Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Sneaking Ruby Through Google App Engine (and Other Strictly Python Places), _why translates YARV bytecode to Python. WJW.
The Future of Newspeak, “Cadence has generously agreed to make Newspeak available as open source software under the Apache 2.0 license.” Gilad Bracha just doesn’t know when yet.
Does it take much of a man
To see a whole life go down
To look on the world
From a hole in the ground
Too late for your future
Like a horse thats gone lame
To lie in the gutter
And die with no name
— Bob Dylan, Only A Hobo
linenum→info is a service for code readers to share knowledge about softwares in source level. You can leave comments on the Web-based source code listings. I wonder how that works with updates?
Mu License, neat.
Moving to Unicode 5.1, Google: “For the first time, we found that Unicode was the most frequent encoding found on web pages, overtaking both ASCII and Western European encodings—and by coincidence, within 10 days of one another.” It’s about time.
Community: From Little Things, Big Things Grow, by George Oates at A List Apart. “Any community—online or off—must start slowly, and be nurtured. You cannot “just add community.””
Zebra Striping: Does it Really Help?, by Jessica Enders at A List Apart. “Many believe that zebra stripes aid the reader by guiding the eye along the row. However, despite being in use in both paper and electronic mediums for almost half a century, there is practically no evidence that it actually assists users in this way.”
When something interests us, we play around with it. Sometimes this yields a funny observation; sometimes it doesn’t, but that’s about all there is to it. Once in a while the cartoonist will find himself in a beam of light and angels will appear with a great idea, but not often. — Bill Watterson
An Under-Appreciated Fact: We Don’t Know How We Program, “So the next time someone in your organisation says something seemingly dumb about software process improvement, try explaining that software engineering has processes for everything except actually writing software.”
Pure JavaScript HTML Parser, by John Resig. Possibly useful.
Abstracting Control, by Olivier Danvy and Andrzej Filinski. “This article investigates an alternative formulation, exploiting the latent expressive power of the standard continuation-passing style (CPS) instead of introducing yet other new concepts.” This is the paper introducing shift/reset.
Prolog CHR – Prime Seive One Liner, CHR rock!