Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks by E. F. Codd.
I don’t know that atheists should be considered citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God. — George Bush Sr. (GFY, man!)
OLAP by example. Cubes and hypercubes are interesting ways to think about RDBMS.
Schützen 2005 Countdown, five days to go! Great pic, too.

Sculpting the Land at Design Indaba.
Déjà vu, Danny Ayers found out that Winer’s new outliner is more or less Gopher! I can see clearly now.
How many engineers does it take to open a DVD package?, doesn’t Marc Hedlund have fingernails?
Do you need to carry a keychain so intense that a ninja assassin might enjoy using it on a mission? — Robert Daeley
Zen Pockets Empty Thoughts, or Do Zen Monk Robes Have Pockets?
USB Floppy Disk Striped Raid Under OS X, that’s exactly what I needed!
Interesting Google Satellite Maps, think of it as armchair sightseeing, now with 836 destinations.
Eisfair, the easy internet server.
Iota and Jot: the simplest languages? I’d express the binary number of the Jot program as unary, so you’d need only one symbol. :-)
Built-in Type Safety? by Thomas Guest for the C++ Source.
Gnomedex morning highlights, RSS, Atom, yada-yada.
Picking out the hardware for my MythTV box by Matthew Gast.
heisse news, guckt euch nur mal das Logo an! Geil.
I walk this road, with a hammer and a fiery lantern
With this hand I’ve built, and with this I’ve burned
I wanna live in the same house, beneath the same roof
Sleep in the same bed, search for the same proof
As Leah
— Bruce Springsteen, Leah
The Paumanok Review is a quarterly Internet literary magazine dedicated to promoting and publishing the best in contemporary art, music, and literature. Damn fine done.
Nine for Lisp, yeah that many Lisp project got accepted for SoC. And Florian Groß will help doing a Ruby.NET, by the way.