Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The Tail Recursive SECD Machine, by John D. Ramsdell. “Tail recursive abstract machines provide efficient support for iterative processes via the ordinary function calling mechanism. This document argues that the use of tail recursive abstract machines incurs only a small increase in theorem proving burden when compared with what is required when using ordinary abstract machines. The position is supported by comparing correctness proofs performed using the Boyer-Moore theorem prover. The cost of efficient support for iteration is small.”
The Largest Known Prime by Year: A Brief History, by Chris Caldwell.
Today Is The Day, Oo. WJW.

Let me find
The one they call Hitler
I will stalk him
I will bring him down
I will bring along
A powerful gun
Loaded with bullets
Obliterate his memory
— Dan Bern, God Said No
Debris, Jack Shedd on web site cluttering. “At some point, we just started throwing shit in.” (The whole blog is good, by the way, and the archive only goes back to April.)
Sphere Eversion, awesome abstract nonsense.
Potato, the version of JSqueak from HPI.
Macintosh on Nintendo DS, pretty awesome.
With her little funny eyes of hazel
With her little funny old blue hat
She will go and set the world on fire
No one ever thought she could do that
— Kerli, Walking On Air
The Pencil Project’s unique mission is to build a free and opensource tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use. Uses Firefox 3.
How to be an instant Web me-2.0 developer, “If you’re so smart, how come you ain’t rich?”