Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Growing old in the age of lead, “Maybe if you’d lived in a different house as a teenager, or your dorm room hadn’t had lead paint on the walls, you’d still have perfect vision at 93.”
Netscape Windows 3.1, the Firefox theme. Old times…
It’s half biology and half corrective surgery gone wrong
You’ll notice something funny if you hang around here for too
Long ago in some black hole before they had these pills to take it back
I’m half Jill
and half Jack
— The Dresden Dolls, Half Jack
The Worst Addiction of Them All, by Kurt Vonnegut: “If Western Civilization were a person, we would be directing it to the nearest meeting of War-Preparers Anonymous. We would be telling it to stand up before the meeting and say, “My name is Western Civilization. I am a compulsive war- preparer. I have lost everything I ever cared about. I should have come here long ago. I first hit bottom in World War I.” (1983)
How the Military Conquered the Natives of Subterranean Earth, another installment of Entropist, a scifi culture column by futurist design maven Geoff Manaugh at io9.
Pure Bigraphs: a Tutorial, draft of a book by Robin Milner.
On Our Desks 01, “[H]ere are some pics of the things – in various states of progress – that are being passed around the desks of Super Colossal currently.”
LuaJIT roadmap 2008, pretty amazing.
I want to give you it now
I want to give you some broken peices
Wanna give you it now
Hand in glove
— Pigface, Hips, Tits, Lips, Power!
LuaVlerq, using Lua to script Vlerq sounds pretty clever.