Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
xml_simple_doctype_fix fixes a DDOS exploit in Rails.
Three years with Ruby on Rails, I’m a bit late because I had to use it this week.
What object is a circle in plan, front and side views? (Besides a sphere), nifty, but I could just imagine it.

One or two nights in the Sodium Hotel, “It’s a hotel made from salt.”
Breaking News: Broken Bridges, by LilDebbie. The ultimate K5 topic.
Oh, there’s changes in the ocean,
there’s changes in the sea
There’s changes in my true love,
ain’t no change in me.
— Bob Dylan, Rambler, Gambler
Infrastructure is patriotic, at BLDG BLOG: “After yesterday’s bridge collapse in Minneapolis – a bridge my sister and her family drove across everyday – the decaying state of American infrastructure is becoming all the more apparent.” More pictures by Tim Davis.
Incident No. 35: Adventure of the Apple’s Mom, by _why.
Java’s Fear of Commitment, “The culture of Java design is to push out commitment to a given way of doing things (an “implementation”) as much as possible. In Java culture, dependencies, esp. conceptual ones, are nasty and to be avoided. They’re taboo, even.”
DNS rebinding attacks subvert the same-origin policy of browsers and convert them into open network proxies. These attacks can be used to circumvent firewalls and are highly cost-effective for sending spam e-mail and defrauding pay-per-click advertisers, requiring less than $100 to temporarily hijack 100,000 IP addresses. Really hot topic.
We all had our reasons to be there
We all had a thing or two to learn
We all needed something to cling to
So we did
— Alanis Morisette, Forgiven
Ant Urbanism, “The movement of ants could help solve traffic jams and crowd congestion, Australian scientists say, and the findings could be used in future town planning systems.”
The Snub Disphenoid, and cool deltahedra.
Russia plants flag under North Pole, that was really needed.
Demonstration “Freiheit statt Angst” am 22. September 2007 in Berlin, vielleicht bin ich da sogar grad da.
Introduction to Haskell, Part 3: Monads, by Adam Turoff. Yummy.
Linux: The 0.02 and 0.03 Releases, the journey goes on.