Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Ostrava On Rails is the first Ruby On Rails conference in the Czech Republic, 22. and 23.06.2007.
Repetition, Generativity, and Patterns, I didn’t yet read this undated piece by Richard P. Gabriel.
Welcome to Dot-Com Bubble 2.0, Jeff Atwood says. I wonder when it pops.
Gotham Ruby Conference 2007, a full summary by Gregory Brown.
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall.
— 99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall
Belief and Technique for Modern Prose, a list of thirty “essentials.” To be printed out and hung on the wall.
Mit UProm.TV startet heute auf Astra der erste TV-2.0-Sender in Deutschland, dessen Programm sich ausschließlich aus von Zuschauern erstellten Inhalten zusammensetzt. Super Idee, hatte ich auch schon.
Boris Yeltsin, who oversaw the Soviet Union’s demise and became Russia’s first president, has died aged 76, the Kremlin says.
pen, a load balancer for “simple” tcp based protocols such as http or smtp. It allows several servers to appear as one to the outside and automatically detects servers that are down and distributes clients among the available servers. This gives high availability and scalable performance. Single line configuration!
Tomorrow’s New Yorker today, an evil trick discovered by Jason Kottke.
Der “Tag des deutschen Bieres” erinnert an den Geburtstag des Reinheitsgebotes am 23. April 1516. “Über 5.000 verschiedene Biermarken können auf dem deutschen Biermarkt verkostet werden – ganze 13,5 Jahre lang jeden Abend ein anderes Bier!” Na dann mal Prost!
Mursi Tribeswoman with iPod and AK-47, WJW.
Report-Back on BMC, by Bruce Barlett, featuring a slide with the lagrangian for the Standard Model. Damn.
Is This a Bad Idea?, why doesn’t Jim Weirich simply pass the descriptions as a second task parameter?
Hol mir ma’ ne Flasche Bier, Flasche Bier, Flasche Bier
Hol mir ma’ ne Flasche Bier, Flasche Bier sonst streik ich hier.
— Stefan Raab, Hol mir ma’ ne Flasche Bier
Kiddie Porn: The New McCarthyism, by sudogeek. “The ongoing high profile arrests for possession, distribution, and manufacture of child pornography in the US and Britain raise a number of troubling issues. It’s a object lesson in prosecutorial misconduct, political grandstanding, sensationalist press coverage, incompetent experts, and a politicized justice system.”
The Great Modern Glucose Poisoning Epidemic, by localroger. “There is about a one in three chance that you are seriously ill and don’t even know it. It’s not a disease caused by a pathogen but a chronic long-term poisoning that starts with your pancreas and nervous system.”
Quick list 9, at BLDG BLOG. Among these, UPS and left turns.