Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Copyrights and Content Creation in Second Life, “CopyBot allows the user to create a replication of an object, including textures, that is fully permissive.” Pwned! Why don’t we have that in First Life?
ATER is a dark plastic theme. The theme family is inspired by Led displays. There are skins for XMMS and MPlayer match with this metacity theme. Look awesome.
Intel 4004 35th Anniversary, the schematics are available!

GnuPG 2.0 released, “GnuPG-2 has a different architecture than GnuPG-1 (e.g. 1.4.5) in that it splits up functionality into several modules.”
Many To Many Challenge, essentially the “object-collectional” mismatch in one page.
Tolling for the rebel, tolling for the rake
Tolling for the luckless, the abandoned an’ forsaked
Tolling for the outcast, burnin’ constantly at stake
An’ we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing.
— Bob Dylan, Chimes of Freedom
My Half-Year of Hell With Christian Fundamentalists, “When Polish student Michael Gromek, 19, went to America on a student exchange, he found himself trapped in a host family of Christian fundamentalists. What followed was a six-month hell of dawn church visits and sex education talks as his new family tried to banish the devil from his soul. Here’s his story.”
Practical Foundations of Mathematics, by Paul Taylor. Full text online.
List of constructed languages, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Design and Implementation of Object-Oriented Virtual Machines “This course focuses on how to design and implement virtual machines for object oriented languages. […] To widen the perspective, virtual machines for functional languages will be contrasted to object-oriented virtual machines.”
LARQ is a combination of ARQ and Lucene. It gives ARQ the ability to perform free text searches. Lucene indexes are additional information for accessing the RDF graph, not storage for the graph itself.
ägypten, teil 1, Lydia hat Bilder mitgebracht. Wie immer sehenswert.
FreakyFreaky Now Resumes Its Usual Sandly Self, sandbox now easily supports external references.
Higher Gauge Theory, slides by John Baez.
If you ever get close to a human
And human behaviour
Be ready to get confused
There’s definitely no logic
— Björk Human, Behaviour
The Architecture and Ambition of Craigslist, really worth the look.
The business card and the garden smuggler, plain lovely.
1 million downloads for One-Click Ruby Installer, by Curt Hibbs. Awesome!