Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
What Jeff Killed, a look-at-what-my-cat-kills blog. Goreful and bloody.
Introductory physics: The new scholasticism, by Sanjoy Mahajan and David W. Hogg. “Most introductory physics textbooks neglect air resistance in situations where an astute student can observe that it dominates the dynamics.” … “Shouldn’t a physics textbook teach correct physics?”
1 kleiner songtext, linke Kinderlieder, wie süß. :-)
Interview with Curtis ‘Ovid’ Poe, at The Perl Review. He also talks about Class::CGI (which sounds fantastic, really).
Certification: Test Your Knowledge of A+ Essentials Topics, I got “only” 62% correct. (It’s time they use forms and a javascript to evaluate it…)
My spiked collar shall be for frontlets between mine eyes
And they shall be for rocket launchers on my doorposts and upon my gates:
That ye may remember & not go meekly to the slaughter
I am wearing the yellow star
— Dan Bern, Yellow Star
A type-correct, stack-safe, provably correct, expression compiler in Epigram, sounds very cool.
Free and Open Source Software at the United Nations, by David Boswell. “The United Nations is aware of the importance of including technology development as part of a larger effort to bridge this global digital divide.”
FrkyFrkyBox’n ][, _why tells more about sandboxing and Ruby interna.
The Dune Sea, some of “the largest sand waves in the world” are… in the San Francisco Bay!
What is a Saros?, “So, if a solar eclipse has just taken place, then to a good approximation, we can expect another eclipse exactly one saros later.”
I can tell, the wind is risin’,
the leaves tremblin’ on the tree,
tremblin’ on the tree
— Robert Johnson, Hell Hound On My Trail
Cheaper alternative to Binding.of_caller, Mauricio shows the neat trick with passing parameters to textual eval by use of lambda.
Why Can’t Database Tables Index Themselves?, a very good question.
50 albums that changed music , eighth place is Bob Dylan’s Bringing it All Back Home.