Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Functional Pearls: A Poor Man’s Concurrency Monad, by Koen Claessen. Very good one.
World’s Largest Superconducting Magnet Up and Running, neato.
Add graphics to your blog, book, or presentation, Kathy Sierra tells how to.
A Timeline of Timelines, worth alone for the metaness.
The sun scrapes away the first layers of the day
Nothing is meant; this is a beautiful accident
This could be the sunrise, or I could be wrong
‘cause sometimes what looks like the sunrise
Turns out to be an atom bomb
— The Flaming Lips, One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning
Why do people live in cities?, “Someone I was talking to – no I can’t tell you who – claims that the answer is to enjoy casual or anonymous sex.”
Icon Facts, the icon format of the BeOS clone Haiku could be useful for other purposes, too.
Pinprick, the Gruber Theory of Software Pricing, in a nutshell: “Don’t underprice your software in an attempt to appeal to cheapskates.”
Beneath the Metadata, Some Philosophical Problems with Folksonomy. by Elaine Peterson.
Wahlausschuss in Cottbus ignoriert die Tatsachen, “Der Wahlprüfungsausschuss von Cottbus hat in seiner heutigen Sitzung der Stadtverordnetenversammlung von Cottbus einstimmig empfohlen, den Einspruch gegen die Oberbürgermeisterwahl vom 22. Oktober 2006 abzulehnen.” Amerikanische Verhältnisse…
Thunderbolts and nightsticks
Coming out of the sky
Flames overhead
Rain until you cry
— Dead Moon, Dead Moon Night
Montezuma Benchmarking, yay is Ferret fast.
WM-Sponge Fußball-Bob, und was man damit noch machen kann.
Adventures in architectural development, “The Angolan government is paying a consortium of Chinese companies $1.9 billion to completely reconstruct the tracks, the bridges, the stations, the equipment, all shattered by a quarter-century of warfare and neglect.”