Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Größere Displays für EEE PC, sind zumindest mal geplant. Super!
let’s define our terms: what is a “social networking technology”?, danah boyd asks.
There was a swirling mass of water that lived in a quiet pond
It asked permission from its master to visit the lands beyond
And its master allowed it to fly
So the wind swept the whirlpool across the sky
— Meat Puppets, Whirlpool
Scooping the Loop Snooper, an elementary proof of the undecidability of the halting problem as a poem.
Project Fortress Code, a BSD licensed(!) reference implementation of the Fortress programming language.
Gradual Typing with Unification-based Inference (PDF), by Jeremy G. Siek and Manish Vachharajani. “This paper studies the combination of gradual typing and unification-based type inference, with the goal of developing a sys- tem that helps programmers increase the amount of static checking in their program. The key question in combining gradual typing and inference is how should the dynamic type of a gradual system interact with the type variables of an inference system.”
Someone who wasn’t related to anyone
Twisted the facts till the truth was apparent
And dished up a dollop of dubious doo-doo
That sparkled like something folks scrambled to swallow
— Meat Puppets, Sam
Developing an application with SimpleDb, by Alex Bosworth. Big fun, apparently. Sheesh.
spec-converter is a simple tool to convert test-unit or dust style tests to test/spec specs. It does not try to do a complete 100% translation, it just does the basic grunt work to make your job easier.