Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
More California E-Voting Reports Released; More Bad News, default passwords like “diebold” or “12345678” make these things not vote machines, but fraud machines.
What was it you wanted,
Could you say it again?
I’ll be back in a minute
You can get it together by then.
— Bob Dylan, What Was It You Wanted?
Sci Foo 2007 Gossip Liveblog, by Aaron Swartz. “Industry heavyweights O’Reilly, Google, and Nature come together to sponsor a science-focused version of O’Reilly’s runaway success FOO Camp, bringing together top people in the field to eat and gab and plot.”
His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork. — Mae West
Happy Birthday Roseanna Curie Katz!, and gratulations to the parents.
This wheel’s on fire,
Rolling down the road,
Best notify my next of kin,
This wheel shall explode!
— Bob Dylan, This Wheel’s On Fire
Grouping Symmetries, “What we seek is a set of basic algebraic rules that are true for all pattern-algebras; each different pattern algebra may have its own idiosyncratic rules, but hopefully we can find a basic set of underlying rules.”