Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The Survey, 2008, at A List Apart.
Functional Programming Koans, in OCaml, neat ones.
No need for your hell
I have no need for anything
I am God
I know someone happy
I am God
Shut out the cold, kneel and pray
I am God
— Virgin Prunes, I Am God
A Souped-Up Model T May Have Been the First Mash-Up, by Steve Lohr. Awesome what they made out of it!
Fire from Heaven, Adrian Smith reviews q and Jeffry Borror’s book “q For Mortals”. (While I really like the book, I have to disagree about the distinction between q gods and mere mortals; it seemed superfluous and annoyingly overweening to me.)
Ex-Googlers reinvent web search, The Register found Quantum porn. NSFW.
Just answer me,
what was the point of all that treachery,
and soon we’ll see
the truth behind all of your blasphemy.
— London After Midnight, Shatter
Light Mills, lots of open questions.
RubyFringe 2008: Killing Floor In Toronto, by Zed Shaw.
If FailCamp succeeds, is it still FailCamp?, a report by Alex Hilman.