
Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)


Used to be the now gone bonfiglio/55693149.

Satan got you by the heel, there’s a bird’s nest in your hair.
Do you have any faith at all? Do you have any love to share?
— Bob Dylan, Dead Man, Dead Man

18:56 <Aria> Aria's #1 tech wishlist: Webmail written as a fastcgi with Ruby.
18:57 <chris2> Chris's #1 tech wishlist: AJAX SSH client :P
17:24 <lypanov> i'm cleverer than you could even imagine
17:24 <lypanov> ergo i win
17:24 <lypanov> (see, i even use ergo in normal conversation so i must be more cleverer)
Georgian Bay, Ontario - 5

Do you know where she’s hiding?
How long are we gonna be riding?
How long must I keep my eyes glued to the door?
Will there be any comfort here, Senor?
— Bob Dylan, Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power)