Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The secret White House comunication system, nice uncovering…
Jen Stark, paper sculptures. WJW.
Varnish is a state-of-the-art, high-performance HTTP accelerator. Varnish is targeted primarily at the FreeBSD 6 and Linux 2.6 platforms, and will take full advantage of the virtual memory system and advanced I/O features offered by these operating systems. Looks very impressive.

CPAN Module Review: TAP::Parser, by chromatic. I’m still in search of a TAP parser from stdin, so I could just pipe TAP from other languages…
AFNIX is a multi-threaded functional programming language with dynamic symbol bindings that support the object oriented paradigm. The language features a state of the art runtime engine that supports both 32 and 64 bits platforms. Worth a look.
Me, I romp and stomp,
Thankful as I romp,
Without freedom of speech,
I might be in the swamp.
— Bob Dylan, Motorpsycho Nightmare
Hacking John McCain, lovely, lovely, lovely! Hack on.
Rails on 1.9: first benchmarks, YARV exposed to non-synthetic tests, by Mauricio Fernandez. The Rails source code is pretty un-YARV-ishly written, it could be lots faster, I think. (E.g. ERB is a total VM killer.)
“Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”, by el fauno. “Not so long ago, after a night of heavy drinking during my self-destructive years, I climbed over a chain-link fence and cut both my hands while negotiating the difficult maneuver. Difficult for a drunk young idiot anyway. When my buddies berated me for doing something so dumb instead of just walking 20 feet around, I remember answering “I just wanted to know how it’s like for the illegal immigrants.” Last February, I got the chance to really learn what’s life like for an illegal in the US. And getting your hands cut is not the worst of it, by the way.”
The BinProlog Experience: Implementing a High-Performance Continuation Passing Prolog Engine, by Paul Tarau.
Why To Not Not Start a Startup, essay by Paul Graham.
Words have power
Words have meaning
Words become things
And words become actions
— Dan Bern, Hiroshima
Disturbed About Reactions to Kathy Sierra’s Post, by Stephanie Booth. “[O]ne quick look at most of the posts coming out of Technorati or Google Blogsearch shows (still now, over 15 hours after Kathy posted) a collection of knee-jerk reactions, side-taking, verbal lynching, and rising up to the defense of noble causes. […] I tend to despise the mainstream press increasingly for their use of manipulative headlines, but honestly, what I see some bloggers doing here is no better.”
My Type Design Philosophy, by Martin Majoor. We should mix more serif and sans-serif fonts.
Agitation, Power, Space: An Interview with Ole Bouman, co-founder of Volume, both a magazine and a “global idea platform… dedicated to experimentation and the production of new forms of architectural discourse.” Wonderful typography, too. (And a butt-ugly website.)
I hope you take Anarchaia out tonight and get it drunk. — Gavin McGovern on yesterday’s anniversary
Plopp, The Cool 3D Painting Tool is now available for download “Plopp is the first painting tool for kids where you can paint 3D objects very easily! Just paint in 2D and Plopp will transform your paintings into 3D objects!”
TumbleWalls are physical tumblelogs!