Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Praxisbuch Objektorientierung, von Bernhard Lahres und Gregor Raýman. Das Buch ist aufgabenorientiert, bietet Beispiele in den Sprachen C++, Java, Ruby, und C# sowie ein Kapitel zur aspektorientierten Programmierung. Volltext online.
Pluto zählt nicht mehr als Planet, schade schade.
Understanding CSS Specificity, “Specificity can be tricky. Well, tricky to say the word, anyways.”
CDR 1: The CLOS Metaobject Protocol, by Gregor Kiczales, Jim des Rivières, Daniel G. Bobrow. “We provide the detailed specification of a metaobject protocol for CLOS.”
armstrong on software, Joe Armstrong’s new blog, “mainly about Erlang, also about programming, cats and anything else that takes my fancy.”
Don’t know how to sleep on my own
‘Cause all of my dreams are of you
I just don’t know what to do on my own
All of my thoughts are of you
All of my thoughts are of you
— Spiritualized, All Of My Thoughts
Declarative Networking: Language, Execution and Optimization by Boon Thau Loo, Tyson Condie, Minos Garofalakis, David A. Gay, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Petros Maniatis, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Timothy Roscoe and Ion Stoica.
Fedora on a Stick, by Chris Tyler. Good idea.
Differential Synchronization, by Neil Fraser. Keeping two ore more copies of the same document synchronized with each other in real-time is a complex challenge. This paper describes a technique which uses differential synchronization. This technique features fault-tollerence and freedom of movement for the users.
Have you ever thought you were having a Bad Day…, WJW.
Pope sacks astronomer over evolution debate, you wouldn’t think he is that stupid.
The XSLDataGrid: XSLT Rocks Ajax, by Lindsey Simon. “This article will outline a datagrid component powered by XSLT and JavaScript that aims to achieve easy setup, high performance, and minimum dependence.”
Robot Boat, how cute.
Ruby, Rails, Test::Rails Cheat Sheet, by topfunky. Upper third useful for plain Rubyists too.
Sh is a library that acts as a language embedded in C++, allowing you to program GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) and CPUs for graphical and general-purpose computations in novel ways.
The imaginary girl, a very nice Flickr group.
rubyonrails-security@googlegroups.com, new list for security annoucements for Ruby on Rails.
Cop shoot cop
I believe
I believe that I have been reborn
Cop shoot cop
I haven’t got the time no more
— Spiritualized, Cop Shoot Cop…
Is Hef really having a better time at the Playboy Mansion than you are at home?, “The “party” at Hef’s place suddenly seemed more like a silly adult version of Disneyland than something vital and enticing.”
BLDGBLOG Moves to Los Angeles, city of tar pits and the porn industry, Joshua trees and desert gardens, Scientology and cinema – and so on.
The Most Important C++ Software… Ever, chosen by Scott Meyers. Compilers and important libraries.