the expansion and compilation of the rules is defined in terms of rules.
Bang bang, he shot me down
Bang bang, I hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, my baby shot me down.
— Nancy Sinatra, Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)
On the Eve of AJAXWorld, by Kurt Cagle. Report 1, Report 2.
GTKtrue is a complete and bug free GTK interface to the popular console application /bin/true. Includes a title bar and a neat OK-button as well as i18n support.
Welcome to Stupid Ruby Tricks, this is a wiki for you to post your favorite Ruby tips and tricks.
Fifth ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, some slides are up.
Topos Theory in a Nutshell, by John Baez. “First I’ll give you a hand-wavy vague explanation, then an actual definition, then a few consequences of this definition, and then some examples.”
Ralph Johnson on design patterns, as a response to Mark Dominus.
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit für das deutsche Vaterland!
Danach lasst uns alle streben brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit sind des Glückes Unterpfand;
Blüh im Glanze dieses Glückes, blühe, deutsches Vaterland!
— Hoffmann von Fallersleben, Lied der Deutschen
Parent criticizes book ‘Fahrenheit 451’, made my day.
Why do humans kiss?, “Our lips and tongues are packed with nerve endings, which help intensify all those dizzying sensations of being in love when we press our mouths to someone else’s.”
Seven Reasons To Go Travelling Solo, “Worried about the idea of going travelling on your own but really want to see some places? Here’s seven tips to give you some reassurance and to urge you to seize the moment and do it.”
Hole in the Wall, “An Indian physicist puts a PC with a high speed internet connection in a wall in the slums and watches what happens.”
These Yelps and Squeals are Totally Valid, I’ve been writing some code like that myself.
Silikon-Brüste retteten Bulgarin das Leben, “Ihre Silikon-Brüste haben eine Bulgarin bei einem Autounfall vor dem Tode bewahrt. Laut einem Zeitungsbericht wirkten die Implantate bei dem Crash wie Airbags.”
So I can just imagine
How darned impatient
Everybody must be getting
So I think it’s time now
Time to reveal myself
I am the Messiah
I am the Messiah
— Dan Bern, Jerusalem
An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction, by Abdulaziz Ghuloum. I indirectly linked to this before, but it deserves another link. Very comprehensible.
SEDA: An Architecture for Highly Concurrent Server Applications , by Matt Welsh. “SEDA is an acronym for staged event-driven architecture, and decomposes a complex, event-driven application into a set of stages connected by queues.”
Web Apps: Why does Statelessness Stop at the Database?, I’m not sure how a replicated database has less state, though…
But Revolution, baby
Revolution Slagtown weavers
Revolution begins in the basement
— Dan Bern, Revolution Begins In The Basement
A Pale Blue Dot, this picture of Earth gives me the creeps.
The Problem With Comment Spam: A Screenshot Tour, by M. David Peterson. As long as mass deletion is easy, not that big thing, though.
Japan’s air sex world champion licks himself into shape, “‘Air sex was originally invented by guys who couldn’t get girlfriends, but desperately want to have sex,’ J-Taro Sugisaku, the self-professed creator of air sex, tells Weekly Playboy.”
Bundesdatenschützer lehnt Schülerdatenbank ab, dankeschön.
Spilling ink, Dabble now supports printing. I’d never have thought of that, really.
In a hospital bed, Bob sang him songs
Woody smiled and said, I m glad you’ve come
You belong here go forth & be the voice of your generation.
— Dan Bern, Talkin’ Bob And Woody, Bruce And Dan Blues
Dynamic-Language IDEs, by Tim Bray. “I had an idea about building IDEs for dynamic languages like Ruby.”
Building Large Systems, by Curtis Poe. “While rules which affect larger systems don’t always seem as important on small systems, it’s fair to say that if you want your small systems to be able to grow to large systems, it doesn’t hurt to start with sane rules.”
Atheist (YouTube), must-see.
God said time
Time belongs to me
Time’s my secret weapon
My final advantage
— Dan Bern, God Said No
How to Learn Lee’s Abacus, by Lee Kai-chen.

Whither CRUD?, by Evan Weaver. A valid criticism of the CRUD-REST mapping.
Let’s Abolish Pencil-and-Paper Arithmetic, by Anthony Ralston. Teach maths, not calculation. (But then, what do people need more often in Real Life?)
sizeasy, “Do you have trouble visualizing product sizes when shopping online? If so, try this easy comparison tool.”