Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Educational Python Environment Squeak/Python, apparently Mark Shuttleworth wants Guido van Rossum to build a Squeak-like environment for Python, with help of Alan Kay.
Cobra vs Mongoose translates XML to and from Ruby Hash objects, following the BadgerFish convention. Nice to see that Paul Battley coded exactly what I want.
Moscow ML is a light-weight implementation of Standard ML (SML), a strict functional language widely used in teaching and research.
Wikipedia³ is a conversion of the English Wikipedia into RDF. It’s a monthly updated dataset containing around 47 million triples. Whoa!
Geek to Live: Take great notes, features some nice conventions.
What makes programming so fun?, Gary King wonders. I think it’s the feeling when something finally works…
Deutschland im Herbst…, ein Gedicht von Jörg Kantel. Ausdrucken!
Virtual Machine Design 2003, English slides by Antero Taivalsaari.
XML Automaton, Tim Bray on his 1996 XML Processor Lark. Good story.
It’s been… seven days without a word.
I have to keep you and Paris on my mind,
I have to keep you and Paris on my mind.
— Dido, Paris
Tag des Deutschen Bieres, Prost!
Common Lisp FAQ, this is a highly pre-alpha version of what we hope will become the canonical Common Lisp FAQ.
Benefits of Quitting Lemonodor. It’s worse with Anarchaia, I tell you. Or do you know by now already?
Underground Anew, hoodwink.d for life.
On adopting the SQLite (non)license for Pugs. Splits me, somehow: One side says, “it’s not copyleft”; the other: “it’s a good thing.”
Eddie Vedder: Addicted to Rock, Pearl Jam’s leader on the difference between surfing and crowd surfing, and the best advice Bob Dylan gave him. (A good advice…)
Putting REST on Rails, by Dan Kubb. “I set out to develop the RESTful Rails plugin that would make REST applications easier to create in Rails.”
If you don’t understand interpreters, you can still write programs; you can even be a competent programmer. But you can’t be a master. — D.P. Friedman, M. Wand, T. Hayne, Essentials of Programming Languages
Open Source Physical Objects: Limor Fried and her x0xb0x Synthesizer, a conversation between hacker/artist Limor Fried (“Lady Ada”) and Joi Ito with Phil Torrone of Make Magazine.
Developing a “Diebspiel”, Julius Plenz analyzes a pyramid scheme.
Recursive video in Second Life, WJW.
Present Continuous, Future Perfect, speech by Larry Wall at OSDC::Israel::2006. Must read for every curious programmer.
You know, take Lisp. You know, it’s the most beautiful language in the world. At least up until Haskell came along. — Larry Wall
tt is an implementation of the constructive and predicative theory of dependent types (also known as Martin-Löf type theory) in the programing language C.
“Down with Lambda-Lifting”, by Eric Meijer. Sounds like a good idea.
Google Summer of Code at Ruby Central, featuring a list of project ideas.
Python seeks mentors and students for Google Summer of Code, by Guido van Rossum.
From Weblog to CMS with WordPress, by John McCreesh. Personally, I’d prefer Textpattern over WordPress for that purpose, I guess…
Spamming Badgers, by davorg. Kinda unfortunate example. ;-)
Artistic License 2.0 public review, “The goal of the license update is to preserve Larry Wall’s original intent, while making the meaning clearer both to lawyers and to users.”
Refactoring Everything, Day 9, by chromatic. Also: Day 7, Day 8.
A More Accessible Map, by Seth Duffey on A List Apart. “For a visually impaired web user, these highly visual maps are essentially useless.” Really good example.
Community Creators, Secure Your Code!, by Niklas Bivald on A List Apart. Secure, but don’t hide…
Everyware: Always Crashing in the Same Car by Adam Greenfield on A List Apart. “A List Apart is pleased to present the conclusion of Everyware: The dawning age of ubiquitous computing.”
Initiative, OMG. John Gruber: “Last week I left my full-time job at Joyent, for the sole reason so that I can write Daring Fireball as a full-time job.” Nuts, but nice.
Tiny Music Makers: Pt 3: The THX Sound, “The score consists of a C program of about 20,000 lines of code.” (Didn’t csound already exist?)
Park Place is Sure Glossy in Trunk, I wonder when the Amazon lawyers come?
TimeCert is a new service for timestamping content. TimeCert will give you the timestamp for when someone first referenced a given digest.
Shared Find Clipboard on OSX, didn’t know of that one. A real kill-buffer would be even better… ;-)
Nice Ruby Idiom, discovered by Bob Hutchinson. I never thought of using def in a rescue clause…
Upcoming talks by Avi Bryant on Smalltalk, Seaside and DabbleDb. The OSCON session really sounds good.
Descriptive and Relative Completeness of Logics for Higher-Order Functions, by Martin Berger, Nobuko Yoshida and Kohei Honda.
I done my traveling
I done my traveling
From now on, it’s just gambling,
That I’ll be doing here
Be doing here
— Dan Bern, Cowboy
Ruby 1.8.1 nodes, listed and documented by ko1.
Amazing Abilities of Damien Katz: “One ability actually: leaving work early.”
Secret Soviet Submarine Base, looks just like you imagine it.
Psh. Whatever!, Steve Yegge says: “How the hell do I write stuff? It just comes out, like poop, and the result is usually nearly indistinguishable.” No comment.
S4 and Partial Evaluation, S4 sounds like a nifty calculus worth studying, but what if the compiler runs at runtime anyway? ;-)
TRUGhat 2006:1, Austin Ziegler announces TRUGhat, the Toronto Ruby User’s Group hackathon.
David L. Ulin , interview at Archinect. “In his book, The Myth of Solid Ground, David Ulin looks at what earthquakes might mean, from a cultural standpoint – including what scientific, or pseudo-scientific, techniques now hope to predict future seismic catastrophe.”
r10000!, gratulations to the Pugs developers for reaching 10k commits.
The library of airplanes, creative recycling of Boeings. Very cool.
Writing Domain Specific Languages, by Jamis Buck. “[T]he trick to writing DSL’s in Ruby is really knowing what you can and can’t do with Ruby’s metaprogramming features.” Nice overview of the techniques.
Canada on Rails Wrap-up, by Nathaniel S. H. Brown. “[T]here is a DVD in the works that will be released within the next 3 months or so.”
Canada on Rails slides, collected by Jonathan Weiss.