Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
GM-C: A Graph Categorical Multi-Combinator Machine, by Martin A. Musicante and Rafael D. Lins. “Semantic elegance, referential transparency, and expressive power are some of the important features which make lazy functional languages an interesting alternative to solve the problems of programming known as the software crisis.”
Haskell music, by Alex McLean. Live music hacking rocks.
Vectorizing with vDSP and vecLib, sounds like a great tool.
Musterklage, das wird ein Spass: “Internet-Zugangsprovider müssen dynamisch zugewiesene IP-Adressen nach Verbindungsende unverzüglich löschen. […] Damit ist T-Online (jetzt: Deutsche Telekom AG) rechtskräftig verurteilt, die Speicherung von IP-Adressen zu unterlassen. [..] T-Online befolgt das Urteil nicht freiwillig auch für andere Kunden. Andere Kunden müssen daher klagen, um ihr Recht durchzusetzen. [..] Die Pflicht zur Löschung von IP-Adressen gilt nicht nur in flat-Tarifen, sondern in allen Tarifen. Sie gilt ebenfalls für andere Zugangsprovider als T-Online. Alle Betroffenen können also klagen.”
Fly to a dream
Far across the sea
All the burdens gone
Open the chest once more
Dark chest of wonders
— Nightwish, Dark Chest Of Wonders
Introduction to Quartz, “Quartz is at the center of all graphics in Cocoa. It provides basic graphics data structures and drawing routines, as well Mac OS X’s window server.”
This beginner-level tutorial introduces basic Cocoa graphics concepts: rectangles, points, colors, and coordinate systems.
An AJAX Erlang Jukebox, from the LShift guys.
Subsequent Thoughts on Concurrency, mentions Orc.
LuaCore, a simple Cocoa wrapper for Lua 5.1.
A waste of time
If you don’t believe
Can’t decide to
Hit the ground
— Deftones, Combat
HTTP Header Linking, draft RFC for encoding metadata in HTTP headers.
Franz Japan Lisp Seminar, and it’s free!
Generating docs for Vlerq. Interesting ideas.
Beyond Search is REAP, a model I like: Retrieve, Extract, Arrange, Present.
Even though it is highly against DuckTyping, people tend to use case on classes, and Symbol < String often cause serious problems. I found several of these even in the standard distribution libraries. That encouraged me to remove String from Symbol’s superclass. — Matz, ruby-core:9452
Voting Booths and Polling Places, “Tomorrow is midterm election day in the U.S., and William Drenttel, of Design Observer and the Winterhouse Institute, wants you to capture those events on film.”