Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
ArrowLISP is an interpreter for a purely symbolic, side effect-free, lexically scoped dialect of LISP. It may be considered an implementation of pure LISP plus global definitions.
The inevitable destruction of the WS-Deathstar, DHH predicts. “The battle is far from over, but you, the viewer, are no longer in doubt which way its going to turn out.”
CEAN is the Comprehensive Erlang Archive Network.
I can’t fake it my love,
I need filling come on,
I need it louder than bombs
— Auf Der Maur, Taste You
More Haste, Less Speed, “The Complexity of Lazy Evaluation”, by Richard Bird, Geraint Jones and Oege de Moor. “We have shown, we believe for the first time, that lazy evaluation of functional programming languages is strictly more powerful than eager evaluation, as measured by the asymptotic complexity of evaluating certain programs.”
Avoid the loony Zune, “Yes, Microsoft’s new Zune digital music player is just plain dreadful.”
Tree of Life, featuring ~3,000 species, based on rRNA sequences.
How to structure large CSS files, helpful tips.
Indexing faster than Ferret with some algorithmic help (an order of magnitude faster than Lucene? can’t be), mfp: “I’ve realized that my initial performance comparisons were flawed because the index included neither the text nor the term vectors.”
Line me up in single file
with all your grievances
stare but I can taste
you’re still alive below the waste
ripples come and ripples go
and ripple back to me
— Tori Amos, Pandora’s Aquarium
How Telescopes Really Work and What You Can See Through Them, “One of the frustrating things about astronomy is that what you can see with an amateur telescope from your back yard in a well lit city is quite different from what you can see from the wilderness with a telescope the size of a truck.”