Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Anaximandrake, a blog that makes me wish I really had learned Greek, continued French, and not forgotten Latin.
DragonFly July 2008 Release 2.0, featuring the HAMMER file system. Should check that out.
Mike Tyson Mansion, now abandoned.
Japanese onomatopoeia, chi–n!
Als sie ertrunken war und hinunterschwamm Von den Bächen in die größeren Flüsse Schien der Opal des Himmels sehr wundersam Als ob er die Leiche begütigen müsse. — Bertolt Brecht, Vom ertrunkenen Mädchen
Calendar, a nice interface.
The A-Z of Programming Languages: Modula-3, “Luca Cardelli on why Modula-3 played a major role in popularizing the notion of type-safe programming and why Modula-3 is still vastly superior to programs such as Java.”
“Fools” thought I, “You do not know
Deja like a cancer grows.
Your words may yet come back to haunt you,
Ten years from now they may still taunt you”
But my thoughts just spiralled into space,
And echoed
Off the face of keystrokes
— Sound Of Silence Revisited
Rutgers Graduate Student Finds New Prime-Generating Formula, nice and pretty simple.
Pablo Picasso: Animals in Art, eleven developments of a lithograph.
Gist, which looks like a cheap Pastie clone at first glance, quickly unfolds its Gitty magic when you notice you are able to fork pastes! An Emacs snippet for pasting.