
Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)


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I don’t want this anger that’s burning in me
It’s something from which it’s so hard to be free
But none of the tears that we cry in sorrow or rage
Can make any difference, or turn back the page
— David Gilmour, Murder

19:20 <jix> meine parabel interpretertion: while time < 45min;fluche laut(naja ok nicht wirklich laut ^^) rumm, das der text scheiße ist und eh fürn arsch ist;end;while time < end_time;schreibe schrott;end
19:21 <jix> ich hab ne 1 bekommen ^^

To pretend the death penalty is going to end crime in the United States is to fool people, to promote public ignorance. — Rudolph W. Giuliani

The hammer that I once brung down now hovers over me.
Cast a shadow across, onto me.
— Pearl Jam, Dead Man
