Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Efficient Top-Down Computation Of Queries Under The Well-Founded Semantics, by Weidong Chen, Terrance Swift, and David S. Warren.
bddbddb stands for BDD-Based Deductive DataBase. It is an implementation of Datalog, a declarative programming language similar to Prolog for talking about relations.
Matz, the Khaki Pugilist, the inventor of Ruby enters the ring! The Japanese are weird. :-) Summary of the event.
Bullet time is a concept introduced in recent films and computer games whereby the passage of time is displayed as extremely slow or frozen moments in order to allow a viewer to observe imperceptibly fast events (such as flying bullets). It is often used to create a dramatic effect, as in the film The Matrix.
Die Evapedia ist eine deutschsprachige Internet-Enzyklopädie nach Machart der Wikipedia zum Anime Neon Genesis Evangelion.
No one had slept
No one had eaten
Our bodies were bad
Our spirits were beaten
— Dan Bern, Rome
Haskell Equational Reasoning Assistant (HERA), an architecture that provides both a GUI level and a batch level Haskell rewrite engine inside a single tool. Whoa.
ICFP Programming Contest Scoreboard, “These are the final standings for the 2006 ICFP Programming Contest.”
On the cruelty of really teaching computing science, by E. W. Dijkstra.
Simple MapReduce in Ruby using Rinda. “My goal is twofold: first, to learn to write algorithms in distributed/parallel MapReduce style. Second, to see how simply these concepts can be expressed in Ruby.”
Hotel Room Nudes, NSFW but mostly art.
19sep is a blog on the Thailand 19 Sep 2006 Coup.
Tanks appear in Bangkok. Thailand calls state of emergency, live report of a citizen living there.
Mr. Neighborly’s Humble Little Ruby Book covers the Ruby language from the very basics of using puts to put naughty phrases on the screen all the way to serving up your favorite web page from WEBrick or connecting to your favorite web service. Looks great for newbies.
SWFROADS, a flash reimplementation of one of my favourite VGA games, SkyRoads.

The last place you hope to find the one that’s been there all the time
Sometimes, sometimes we can swim beyond the scenery
And the first place that’s on your mind
The first place you’d find each time
— Beth Orton, Paris Train
American Riverography at BLDG BLOG.
Shell Corner: Logeasy and Logez — Handling Log Files, for the hopeless scripters.
What is a Hacker?, by Bruce Schneier. Also, why cheating often isn’t.
jasonp’s Pile of Pi Programs and Peripheral Paraphernalia Page, “An Authentic Archive of Arithmetic Automata that Ascertain Archimedes’ vAlue (Annoying Alliteration, Ay?)” Among them some really small ones.