Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Transterpreter is a small (2000 lines of code), portable (strict ANSI C), open-source runtime for a growing family of massively concurrent programming languages, including Occam.
Programming Languages & Perl, A Meditation on Perl’s Place in the Programming World. By Dave Cross. Good talk.
I’m gonna give you every inch of my love,
Gonna give you my love.
Yeah! All right! Let’s go!
— Led Zeppelin, Whole Lotta Love
Typisch deutsche Annäherung an Weblogs, Nico Lumma über einen PC-Welt Artikel: “Jetzt liesst auch noch der Chef mit, wer weiss, was der dazu sagt. Ob der andere Meinungen toleriert? Bin ich gefeuert, wenn ich etwas sage, was er nicht mag? Muß ich ihn immer und ewig lobpreisen?”
Scheme and Functional Programming 2006, in Portland OR, affiliated with ICFP 2006. Schedule with links to papers.
Poincaré Project, “I am currently working through the mathematics required to understand the Poincaré Conjecture and the possible solution recently proposed. I want to blog my journey and I’m starting out summarising the basic foundations of pure mathematics necessary to get to the conjecture-specific parts.” Should be fairly understandable.
IronPython 1.0 released today!, worth a mention. “My initial motivation for the project was to understand all of the reports that I read on the web claiming that the Common Language Runtime (CLR) was a terrible platform for Python and other dynamic languages.”
Why We Bought Kiko.com, the Tucows guys explain.
:symbol.is_a? String, at least in Ruby 1.9. Probably a good choice.
I’m touched with desire
What don’t I do?
Through flame and through fire
I’ll build my world around you
— Bob Dylan, Beyond The Horizon
Three Reasons to Port to Perl 6 now, by Mark Stosberg.
Container Home Kit, livin’ in a box.
8 Iraq War Hours, what a monetary unit.
6 Ways To Organize: Your Mail Application, by Glenn Wolsey.