Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
sacrilege.el, enjoy!
A Brainfuck interpreter written in Brainfuck. Amazingly compact!
Eee Monitor shots reveal Linux’s iMac rival, ASUS is doing good stuff lately.
And the kissing and the colour come crashing down
Down down down
Down around me
Down down down
— Sisters Of Mercy, Burn
Lina Scheynius, really good photography. PNSFW, nudity.
PMake: A Tutorial, by Adam de Boor. BSD make seems to be much nicer than GNU make.
RubyFrontier is a way of maintaining and generating Web sites. It imitates UserLand Frontier, but it’s written in Ruby.
WokFi is a term now commonly used to indicate a style of Wi-Fi antenna made out of simple low-cost Asian cookware scoops, or similar easy to find household metallic reflective items.
Ometa for Scheme, yum.
Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem, explained by Chris Edward Dupilka.
The thought to talk
they walk the talk
so lets just go from place to place
and as long as we don’t talk from face to face
— Clan Of Xymox, Stranger
Collaborate and Connect with Subversion, by Ryan Irelan at A List Apart. “Technology can promote teamwork and keep projects in check. Enter Subversion.” Yay. ;)
Getting Out of Binding Situations in JavaScript, by Christophe Porteneuve at A List Apart. “Overall, binding in JavaScript is not a difficult concept, but it is far too often ignored or glossed over by JavaScripters, which leads to confusion.”
Eliza is a sequencial, functional logic programming language. It borrows concepts from Prolog, Lisp, Icon, Haskell, Bash, Oz and C/C++. From Prolog it borrows backtracking. From Lisp stems the concept of first-order-functions. This concept had a great influence on the design of the language.