Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
A Tale of Two Editors by Peter H. Salus.
Video Captures Police Handcuffing 5-Year-Old Girl.
19:12 <eTM> chris: wenn sich jetzt noch mal 24 Päpste den namen Benedikt geben haben wir "Benedikt XL"
19:12 <chris2> LOL
19:13 <chris2> wann gibts XXL?
19:13 <eTM> chris: schade das Benedikt XML nicht möglich ist
19:13 <chris2> LOL
Solving Sudoku, a very good reference.
The FORTRAN pilot project is an effort of the Museum’s Software Collection Committee to develop expertise in the collection, preservation, and presentation of historic software.
15:05 <flori> pythoness or pyhtonissa is not a female python programmer, but a witch
15:06 <flori> this warning was brought to you by matthew hopkins, witchfinder general.
A joke The Fat Man just thought up. Uh oh.
Deploying Rails at RedHanded.
Borland open sources JBuilder.
Why do you program in C++?, Scott Meyers asks.
C++ creator upbeat on its future, I’m not.
Hard Drive Cooling for 10 Cents. Plus a fan…