Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Arrows, like Monads, are Monoids, by Chris Heunen and Bart Jacobs.
Out of the loop, Damien Katz on C++ and the STL. (Blame C++ for its uglyness, not the STL…)
We shall overcome, we shall overcome
We shall overcome someday
Here in my heart, I do believe
We shall overcome someday
— Pete Seeger, We Shall Overcome
Seitz 6x17 Digital, 160 million pixel(!) camera.
Sleeping with Cannibals, be careful!
Ten Most Used BitTorrent Sites Compared, I didn’t even know the half of them.
Love at First Byte, a short biography of Donald E. Knuth. Features a picture with his organ.
Thingamablog is a cross-platform, standalone blogging application that makes authoring and publishing your weblogs almost effortless. Unlike most blogging solutions, Thingamablog does NOT require a third-party blogging host, a cgi/php enabled web host, or a MySQL database. In fact, all you need to setup, and manage, a blog with Thingamablog is FTP, SFTP, or network access to a web server. A Nukumi2 for ordinary people? ;-)
Chaos Computer Club: Gesetzentwurf gefährdet die Computersicherheit, “Der Gesetzentwurf wird die Arbeitsgrundlagen von Sicherheitsberatern und Netzwerkexperten unter Strafe stellen. Bereits der Besitz und die Verbreitung von Werkzeugen zur Netzwerkanalyse und zur Aufdeckung von Sicherheitslöchern in Rechnersystemen sollen strafbar werden.” Ich glaub es hackt.
You can fire me, but you can’t stop me working!, a rehash of the Graphing Calculator story.
There’s a wall of pride high and wide,
Can’t see over to the other side
It’s such a sad thing to see beauty decay,
It’s sadder still to feel your heart turn away
— Bob Dylan, Cold Irons Bound
SimpleConsole is a tiny framework to get console applications developed quickly. It might be overkill for scripts, but is pretty useful for some applications.
The Least Surprised #14: So…, very good one. I have nothing to add.