Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The Simple Truth, what is truth?
Man-sized sea scorpion claw found, WJW.
Demonstration “Freiheit ist Sicherheit” am 24. November 2007 in Köln, der CCC meldet: “Um alle größeren Städte der Republik abzudecken, wird es noch in diesem Jahr eine Demonstration unter dem Motto “Freiheit ist Sicherheit” am 24. November ab 12 Uhr in Köln statt finden.”
The wind blows rain into my face
The sun glows at the end of the highway
Child of the moon, rub your rainy eyes
Oh, child of the moon
Give me a wide-awake crescent-shaped smile
— Rolling Stones, Child Of The Moon
Eschatology is a part of theology and philosophy concerned with the final events in the history of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humanity, commonly referred to as the end of the world.
The Future of Reading (A Play in Six Acts), by Mark Pilgrim. The Kindle will flop, the question is is because of what or whom.
DUM, John Gruber on the Kindle.
Amusements in Mathematics, etext by Henry Ernest Dudeney at Project Gutenberg.
Future Snow, 1) Weather control is the future of urban design. 2) If a city wants to attract new residents it should try scenting the snow.
Golf amongst the glaciers, and on an aircraft carrier.
Is this just another day, in this God forgotten place?
First comes love, then comes pain. Let the games begin,
Questions rise and answers fall, insurmountable.
— Pearl Jam, Love Boat Captain
How to Size Text in CSS, by Richard Rutter at A List Apart. “In this article, we will reconcile the designer’s requirement for accuracy with the user’s need to resize text on demand, arriving at a best practice that satisfies designers and users and works across browsers and platforms.”

Understanding Web Design, by Jeffrey Zeldman at A List Apart. “Web design, like a typeface, is an environment for someone else’s expression. Stick around and I’ll tell you which site design is like Helvetica.”
E-book the letter, by Steven Poole. “[I]n the hope of hastening the exciting ebook revolution, I here propose a minimal list of features that any really successful ebook device must eventually have.”
Inductive Synthesis of Functional Programs: An Explanation Based Generalization Approach, by Emanuel Kitzelmann and Ute Schmid. “We describe an approach to the inductive synthesis of recursive equations from input/output-examples which is based on the classical two-step approach to induction of functional Lisp programs of Summers.”