Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The mathematics of preservation and the future of urban ruins, “I don’t want to encourage more cars onto the roads,” New Scientist wrote, “but if topology and beauty mean anything to you, get out there and enjoy I-95/695 now. It may soon be too late.”
ML Module Mania: A Type-Safe, Separately Compiled, Extensible Interpreter, by Norman Ramsey. “To illustrate the utility of a powerful modules language, this paper presents the embedded interpreter Lua-ML. The interpreter combines extensibility and separate compilation without compromising type safety.”
Ruby Fools Copenhagen 2008 Slides: tuesday, wednesday. I recommend Ramaze by Michael ‘manveru’ Fellinger.
Tennessee, Tennessee
There ain’t no place I’d rather be
Baby won’t you carry me
Back to Tennessee
— Grateful Dead, Tennessee Jed
Strengthening the Ruby Ecosystem Part II: Merb, by Ezra Zygmuntowicz at the MountainWest Ruby Conference 2008.
Factor Parsing DSL, yay for PEGs.
Type Checking with Open Type Functions, by Tom Schrijvers, Simon Peyton-Jones, Manuel M. T. Chakravarty, and Martin Sulzmann. “We report on an extension of Haskell with open type-level functions and equality constraints that unifies earlier work on GADTs, functional dependencies, and associated types. The contribution of the paper is that we identify and characterise the key technical challenge of entailment checking; and we give a novel, decidable, sound, and complete algorithm to solve it, together with some practically-important variants. Our system is implemented in GHC, and is already in active use.”
Ahoi Polloi, nun kategorisiert.
Das Projekt DeinProgramm arbeitet an der Einführung von Programmieren als Basiskompetenz im Schulunterricht. Programmieren ist eine konstruktive und kreative Auseinandersetzung mit Mathematik und fördert besonders die Abstraktions- und Modellierungsfähigkeiten der Schülerinnen und Schüler, an denen es besonders deutschen Schülern oft fehlt, wie PISA 2000 zeigte. Scheint etwas eingeschlafen, würde aber wirklich nicht schaden.
Rails is moving from SVN to Git, very nice.
Ditz is a simple, light-weight distributed issue tracker designed to work with distributed version control systems like darcs and git. Ditz maintains an issue database file on disk, written in a line-based and human-editable format. This file is kept under version control, alongside project code. Changes in issue state is handled by version control like code change: included as part of a commit, merged with changes from other developers, conflict-resolved in the standard manner, etc.
“Bob” is a song and video by “Weird Al” Yankovic, from his 2003 album Poodle Hat, made up entirely of palindromes. “Bob” is performed in a style resembling Bob Dylan’s vocal delivery. The song’s video is a parody of Dylan’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues” segment of the film Dont Look Back.
Type Classes Without Types (PDF), by Ronald Garcia and Andrew Lumsdaine. “This paper describes and discusses a mechanism, inspired by Haskell type classes, for implementing generic functions in Scheme[…].”
Xoc, an Extension-Oriented Compiler, by Russ Cox, Tom Bergan, Austin Clements, Frans Kaashoek, and Eddie Kohler. Yay for metaprogramming C.
Mathematics of the Rubik’s cube (PDF), by W. D. Joyner. Gentle general introduction into group theory.
There is a road, no simple highway
Between the dawn and the dark of night
And if you go no one may follow
That path is for your steps alone
— Grateful Dead, Ripple
Erasmus is a research project directed by Peter Grogono and Brian Shearing. During the first phase, we are developing a programming language that uses communicating concurrent processes as its basic abstraction.
Irregular Webcomic! 1420, explaining Maxwell’s Equations.
The Alexander horned sphere is one of the most famous pathological examples in mathematics discovered in 1924 by J. W. Alexander. It is the particular embedding of a sphere in 3-dimensional Euclidean space obtained by removing a radial slice of a standard torus and attaching a new standard (punctured) torus to each side of the cut that interlocks with the new torus on the other side, then repeating the same construction ad infinitum on the new tori.