Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Writing an Interface Style Guide, by Jina Bolton at A List Apart. “Unfortunately, it’s also common that beautiful interfaces don’t stay beautiful. An interface’s design disintegration can be frustrating to deal with, especially for the designer and developer of that interface; it can be particularly frustrating for the designer and developer who can no longer access the site to fix the issues.”
Saving the Spark: Developing Creative Ideas, by Mark Boulton at A List Apart. “For most of us, ideas have to be squeezed out of us every day. To stand up to this challenge, you need to arm yourself with some good tools.”
Sorted Linear Hash Table is an expandable hash table data structure with fixed insertion cost. Two hash tables containing the same key-value pairs will have identical data traversal order, regardless of insertion order differences.
Wo-oh, hey-eh-hey
Oh ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah
Hey hey hey
Wo, hey hey hey
Wo-oh, hey hey hey, hey
— Bo Diddley, Wo Wow Hey Hey
oohEmbed is an oEmbed compatible provider of HTML embed codes for various web sites. Dumble, the del.icio.us-backed tumblelog now uses it. Great!
The expression lemma, by Ralf Lämmel and Ondrej Rypacek. “Algebraic data types and catamorphisms (folds) play a central role in functional programming as they allow programmers to define recursive data structures and operations on them uniformly by structural recursion. Likewise, in object-oriented (OO) programming, recursive hierarchies of object types with virtual methods play a central role for the same reason. There is a semantical correspondence between these two situations which we reveal and formalize categorically. To this end, we assume a coalgebraic model of OO programming with functional objects.”
In the day nothing matters
It’s the night time that flatters
In the night no control
— Laura Branigan, Self Control
Two American membership cards, a funny comparison by Chung-chieh Shan.
Yves Henri Donat Mathieu Saint Laurent, dead at 71. (Follow the links for some orbituraries.)
Floating prisons do exist, for instance, in Amsterdam. There, an illegal-immigrant detention center “sits on two concrete platforms, each in turn moored to large steel pilings,” moving up and down with the tides, like a building only temporarily docked on the edge of the city.
Chaos Computer Club fordert nach Telekom-Spitzelaffäre wirksamen Schutz vor Datenverbrechen, “Angesichts der immer weiter eskalierenden Enthüllungen über die Spitzelpraktiken der Telekom und anderer deutscher Großkonzerne fordert der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) eine grundlegende Neuordnung des Datenschutzes und eine Ächtung von Datenverbrechen in Deutschland.”