Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Phrack Final Released, “As long as there is technology, there will be hackers. As long as there are hackers, there will be PHRACK magazine. We look forward to the next 20 years.”
IE 7.0 Technical Changes Leave Web Developers, Users in the Lurch by Paul Thurrott. “My advice is simple: Boycott IE. It’s a cancer on the Web that must be stopped.” Full ACK!
Nighttime’s our security
The stars watch us like guardian angels
Takes these letters from an old sign
Now you’ve got your initials
— Pretty Girls Make Graves, Holy Names
Freedom Toaster, burn as free, as free as the source flows. Great idea for people with a slow line.
National IDs and gravestones by Joi Ito. I was puzzled about the title at first, but there is no actual relation. :-)
Harbin Ice and Snow World 2005, wow, exactly the right thing to look at in the summer.
I said, ‘Let’s get married,’ And she said, ‘Why, who’d have us?’” — Best Short Stories, Impersonal
Causal Nets on LtU. “The network approach to computation is more direct and “physical” than the one based on some specific computing devices (like Turing machines).”
Colonoscopy Report by Misterfixit. Icky, but actually good to know.
Linux on iBook G4 12” 1,2 GHz, Alessandro Ronchi provides extensive configuration for Gentoo, but most things seem distribution-independent.
My data is my life, and I won’t keep it in a strongbox that someone else has the keys for. — Cory Doctorow
Apple to add Trusted Computing to the new kernel? Cory Doctorow doesn’t like the idea at all, and neither do I.
Mighty Mouse features the revolutionary Scroll Ball that lets you move anywhere inside a document, without lifting a finger.
OSCON 1.2: Law for Geeks by Geoff Broadwell. “Lawrence Rosen’s Law for Geeks is more an extended Q&A than a tutorial, but it’s entertaining and informative nonetheless.”
Blogging Tools and their features on simpl(e)y done. He wants a blog like an iPod.
Separating conjoined twins by rabbitfoot, and lots of ethic questions arising.
Hanabi are japanese fireworks. Joi Ito has a small movie too. Crazy.
How To Present at OSCON the Conway Way, Derek J. Balling on Conway’s “classic” Presentation Aikido.