Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Dr. Batman to the rescue, Norwegian naming laws relaxed a bit on January 1, 2003 but it is still a rarity when someone adopts Batman as their legal name.
NIL Considered Harmful by Drew McDermott. “The point is that nil is over-overloaded in Common Lisp.”
Cassette Jam ‘05, a lot of them!
Lord, I’m broke, I’m hungry, ragged and dirty too,
Broke and hungry, ragged and dirty too.
If I clean up, sweet momma, can I stay all night with you?
— Bob Dylan, Ragged & Dirty
Ajax: beware of crap, Ajax is not rocket science, but needs a minimum of understanding on how HTTP, HTML and the DOM work to do things cleanly.
Emacs Tagging by Conrad Barski. “Now you can harness the power of del.icio.us-style tagging to organize your notes/programs/whatever directly from EMACS using my nifty new EMACS mode!” Nifty idea.
Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project, a new book by Karl Fogel. “Producing Open Source Software is a book about the human side of open source development.”
Just Plain Atheist by Hanna Jarvinen. “Saying “I don’t believe in supernatural entities but I’m still a Christian” is an oxymoron (stress on the moron).”
Franz and Macsyma, Bill Clementson writes: “I hadn’t realized that the early history of Franz had been also intimately tied to Macsyma.” Neither did I, this is very interesting.
ChangingMinds.org, the largest site in the world on all aspects of how we change one another’s minds.
Nexenta OS: Debian based GNU/Solaris, I’d rather see Debian GNU/kNetBSD see more attraction, but this sounds interesting too.
Final result for the FreeBSD logo design competition, just ugly!
Inertia is Mike Austin’s long term research and prototyping projects based on user interfaces. Implementations have been written in C++, Io, and now Dylan.
Der Kindergarten des Tages in Kurzfassung, danke Jörg.
Graphviz: Why draw when you can code?, an introduction by Christopher Roach.
Shell Corner: Reading Function and Cursor Keys in a Shell Script, by Chris F.A. Johnson. Makes me sentimental.
If you can read this: You are rich, Thomas Crampton says. If you are really rich, you don’t understand what he’s talking about, however.
What would you put in the ultimate Base Class?, Dan Zambonini asks. (And has no clue.)
She looked at me, begin to smile,
Said, “Hey, hey, man, can’t you wait a little while?”
No, no, babe, I got blood in my eyes for you,
No, no, babe, I got blood in my eyes for you.
Got blood in my eyes for you, babe,
I don’t care what in the world you do.
— Bob Dylan, Blood In My Eyes
Sony, Rootkits and Digital Rights Management Gone Too Far, your fault to allow this.
Falling below the fold, blogging too much about WoW makes your blog fall off the Technorati Top-100. Too bad. :-P
Movable Type, Jack from Tumbletumble gets a prize for the first “real” tumblelog based on non-Ruby blogware.
Love stinks, Ruby on win32 is fun.
Smalltalk case-statement, good example of how blocks faciliate sub-languages.