Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Book review: Agile Web Development with Rails by Ugi Cei. He likes it, as all other reviews do. ;-)
The Best Links 2005 of kottke.org. No, I’m not going to compile such a list for Anarchaia.
Exploiting the Windows XP/2003 Picture and Fax Viewer Metafile Overflow Vulnerability by Nitesh Dhanjani. I’m really thankful for being on OS X.
And there are things these days
That can help you through a phase
Like food & health & fear
I prefer the beer
Not the way that I don’t love you
But the way that I hate myself
— Martha Wainwright, TV Show
Son of a Nut Cracker by Steve Goulet. Nice story.
How Women and Men Use the Internet, “Black women are more likely than are black men to be online”.
Flyersoziotope, Flyer, Flyer, Flyer.
Accelerator: simplified programming of graphics processing units for general-purpose uses via data-parallelism by Vivian Sewelson, Sidd Puri, Jose Oglesby and David Tarditi. “The operations are a subset of those found in languages like APL.”
My American dream
Fell apart at the seams.
You tell me what it means,
You tell me what it means.
— Bob Dylan, Heartland

Digging into Ruby Symbols by Steve Yegge, isn’t it crazy how people can go nuts about features other languages had for decades? (And metaprogramming with eval is lame.)
NOCspeech, lovely names for network hosts.