Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Trees I: Radix trees, “This article will have a look at the radix tree API” of the Linux kernel.
As We May Read, by Paul Ginsparg. Hooray for arXiv.org.
Man Recites Pi to 100,000 Places, WJW.
Tremulous is a free, open source game that blends a team based FPS with elements of an RTS.
Sharing Internet Connections, by Dru Lavigne. “Today I want to start with that base firewall and explore how to fine-tune rules, configure NAT so other PCs can share an Internet connection, and review firewall logs.”
But unfortunately when you graduate they don’t give you a list of all the lies they told you during your education. — Paul Graham, A Student’s Guide to Startups
A Student’s Guide to Startups, by Paul Graham.
Dear God…, funny and intelligent kids questions.
One day your kids, won’t be kids
And maybe they’ll have kids of their own
Lets hope they talk to their kids, play with their kids
Tell them their dreams, and their disappointments.
— Dan Bern, Kids’ Prayer
In Memoriam: Ralph Griswold (1934–2006), by Peter H. Salus. “Ralph Griswold, creator of SNOBOL and Icon, former staff member at Bell Labs and Professor of Computer Science at the University of Arizona, died 4 October 2006, losing about of cancer.”
Architectural Dissimulation, I want a secret room too!
The Ring, for launching satellites.
Go down to the river and there I’ll be
I’m gonna jump in, baby, if you don’t see by me
Open up your eyes; can’t you see I love you?
Open up your heart; can’t you see I need you?
— Marvin Gaye, Baby Don’t You Do It

A Ruby FITting, with Little Finesse, by Ron Jeffries. About integrating Ruby with FIT.
RubyComp: A Ruby-to-LLVM Compiler Prototype, M.S. Thesis by Anders Alexandersson. I really wonder how performant that can be.