Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
How Not to Die, essay by Paul Graham.
Defunc’ed Join Calculus, now in Haskell, “This module defines alternative semantics for join calculus (JC) by means of providing an interpreter.”
Ratification Results, “The Steering Committee therefore ratifies the draft numbered 5.97 as the official “Revised6 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme”. The Editors are directed to prepare the final text of the document, correcting only minor errata.” I really wonder what R7RS will look like..

Links to Tens of Thousands of Legal Pornography Downloads, by j1mmy. PNSFW, enjoy.
No matter where I go baby, no matter what I do
I spend my whole life honey, just thinking of you
Yeah it don’t seem to matter, who’s right and who’s wrong
I want to tell you how I feel now, in the words of this song
— Rolling Stones, Keys To Your Love
Introducing TrimPath Junction, by Jack Herrington and Steve Yen. “Junction is an all JavaScript framework that closely models the Ruby on Rails model-view-controller design pattern and implementation. And with the help of the Helma JavaScript web server, it runs the same code both on the client and on the server. Exactly the same code, in fact.”
Robot City, “South Korea plans to build a whole new city dedicated to the robotics industry.”
That diagram (Let me ring your bell), Rick Jelliffe shows Rob Wier’s 2006 diagram comparing the number of pages of various standards versus the time they spent in committee.
CSS @ Ten: The Next Big Thing, by Håkon Wium Lie at A List Apart. I’d totally love custom typefaces on the web.
Put Your Content in My Pocket, by Craig Hockenberry at A List Apart. First part of a series explaining how to make iPhone-friendly sites.
CouchDb updates, Jan Lehnardt has more details on the recent changes. (Yay for killing XML and Fabric.)
New Squeak UI Enhancements Released, Vista look != Enhanced IMO.
Ruport 1.2, everyone’s favourite Ruby report generator, has been released.
‘average rainfall in the UK’ poster, this is cool.
In another land where the breeze and the
Trees and flowers were blue
I stood and held your hand.
And the grass grew high and the feathers floated by
I stood and held your hand.
— Rolling Stones, In Another Land
Wild Contemporary Furniture, crazy.
Full of Ambition, a new Ruby query language for databases. “Ideally, this thing could turn into something like Rack for databases.”
Re: clarification on git, central repositories and commit access lists, Linus on why decentral development works well for big projects too.