Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
China As An Island, “China has land borders with 14 other countries – a world record. And yet you should not think of China as particularly well-integrated with its neighbours.”
rascal-haskell is a mini Haskell like language in Haskell.
Soldier lies bleeding where
a church once stood
Ignore the machine
Ignore the machine.
— Alien Sex Fiend, Ignore The Machine
Domino Domino Logic (YouTube). Create OR, AND and XOR gates out of dominoes. Replacement for TTL and CMOS. XOR is pretty complex.
So give me a drink and dry, dry my eyes
It’s all I ever wished for
And all I ever wanted
All I ever wished for
All I ever wanted
— Virgin Prunes Lyrics, Sons Find Devils
Datamob highlights the connection between public data sources and the interfaces people are building for them.
Hi’ya Bunny!, waving bunnies are the best kind. Yeech.
Fourteen Passive-Aggressive Appetizers, by Yoni Brenner. “Have you ever noticed how sun-dried tomatoes and top-grade peyote look exactly the same? Not a suggestion, really. Just saying.”