Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
OLS 2006 Keynote: Myths, Lies and Truths about the Linux kernel, by Greg Kroah-Hartmann. Good read.
multilog reads a sequence of lines from stdin and appends selected lines to any number of logs.
relayfs is just a bunch of per-cpu kernel buffers that can be efficiently written into from kernel code. These buffers are represented as files which can be mmap’ed and directly read from in user space. The purpose of this setup is to provide the simplest possible mechanism allowing potentially large amounts of data to be logged in the kernel and ‘relayed’ to user space.
Der erste “Computerclub-zwei” ist produziert, die Herren Back und Rudolph haben sich zusammengesetzt und einen Podcast gemacht. Hoffentlich bleibt uns das erhalten.
Some of my friends are gone forever
Paled into the light
Things I wish I could have said
As they passed into the night
I miss you
Don’t speak ill of the dead
— Dead Moon, Ill Of The Dead
A Technical History of Apple’s Operating Systems, comprehensive chapter by Amit Singh.
Time for Contextual Tagging?, Dan Zambonini wants a tagging onthology. Forget it.
Building Your Own Sweat Lodge, by mybostinks. “A sweat lodge originally was a sacred place. It was built by a Native American medicine man for healing purposes. It was used to cure all types of illnesses from physical illnesses to mental illnesses.”
I Wonder What This Button Does, by Mike West at A List Apart. On using a version control system.
Designing Through the Storm, by Walter Stevenson at A List Apart. “It’s hard to be critical of your own work when you have your nose to the grindstone.”
On Ruby, Tim Bray summarizes his experiences. Overall pretty positive.
Socialtext Releases First Commercial Open Source Wiki, licensed under the Mozilla Public License 1.1. This is great news. More from a developer.
I could hear rebellion rising
I could feel the stars aligning
I could see the wave rising
But I never did seem to find my way back home
— Beth Orton, Absinthe
Continuous partial attention describes how many of us use our attention today. It is different from multi-tasking. Linda Stone started a Wiki about it.
fundable.org implements a great idea: pooling money until a certain limit is reached, and then the money is shared among the receivers.
N-ectomy, twist your brain with this wordgame.
Nikolai’s UTF-8 Lib is All Ready, gotta check this out.
Energy plants, funny.
Chuang Tse’s Fish, a koan.
Yhc Core (v2), translating Haskell to less Haskell but still Haskell is an awesome idea.
A Laboratory For Teaching Object-Oriented Thinking, by Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham. OOPSLA 1989 paper on CRC cards.
Refactoring to REST, a bit Rails centric, but useful in general.
Streamlined is scaffolding on steroids.
RubyConf 2006 speakers, “The following talks will be presented at RubyConf 2006, October 20-22. They’re listed here in alphabetical order; a full schedule will be published during the summer.”