Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
European Common Lisp Meeting 2006 will take place in Hamburg, on April 29/30. Interesting topics they have.
How do I configure Adium for Google Talk?, great thing that is now possible and makes sense.
Imitation is the Saddest Form of Flattery, Dave Thomas on their way of publishing.
Wo warst du im Krieg?
Weißt du, was ich meine?
Du warst auf der Suche,
ich war auf der Flucht.
— Ton Steine Scherben, Jenseits von Eden
Python Web Application Deployment Frustrations, Jeremy Jones. He should have used Rails, of course. *smirk*
Test::Unit::XML Quick Start Tutorial, I wonder how that compares to the DOM-based comparision utils Rails provides.
Gore blasts Bush for ‘dangerous breach’, transcript of a speech given on January 16th.
High Tech Elevators, Low Tech Solutions, by Thomas Crampton. Why does “low tech” have a bad taste, somehow?
Programming a compiler with a proof assistant, sounds like a cool idea.
Camping is a Microframework written by why the lucky stiff. Could be exactly what I needed last week…
Marcel’s Linux App of the Month: Workrave, by Marcel Gagné. “This handy little program sits quietly in the background as you work. Then, at some regularly programmed intervals, it pops up a gentle reminder to take a break.”
Ruby Design Patterns — Observer, by Caleb Tennis. Finally a useful pattern.
It’s the memory of your warmth
That keeps me alive
When I’m burning
And my world’s closing in
— Antony And The Johnsons, Blue Angel
Penn, PADL, POPL, and Plan-X, Philip Wadler on various confrences the last days. Interestingly contradicts the post below.
Naughty Dog and the fundamental turn towards concurrency, Joel Reymont on how game development languages (will) change. He goes Erlang now and revives Uptick.