Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
New WMF 0-day exploit, oh joy, oh glory.
Read Most of O’Reilly’s Hacks Books for Free Using Google, at least while you still can. Probably more interesting from a social than a technical perspective.

GNU Stow is a program for managing the installation of software packages, keeping them separatewhile making them appear to be installed in the same place.
Far away
In some lovely way I hear your call
Whatever happened to them all?
Whatever happened to us all?
— Martha Wainwright, Far Away
RFC 4042: UTF-9 and UTF-18: Efficient Transformation Formats of Unicode by M. Crispin.
The 50-30-20 Rule sounds like a good way to organize each day.
Short glasses more likely to lead to over-indulgence, cheers!
Losing weight with GNUplot, sounds like a plan.
Somewhat pointless fun: ASDF-Install dependencies, I like big graphs.
Überinformation ist der Smog des 21. Jahrhunderts. — Peter Glaser, Das Geheimnis–Reloaded (sehr guter Vortrag!)
Pugs, Implementing Perl 6… and other related technologies. Looks like they have a new blog.
Hashes with default procs as memoized functions, Mauricio documents a common Ruby idiom.
ant is not TeX. ant 0.7 was released on December 22nd.
Sexual Psychology
It’s easier than philosophy
It’s easier than chemistry
Where’s my chemisty?
— Martha Wainwright, Ball and Chain
Following the Rest of You by Patrick Logan. WS against REST against whatever else. Let’s go back to SYSV IPC.
The Design of the Connection Machine by Tamiko Thiel.
Symbols Are Not Immutable Strings, Jim Weirich explains. They aren’t Ruby strings at least…
Become a Try Ruby Narrator Straightaway, Try Ruby gets even better.