Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Rails Is A Ghetto, by Zed Shaw. Rant of the month.
Frame Not Included, delightful daily photolog.
I am painting my mistakes
Underneath your soft embrace
They’re all marching to Pretoria but my dear
The Colts are on TV
And I guess we’ll have to see
How it goes, how it is
In the Christian New Year
— Dan Bern, Trudy
Pipelines Using Fibers in Ruby 1.9, yay for delimited continuations (almost).
Jibbed is a LiveCD based on the NetBSD Operating System that works directly from a CD, without touching your hard drive.
Welcome to my ~/bin, Mark Dominus just put it online. Good talk as well.
Dinner For One, ein must-have an jedem Silvester. Reposted.
24C3: Hacker wünschen “guten Rutsch ins Jahr 1984”, auweia.
31.12.2002, und damit endet KDs Tag um Tag.
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll tak a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!
— Auld Lang Syne
The Greatest Contribution to Programming Languages would be better tools to make them, Jonathan Tran claims. Aah, all the time I spent writing pretty-printers.
2007 music wrap-up, by Jamie Zawinski.
Beach container mystery resolved, “The 27m container has been identified by the coastguard as a beer fermentation tank.” %-)
I hereby wish you a happy new year, unless you don’t want one, in which case I wish you a crappy new year instead. — Mark Dominus
Bluewall is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian SID and pkgsrc. It aims to create a complete pkgsrc-based GNU/Linux distribution.
Voltalinux, a Slackware-based distro using pkgsrc.
Slackware Linux with pkgsrc Packages, explained by Martti Kuparinen.