Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Zipster: A Hipster clone, “This is a short guide to transforming a spare Zip-disk into a mini-archive.” Finally a use for these old disks.
Waltzing Ma~, by Keith M. Taylor. Best joke I saw in a while.
xmpp4r-simple, makes it dead-simple to send and receive Jabber messages with Ruby.
In that house Hemingway is boxing in the back
I go down to the library and check out all the facts
Nowadays it’s hard to write a line my own thoughts bore me
I found me an island kid who says he’ll do it for me
I’m wiping all my tears away so no one has a clue
That I need you
— Dan Bern, I Need You
The π-Calculus Storage Cell, by Mark C. Chu-Carroll. Nifty calculus, but I think there are better alternatives/subsets, e.g. the Join calculus.
FlexMock 0.6.0 Released, for some reason I prefer mocha.
Oberstufen-Rechner, wer’s grad braucht.
rCache is a powerful tool that lets you archive data from many unrelated sources. Kind of “Google Browsercache”, seems very useful.

Must-see Haskell talks at OSCON ‘07, Bryan O’Sullivan says: “Simon Peyton Jones will be giving two Haskell-related talks at OSCON in July!” Oooh!
Web Service, MySQL, myhttp_engine, you expected this right?, let this not be MegaData, let this not be MegaData…
Translation From PR-Speak to English of Selected Portions of Rails Developer David Heinemeier Hansson’s Response to Alex Payne’s Interview, thanks Mark Pilgrim.
Every time you leave and go off someplace
Things fall to pieces in my face
— Bob Dylan, Everything Is Broken
Two Kinds of Judgement, essay by Paul Graham. “Sometimes judging you correctly is the end goal. But there’s a second much more common type of judgement where it isn’t.”
On what GEB is really all about (twenty years later), Hofstadter tells. One of the best books I know, btw.
Fast Food: Ads vs. Reality, tasty, eh?