Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
highlight-tail.el draws a “tail” while writing, by smoothly changing background color. WJW!
Uh-Oh, He Went There, Giles Bowkett criticizes a Rails vs. Seaside comparison. Makes me wonder if the Seaside people get REST…
Maruku is a Markdown interpreter written in Ruby. This deserves more investigation.
Hey baby, what’s in your eyes?
Is that the diamonds from the mine?
What’s that laughing in your smile?
I don’t care, no, I don’t care
— The Rolling Stones, You Got The Silver
FlexiSheet is a multi-dimensional spreadsheet. Instead of the normal row/column layout (and different pages maybe) multi-dimensional tables have two, three, or even more dimensions that can be arranged and rearranged as you see fit, even on the fly. Lovely, and BSD-licensed!
Resampling: The New Statistics, by Julian L. Simon. PDFs online.
REBOL 3.0 Component Architecture, the REBOL core will stay closed source. I count it’s days.
Blahtex is a free software tool/library that translates TeX markup into MathML markup. It is also capable of generating PNG format images, using some external tools.
What A Credit Card’s First Digit Means, you learn something new everyday.
Ott is a tool for writing definitions of programming languages and calculi. It takes as input a definition of a language syntax and semantics, in a concise and readable ASCII notation that is close to what one would write in informal mathematics. It generates LaTeX to build a typeset version of the definition, and Coq, HOL, and Isabelle versions of the definition.
Paper Prototyping, by Shawn Medero at A List Apart. “With interfaces becoming more complex, and development schedules growing shorter the best prototyping tools may be simpler than you think.”
And I feel them drown my name
So easy to know and forget with this kiss
but i’m not afraid to go but is it all becouse of love?
— Jeff Buckley, Grace
Quick CSS Mockups with Photoshop, by Casper Voogt at A List Apart. Well, it’s okay for mockups, I guess.
The RubyForge Forum, introduced by Gregory Brown. “A few months I joined the RubyForge team to try to lighten Tom’s load a bit, and have been monitoring the support forum since then.”
Preferred number, how to pick magic numbers in engineering. ;-)
The “Reference” Implementation of ISO Schematron has been released now. Sounds like a bright future.