Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Approaching functional programming from a procedural mindset, Slava Pestov actually debunks Elliotte Rusty Harold’s post on the Ruby Array class.
Exceptional syntax by Nick Benton and Andrew Kennedy. A nice paper apropos of tail calls and exceptions, via LtU.
Daywood Academy is a M/W/F homeschooling webcomic. Be sure to start at the first post if you don’t get it.
Git 1.0.0 released, “The name “1.0.0” ought to mean a significant milestone, but actually it is not.”
Emacs mode for git by Alexandre Julliard. Gotta check that out.
X11R7.0 is an Open Source version of the X Window System that supports Linux and Solaris on Intel and other platforms.
Guide to Goa, Goa is like an oasis in India.
Jeder zweite Deutsche glaubt an Schöpfergott, armes Deutschland. Wann werden unsere Biobücher geändert?
Mutantenerdbeere, WJW.
Einstein Explains the Equivalence of Energy and Matter, listen to Albert Einstein explain his famous formula.
And so may, we make time
Try to find somebody else
This place is mine
— Interpol, C’mere
Xyle scope is an Innovative CSS Tool for Analysis, Debugging, and Fine-tuning. Is there something like that for Firefox?
Inside NetBSD’s CGD an interview with Roland Dowdeswell by Federico Biancuzzi. A Crypto-Graphic Disk surely sounds useful.
JSON and the Dynamic Script Tag: Easy, XML-less Web Services for JavaScript by Jason Levitt. A clever alternative to XMLHttpRequest.
If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies. — Albert Einstein
The Cafe Question by Nitesh Dhanjani is a good question.
A Timely Start, Jean-Louis Leroy compares the performance of scripts in perl and ksh with suprising results.
He whistles and he runs so hold him fast
Breathe the burn, you want to let it last
He might succumb to what you haven’t seen
He has a keen eye for what you used to be
— Interpol, A Time To Be So Small
Try Ruby is Done, Makes HTML Now, nifty addition, _why.
Why conservatives hate MP3 players by Clive Thompson. Of course, one can overdo.
The Hidden Ruby Community by James Britt. “[…], but the reality is that there are good numbers of people actively interested in Ruby, but unaware or indifferent to certain public forums and currents.”
Poly/ML is a full implementation of Standard ML available as open-source. With a cute parrot as mascot.
Guido at Google, matz somehow would have been more cool, no? ;)