Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Waiting for Godot, neat hack!
FastRI 0.1.1: not only faster, also smarter than ri, yum.
Elderly harmonica player arrested for performing copyrighted songs at bar, WJW. :-(
CDR 3: Revisiting CONCATENATE-SEQUENCE, by Christophe Rhodes. “While doing work to support user-extensible sequences, it was discovered that the ANSI CL standard forbids integration of certain functions with not only user-extensible sequences but also implementation extensions of sequence. Irrespective of the future of user-extensible sequences, we argue that the restriction on implementations imposed by the wording adopted is too stringent, and propose an alternative.”
Crimson flames tied through my years
Rollin high and mighty trapped
Countless violent flaming roads
Using ideas as my map
— Bob Dylan, My Back Pages
LuaJIT, a Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua.
Logowiki, a Wiki capable of running Logo.
Bill Gates lobt China, “Sie sind noch nicht am Ziel, aber sie wissen, dass ihr Patentsystem und die Durchsetzung des Copyrights ihnen einen Netto-Vorteil verschafft, weil China eine innovative Volkswirtschaft ist.” Ich möchte kotzen.
Patching Ruby (PDF), Euruko slides of Kornelius Kalnbach.
Diffusion-based method for producing density-equalizing maps, by Michael T. Gastner, and M. E. J. Newman. Nifty algo for making maps.
How not to Pitch To Y Combinator, by Damien Katz. “Anyway I was just contemplating how damn funny it was me trying to explain this thing to Paul Graham and company.”
Ruby-lang.org is becoming truly international, Curt Hibbs says: “As of this morning, the Spanish version just went live! We already had English, Japanese, and Korean version online.”
JRuby’s killer feature, according to Curt Hibbs: “JRuby’s killer feature is its brilliant integration with Java code. Ruby code can call Java code (and vice versa) and Ruby classes can inherit from Java classes.”
I will keep falling as long as I live,
Ah, without ending,
And I will remember the place that is now,
That has ended before the beginning …
— The Byrds, Fifth Dimension
Getting Started with WSGI, by Jason R. Briggs. “[I]f you’re a low-level person who prefers to bolt on utilities and modules to keep your development effort as free of constraint as possible, WSGI will hold considerable attraction.”
Is a Democratically Controlled Congress Good for Tech America? , Jeremy Jones wonders.