Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Fill-in-the-Blanks, been using that UI design technique in some small webapps already.
Online-Durchsuchung bei der Bundesregierung, “Andy Müller-Maguhn, Sprecher des CCC, sagte hierzu: “Die Behauptung des BMI, die Sicherheitsbehörden und das Bundesministerium des Innern (BMI) verfügten “grundsätzlich über genügenden Sachverstand”, erscheint angesichts der Unfähigkeit, Spionage-Trojaner selbst in sensibelsten Bereichen wie im Kanzleramt zu verhindern, als Pfeifen im dunklen Wald.””
Translations, “what we want to show you is a nice perspective we learned here last week that relates multiple ways to interpret natural and programming languages.”
Don’t you know you’ve got it in for me
I knew it right from the start
I’m still learning my lines baby
Since you’ve rewritten my part
— Rolling Stones, Infamy
My Favorite Books, danah boyd’s list.
Exploring Erlang, slides by Bob Ippolito from C4[1].
Emacs markdown-mode, I wish it could refactor links and was optionally a minor mode.
Meta means that you step back from your own place. What you used to do is now what you see. What you were is now what you act on. — Guy Steele, Growing A Language
Kindergarten Quantum Mechanics, by Bob Coecke. “These lecture notes survey some joint work with Samson Abramsky as it was presented by me at several conferences in the summer of 2005. It concerns ‘doing quantum mechanics using only pictures of lines, squares, triangles and diamonds’.”

GNU Cim is a compiler for the programming language Simula that compiles to C.
Introducing Fieldnotes, could these finally have a pocket-appropriate size?